Second Try Idol

Chapter 169: Joy (6)

Chapter 169: Joy (6)

The election was officially underway. For many, this was a golden opportunity to shine, and I had anticipated to see a fierce competition with numerous candidates stepping forward, including Goh Yoo-Joon.

Surprisingly, that wasn't the case. Goh Yoo-Joon was the sole contender for the title. At first, I was taken aback, wondering why. But soon, the realization dawned on me. They didn’t really need the limelight in this place.

They were here mainly to relive their school days, not to shoulder the burden of prominence, except for a few like me, Goh Yoo-Joon, and On Ki-Hoon. With the month ahead promising fun and memory-making, it was understandable that none of them would seek the additional responsibility of being the class president.

As a result, the class president election morphed into a session where Goh Yoo-Joon outlined his plans and commitments for leading our class for the month. “Thank you all so very much!" he exclaimed, standing confidently at the podium, with his hands clasped and swaying side to side, almost as if he was buttering up the students. “It's all thanks to you that I have the chance to be your class president."

“Isn't this just a walkover?" Jeong Hee-Su and Yoo Joon-Hwan snickered among themselves. Overhearing them, I couldn't suppress a grin. Indeed, Goh Yoo-Joon was behaving as if he had won an electoral seat, despite facing no opposition.

“Now that I'm the class president, for the upcoming month..." Goh Yoo-Joon started his speech with enthusiasm. Kun-Ho, who was seated beside the podium, looked on with a content smile, clearly pleased with Goh Yoo-Joon's initiative to get more screen time.

But then, a thought struck me. What about my own screen time? The director's words that entrusted us with the task of captivating the audience echoed in my mind. Since arriving at the school, had I done anything noteworthy?

‘This won't do.’ Goh Yoo-Joon was out there, actively making his mark, and here I was, sitting silently. I couldn't let the production team down, nor could I afford to be seen as merely coasting along. Otherwise, the production team would be disappointed in me.

Determined to make a move, I pondered, 'What should I do? What can I do to stand out?' Memories of how our group Chronos had captivated audiences during various year-end performances at the artists’ seats[1]came to my mind.

I pulled out a notebook from my desk drawer, one that I had received that morning along with my textbooks, and started to write boldly with a highlighter pen.

[The Unbeatable Class President Goh Yoo-Joon]

Shoot, my attempt at humor fell flat, turning into nothing more than bland flattery. It hit me then that wit was essential even in such trivial attempts at humor. I hesitated, debating whether to start over, but I ultimately set the highlighter aside. No matter how hard I tried, coming up with something genuinely amusing seemed beyond my grasp.

I then decided to go with whatever I wrote on the paper. With a sigh, I lifted it above my head, allowing Goh Yoo-Joon to see it, and resumed listening to him.

As he noticed my action, his gaze shifted to me with a mix of surprise and amusement. “I will play the latest hit songs during lunchtime... Pfft!" He couldn't help but laugh upon seeing my sign, drawing the attention of the entire class to me.

‘What's the big deal?’ I stood my ground as they probably saw me as just another comedic figure, akin to the character from “Red Riding Hood Cha Cha.” But it was all about capturing those precious moments on camera, to be seen and remembered.

Despite my unswayed display, the class quickly returned their focus to Goh Yoo-Joon, their laughter subsiding. “Ah, seriously... Anyway, I promise to do my best. I'm counting on your support!" Goh Yoo-Joon concluded, his words met with warm applause. After that, he bowed gracefully and returned to his seat next to me, snatching the notebook to take a closer look.

“The Unbeatable Class President Goh Yoo-Joon, huh? Ahahaha! What were you thinking that you wrote something like this? Ah, Suh Hyun-Woo, you've got no game," he teased, half-amused, half-exasperated.

“Just admit that you are thankful for the support, Goh Yoo-Joon.”

“Thankful? Not in the slightest. This is going straight to the group chat. Prepare for some serious ribbing.”

“Ah, why?”

Goh Yoo-Joon tore off the written part and carefully folded the notebook before handing it back.

Kun-Ho then took the stage once more. "I hope Yoo-Joon will lead our class well until graduation. Remember, it's lunchtime when the bell rings.”

“Yes!" we all chorused in unison.

“We will be having lunch in the classroom today. The staff outside will assist with the serving, so please enjoy your meal. From the fifth period onward, we will have individual sessions to reflect on our day. The remaining time is dedicated to self-study."


