Second Try Idol

Chapter 167: Joy (4)

Chapter 167: Joy (4)

‘If I were to go back to school, what is something I'd definitely want to try?’

I racked my brain but couldn't think of anything specific.

“Of course, there's always something," Goh Yoo-Joon interjected with certainty, his pen flying across the paper. I saw that he wished to hit an internet cafe with friends after school. Ah, back then, our practice schedules didn’t allow us to do so.

“Come on, jot something down quick. We are going to be late," said Goh Yoo-Joon.

“Huh? Oh, right, just a sec." Prodded by Goh Yoo-Joon's gentle push, I delved back into the depths of my memory, searching for those unfulfilled school day desires.

After being lost in thought, I was jolted back to reality by Goh Yoo-Joon's reminder. “We've got less than a minute till the bell."

His constant nudges started to distract me. Ah well, it didn't really matter. I could just write down any small wish, like going to an internet cafe after school.

I scribbled down my response in a hurry: Visiting a friend's house for a hangout.

The moment we handed our papers back to the director, the school bell echoed through the corridors.

Ding-dong, ding-dong~

“Ah, run!"

“What? Oh!"

Pushed along by Goh Yoo-Joon, I found myself dashing into the school. Only once we were safely inside did he allow himself to breathe properly, his laughter ringing in the air.

This guy… I couldn't help but chide him with a click of my tongue. “...We are already late. Might as well take it easy."

“Okay, fine.”

When I paused to think about it, Memory High likely didn't have a disciplinary committee to chase after latecomers. After all, the teachers usually arrived right around assembly time. Despite knowing this, we still ran like hell. The instinctive run at the sound of the bell showed how deeply ingrained our school habits were.

We proceeded down the corridor in silence, making our way to Classroom number one: the designated shooting location.

“It looks like we are the last ones to arrive. Get ready for all eyes on us."

“Goh Yoo-Joon, do the honors and open the door."

“Got it."

I assigned Goh Yoo-Joon the task of opening the door and took a step back, still somewhat apprehensive about facing a room full of students.

Drrr tak!

Goh Yoo-Joon swung the door wide open with confidence. As we had anticipated, the gaze of every student in the room immediately shifted toward us. Perhaps it was the novelty of the first encounter, but their stares felt particularly intense, almost reminiscent of that daunting feeling on the first day of high school.

But then…

“...Whoa." Whispers of awe rippled through the classroom.

“They're actual celebrities..."

The writer's assurance of “there will be no problematic students” echoed in my mind, but the reactions were purely out of genuine intrigue at seeing celebrities in their midst.

We scanned the room and made our way inside, looking for a place to sit.

“Damn, they are fucking good-looking..."

“Are they even real?"

I flinched slightly. It had been a while since I'd encountered such raw admiration, laced with expletives. Feeling slightly taken aback, we settled into the second-to-last row, the only seats available.

“Hello.” Goh Yoo-Joon offered a quiet greeting to the students seated behind us.

Ah, right, greetings. I followed suit, turning around to offer my own polite hello. “Hi there."

The students behind us were startled for a bit before they returned our greeting with awkward waves.

“Hello! You are from Chronos, right? That's so cool.”

“Hi. Wow... unbelievable."

We responded with bashful smiles. Their pure yet expletive-filled expressions of awe left us feeling strangely out of place.

The students behind us seemed to have formed a bond with us. Well, they said that the first people you greeted would become your friends, and I had a feeling we'd be sticking with these two throughout the shoot.

After exchanging brief pleasantries, I turned back to face the front, surveying the room.

Among the students, some appeared nonchalant, casting casual glances around, while in the front row sat the rookie actor On Ki-Hoon, whom we'd been told would be joining us.

Overall, the room was filled with typical students one might encounter in any school. Then…


The door opened again to reveal a face so familiar it was almost shocking. He peeked in with a grin and asked, “Is this Classroom One?"

‘Dang, this is crazy.’ My heart skipped a beat as this was surreal. Kun-Ho, a part of our agency family and a significant musical influence on me, stood at the doorway. He was dressed impeccably in a suit and stepped into the classroom with a large box in hand.

The students paused for a moment in awe just like me before erupting into collective cheers.

“Wow, it's Kun-Ho!"

“That's insane, for real."

“Damn, fucking handsome."

Even Kun-Ho couldn't help but twitch at the unfiltered exclamation, though he quickly settled into an amiable grin and assumed his position at the teacher's desk. “Ah, let's keep the language clean, especially in front of a teacher. And let's not forget that this is being recorded for broadcast, so try to keep the swearing to a minimum, shall we?"

While I sat there, somewhat starstruck and unable to muster a word, Kun-Ho glanced at Goh Yoo-Joon and me and then nodded approvingly as if to say “well done” before turning his attention back to the class. “Let me introduce myself. My name is Kun-Ho, and I've been entrusted with the role of homeroom teacher for Memory High's first-year, Class One."

“Whoaaa!” As he etched his name onto the chalkboard, the classroom erupted into an uproar of cheers and applause, a testament to his popularity.

“I notice we have some students here who are accustomed to calling me 'senior.’"

With that remark, all eyes momentarily shifted toward us, sparking a wave of whispers and nudges.

“In this classroom, I'd prefer if you addressed me as 'teacher.'"

“Yes, Teacher," we echoed, a chorus of agreement rippling through the room. Indeed, if the senior requested to be addressed as 'teacher,' it was only respectful to comply.