After that, Kun-Ho exited the classroom, seemingly more inclined to gather his screen time from a vantage point outside and keep an eye on the classroom dynamics.

Shortly after, the bell echoed through the halls.

“Wowwww! It's finally lunchtime!"

At the sound of the bell, students bolted out of their seats and dashed like a horde of hungry monsters eager for their meals.

“..." Witnessing this frenzied rush after such a long time left me quite astonished.

“Aren't we going too?" Yoo Joon-Hwan asked, his voice laced with anticipation. Beside him, Jeong Hee-Su seemed ready to join the fray, both of them naturally aligning with our group.

Goh Yoo-Joon, however, was nonchalant. “No rush. Let's avoid the hustle and take our time."

“Sounds good."

“What is the menu today?”

Jeong Hee-Su then stood up and looked out of the corridor. “Can you believe it? Tteok-galbi[2] is on the menu today!"

“Seriously? But won't everything be gone by the time we get there?"

“Don't worry, the teachers will ensure everyone gets their share."

Though they seemed a bit anxious, they trusted Goh Yoo-Joon's words. I too, driven by curiosity, stood up to check out the lunch menu, wondering what had made them so worked up. As I did, both Jeong Hee-Su and Yoo Joon-Hwan watched me with surprise.

“Look at Suh Hyun-Woo, even you are curious about the lunch menu."


“I never thought of you as the type to fuss over meals."

“Yeah, I figured you were more the indifferent type when it comes to food."

“And what about me?" Goh Yoo-Joon chimed in, a hint of curiosity in his tone.

Jeong Hee-Su couldn't help but chuckle at the question. “Well, you are a different story. Unless you keep quiet, maybe."

“Hey, any illusions about him will vanish the moment he speaks!”

While Goh Yoo-Joon and Jeong Hee-Su shared a laugh, I seized the moment to add my thoughts. “I was just curious if the school's lunch would be anything special since we are filming at the moment. And it looks like the menu really is different from the usual."

“Right, the menu does seem more upscale." It was clear they were a bit uncomfortable with me as their reactions to my comments and actions were somewhat exaggerated.

Once the line wasn’t that packed anymore, we brought our trays over to the four desks we'd pushed together.

Our lunch included irreplaceable side dishes like chive salad and kimchi, complemented by spinach, tteok-galbi, seaweed soup, and black rice[3].

Typically, that would be the extent of the menu, but today we were treated to soft tofu and even yogurt for dessert, both clearly product placements[4].

As I was opening the soft tofu, a voice caught me off guard. “Mind if I join you guys?"

“Huh?" I was startled and turned to find On Ki-Hoon standing behind Goh Yoo-Joon with a tray, a friendly smile on his face.

“Let’s eat together, guys,” On Ki-Hoon said.

Goh Yoo-Joon gave a quick glance around, noting that other students seemed engrossed in their own meals, paying us no mind.

After a brief silence, Goh Yoo-Joon made room by sliding his tray over. I followed suit, making space for one more. “Here, take a seat."

“Thanks a bunch."

On Ki-Hoon greeted us warmly as he settled down with his tray, his presence adding a new dynamic to our group. I had assumed he was closer with the other kids, but it seemed that it wasn't the case.

The addition of On Ki-Hoon to our table introduced a slight awkwardness, but it was nothing we couldn't handle. Plus, as class president, it was Goh Yoo-Joon's role to be inclusive, especially toward anyone who might feel left out.

We continued our meal amidst this new arrangement, though the easy banter from before was somewhat subdued.


After lunch, we promptly brushed our teeth and made our way to the field for a special project. It was time for the music video shoot for “Joy.” We weren't filming immediately, but we had obtained special permission from the Graduating team before today.

Upon reaching the field, the Chronos team's stylists swiftly stripped us of our jackets and vests, each piece emblazoned with the emblem of our cherished school. I wore a sleek black cardigan, while Goh Yoo-Joon was left in a simple, crisp shirt.

“Are we all set to go?"


Our ever-diligent manager handed over a compact camcorder to us. I eagerly took it, powering it on without a moment's delay. After that, I turned the lens toward Goh Yoo-Joon and started capturing his every move. With a natural flair, he flashed playful V-signs at the camcorder and started a casual banter with me.

“I wonder how this footage will be woven into the music video. It's quite thrilling to think about."

“I know right? But I have a feeling our fans will instantly recognize it as it was shot right here at the school."

Since we knew our voices wouldn't make the final cut, we felt free to say whatever crossed our minds, focusing solely on encapsulating the joy of the moment.

[Members capturing each other in their school uniforms using a camcorder]

This was the directive given by the music video director, aiming to infuse a genuine slice of our school life into the project. Jin-Sung and Yoon-Chan must have their turn with the camcorder after school hours, while Joo-Han had a separate part scheduled for him.

The director's vision was to encapsulate the essence of our school days, with each of us wearing different uniforms from various schools, which led us to secure the Graduating team's approval for our shoot here.

“We need to amp up the energy!" Seemingly dissatisfied with our simple walk-and-shoot approach, one of the stylists called out for more vibrancy in our actions.

“Right, let's do this!"

Spurred by her words, we immediately joined hands. However, I tried to keep my focus on Goh Yoo-Joon through the camcorder's lens.

“Let's kick things off."

“Sure thing."

Hand in hand, we started spinning around, our laughter echoing through the air.


“Whoa, this is dizzying!"

After a whirlwind of spins, I passed the camcorder to Goh Yoo-Joon, and we launched into a playful game of tag. Our antics were a stark contrast to the chilly winter air of the field. It was during these shenanigans that we caught the gaze of some students peeking out from the windows, an unexpectedly amusing audience to our impromptu performance.


The fifth period brought about our much-anticipated interview session with the teacher, which, in reality, was a candid sit-down with the director. Jeong Hee-Su and Yoo Joon-Hwan seemed to stiffen up as it was their first time facing the camera head-on. They felt as if the weight of the moment settled on their shoulders.

The director initiated the conversation with a simple yet open-ended question.

- How did today go?

“It was an absolute blast, wasn't it?"

“Yes, the day was filled with genuine fun. It felt just like a real school."

- And what stood out the most for you?

“Honestly, it's hard to pick just one moment. The whole experience of returning to school, coupled with the warmth and kindness of everyone here, felt like a journey back to the happier chapters of our past."

"Yeah, it's as if we've returned to our school days, but only the good times have followed us here, leaving behind any of the struggles."

Both Jeong Hee-Su and Yoo Joon-Hwan had made the tough decision to leave school due to intense bullying and violence in their second year of high school. However, despite their initial reservations and the negative memories associated with school, today's experiences had them animatedly sharing their stories.

- Did you manage to create any new friends?

“Definitely! With Yoo-Joon and Hyun-Woo."

“At first, their celebrity status seemed a bit intimidating, but they turned out to be incredibly friendly and welcoming."

- Could you share a bit more about your new friends, Yoo-Joon and Hyun-Woo? What are they like?

"Those two..." Yoo Joon-Hwan paused for a moment before carefully choosing his words. “They share a remarkably close bond."

“Absolutely... There's something special about their friendship. Yoo-Joon is genuinely kind-hearted and brings so much joy. And Hyun-Woo? He is quite the character." Jeong Hee-Su couldn't help but let out a laugh, reminiscing about Hyun-Woo's animated display of writing “The Unbeatable Class President Goh Yoo-Joon” in his notebook.

“Yeah, Hyun-Woo's got this unique vibe, you know? Both of them are just fascinating. Watching them, you'd think, 'Ah, so that's why they are friends.' They seem to have their own code of humor."

- Did you see them on the field during lunch?

“Oh yes, that was hilarious. I still can't figure out what they were up to."

The two burst into laughter. Goh Yoo-Joon and Suh Hyun-Woo had indeed ventured out to the field during lunchtime. When the other students looked down from the classroom window, they were curious as the two were holding hands, spinning around in circles with peals of laughter. After a while, it seemed to end, but then they started a game of tag.

Their seamless interaction, as if they had done this countless times before, made it clear to the spectators that they were just enjoying each other's company, the hallmark of true friendship.

“Yes, exactly."

“Anyway, they are really great guys. We are hoping to get to know them better, maybe even hang out together at internet cafes or snack bars later on."

Both hoped that this particular scene would make it onto the broadcast.

1. The events like this let the artists, who are not performing at the moment, sit in front of the stage and watch others’ performances as the audience. ☜

2. Korean grilled short rib patties. This was my favorite menu at school back in Korea too! ☜

3. Dang seaweed soup!!! My all-time favorite. ☜

4. The practice of intentionally showcasing brand products or services within various media content, such as movies, TV shows, music videos, or online content, as a form of indirect advertising or commercial endorsement. ☜


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