There was a distinct difference between Kun-Ho and Yeong-Yee, though both were revered seniors. Yeong-Yee exuded an aura of transcendence, belonging to a genre all on her own, but Kun-Ho felt like a senior whom we deeply respected within our shared profession.

To be honest, it was Kun-Ho who inspired a more instinctive sense of awe and nervousness in me.

“Would it be okay if I speak informally to you guys as a teacher?" Kun-Ho proposed, breaking the ice further.

“Yes, of course!"

“Then, I will speak casually. Since we are all meeting for the first time, how about we kick things off with some introductions?"

Despite having stepped back from variety shows before joining YMM Entertainment, Kun-Ho's ease in leading the class was undeniable. He smoothly transitioned into having each student introduce themselves, starting from the front row and working his way through the classroom.

“Hello, umm… I'm Lee Seong-Min... currently studying for my GED... yeah."

“Nicely done! Let's give him a round of applause! Next, please."

“Ah…” The student whom Kun-Ho pointed to stood up a bit awkwardly.

“I'm, I mean... Hi, I'm Kim Ho-Joon. I'm juggling my GED and a part-time delivery job right now."

One by one, each student managed to share a bit about themselves despite their initial hesitation before taking their seat again.

“Now, who's next?"

At Kun-Ho's prompt, rookie actor On Ki-Hoon stood up confidently. “Hi everyone, I'm On Ki-Hoon, a newcomer in the acting world."

Ki-Hoon's debut timeline closely paralleled ours, yet his public recognition was still in its early stages, evident in the students' reactions. Unlike their immediate recognition of us or Kun-Ho, they seemed to only realize that On Ki-Hoon was a celebrity after his self-introduction.

Nevertheless, On Ki-Hoon pressed on. “I've successfully passed my GED, and I'm pouring my efforts into achieving my goals. It might be a bit awkward at first, but I'm eager to get along with all of you. Nice to meet you all."

“Great job! A round of applause for him!"

The classroom erupted into applause once more. On Ki-Hoon then grinned and returned to his seat, evidently more adept at self-introductions than some of the other students.

Then, it was my turn. Kun-Ho offered me an encouraging nod, a gesture that seemed to convey a touch more support than he'd given the others. As I felt the weight of the room's gaze, I took a deep breath to steady my nerves before speaking up.

“Hi, I'm Suh Hyun-Woo. It's been some time since I've been in a class with peers my age, so I'm feeling a bit jittery. I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you!"

“Let’s give him…”


Before Kun-Ho could even cue the applause, the classroom burst into enthusiastic clapping. It was a warm welcome that filled the room with positive energy.

I nodded in gratitude and took my seat, feeling the warmth of their reception. It seemed the students weren't necessarily fans of Chronos, but perhaps their familiarity stemmed from seeing us frequently on TV.

Right after me, it was Goh Yoo-Joon's turn. He stood up with a confident air, ready to share a bit about himself with the class. “Hey everyone, I'm Goh Yoo-Joon! It feels like an eternity since I've been in a classroom, so you can imagine how thrilled I am. I'm hoping we can create a treasure trove of happy memories together before we all graduate. Looking forward to getting along with all of you."

“Waaaah!” His introduction was met with a wave of enthusiastic applause, mirroring the warm reception I had received. It was noticeable, though, how people seemed to shy away from meeting Goh Yoo-Joon's intense gaze directly. His presence was undeniably impactful in this room.

As the round of introductions continued, we learned that the names of the two friends seated right behind us were Yoo Joon-Hwan and Jeong Hee-Su. Once everyone had their turn, Kun-Ho took a moment to glance at the clock.

“Good job everyone in introducing yourself. It’s already the first block. Umm… Well, looks like we're officially in session," Kun-Ho remarked, moving on to outline the day's schedule. He detailed the upcoming lessons, handed out textbooks, and provided guidance akin to what one might expect from a seasoned educator on the inaugural day of a school.

“Also, a quick heads-up for everyone," he added, “the school canteen is off-limits for us, as it's reserved for the regular students. But don't worry. We've set up a special snack bar just for Memory High folks. It’s right outside the main gate, so feel free to drop by there."

“There is a canteen? Fucking… Oh, no! That’s so awesome!” The news of the exclusive snack bar instantly buzzed through the classroom, breaking the calm that had settled during the informational segment. Excitement bubbled up among the students at the thought of this unique amenity.

“And don't stress too much about the classes here," Kun-Ho continued, his tone reassuring. “The primary aim of Memory High is to forge lasting memories, so I'm eager to see you all bonding and interacting freely with one another. Plus, there's something special I'd like to share."

With that, he lifted the hefty box he had brought in earlier. “Inside here are the responses you wrote down upon arriving today. Throughout your time here, you will find that the director from the adjacent class will occasionally present you with missions. The opportunities for you to make those cherished memories are here, so I trust you will approach them with earnestness."

“Okay!” The atmosphere was charged with a sense of anticipation.

“We will be holding elections for class president during the fourth period today. Those of you eyeing the position, now is your chance to shine and show your classmates why you are the right choice."

Kun-Ho concluded his overview and encouraged everyone to use the remaining time of the first period to get acquainted with each other. He then stepped out of the classroom, leaving behind a buzz of chatter and laughter.

As soon as he left, Goh Yoo-Joon swiveled around, eager to engage Yoo Joon-Hwan and Jeong Hee-Su in conversation. The ice was already breaking, and the classroom was quickly becoming a lively hub of budding friendships.


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