Second Try Idol

Chapter 163: End-of-Year Stage (33)

Chapter 163: End-of-Year Stage (33)

I didn’t know for sure, but some said that the Allure members had gone all out cheering for us during the last SES year-end performance. Apparently, even the Perfume (the name of Allure's fan club) went overboard in their support for us, to the point they might've been a tad embarrassed by their own fervor.

After receiving such an enthusiastic response from our seniors, how could we not reciprocate? So, we joined in the fun too.

“Hyung, 'milky skin' is a phrase I haven't seen in ages. You are rocking it."

“Are you teasing me? Is 'milky skin' considered old-fashioned now?"

“Yep." Goh Yoo-Joon couldn't help but snicker at the phrase Joo-Han had on his phone. The screen was lit up with the neon words 'Milky skin, Kim Da-Win'.

Besides that, there were the cheesy slogans and Allure lightsticks that the staff whipped up again. Our gear was pretty much the same as what the Perfume had in the opposite stands.

"I wonder if the hyungs can see us from here,” I pondered out loud while fastening a headband around my forehead that read “Sae-Yeon, you are a poison in my heart that makes me nonstop loving you. - By your favorite stylist noona.”

Yoon-Chan, who had been holding onto a slogan like it was his lifeline, glanced toward the stage and nodded. “Yeah, they can see us. Caught a glimpse earlier, and we seemed pretty visible, hyung."

“Good to know." I touched the headband on my forehead and let out a hollow laugh. Seriously, how much fanboying did the Allure members do that we even ended up with headbands? The constant laughter from the Rings watching us was proof of their amusement.

“I think our staff went a bit overboard with the prep?" As I voiced my thoughts, Jin-Sung shook his head.

“Nope, hyung. I heard Senior Tucan went as far as sticking tissues under his eyes to mimic tears."

“...Spectacular, no, really, it's touching."

‘What in the world, hyungs...’

It crossed my mind that even the Perfume might think it was a bit much. Just then, Joo-Han got us all to quiet down with a wave. “It's about to start."

The hall went dark. Soon, the sound of a ship's bell filled the air.

As Allure's stage was underway, we grabbed our lightsticks with the resolve of warriors stepping onto a battlefield, our expressions so intense that the cameras zoomed in on us right away. From the first part to the second, the third, and then the climax, we shook our lightsticks until our arms ached, dancing and cheering our hearts out.

Honestly, we weren’t doing this just because they were our direct seniors, and this wasn't just lip service. They genuinely killed it. Their vocals were spot-on, and they totally nailed the dance breaks. Could this be the legendary performance of the awards? I couldn't be prouder of them. What started as obligatory cheering turned into genuine support, filling us with pride.

By the end of Allure's performance, we were gasping for breath too. The Allure members gave us a thumbs-up as they left the stage.

Then it was time for our stage, the finale of the first part.

“Don't fall for him.”

We rolled into our performance with this teaser for our next album. "History" and "Parade" then unfolded one after the other, as the stage bloomed with pastel flowers, swirling petals, and a host of trainees and dancers.

By the time UNET's performance came around, YMM had spent all the budget on the two teams' year-end stages, so there were no grand structures. Instead, the performance focused on maximizing the dance and visual effects of the members. The intense dance and live vocals left us breathless, but more than feeling exhausted, I was relieved, thinking, 'Ah, the year-end performances are finally over. We survived.'

It had been a grueling period for all the members, with sleepless nights and injuries.

The first part ended without a hitch. Even after we winded down in the dressing room and headed back into the venue, the broadcast staff we passed by kept giving us these smiles.

“What did we do?" Jin-Sung murmured with a puzzled look. No one had an answer to his question, myself included, since I was clueless about the reason behind their mysterious smiles.

Why were they all acting like that? Walking down the corridor while lost in thought, I suddenly remembered the lineup for the awards ceremony’s second part. The second part was all about the awards, including the Rookie of the Year award, for which we were nominees. The award would be presented soon... and the expressions of the production team...

The moment I realized that, a sense of anticipation started to simmer in my mind.

‘Could it be that we are actually snagging an award tonight?’

UNET's award ceremonies always buzzed with controversies, so I didn’t let my hopes climb too high. However, no matter how many times I thought about it, hadn't Chronos been the darling of UNET ever since our triumphant win on Pick We Up?

A knowing smile similar to those on the faces of the production crew started to creep across my face.

“Who got you smiling like that, hyung?"

“Eh? Oh, nothing. Just spotted Goh Yoo-Joon's undone shoelace." I pointed toward Goh Yoo-Joon's shoe, trying to brush off the question, which only made him turn around and shoot me an annoyed look.

“Why bring that up only now? Seriously?"

“I just noticed it myself."

To be honest, I had spotted it earlier but had been too wrapped up in my thoughts to mention it. I said in a teasing tone, “Do you need help tying it?"

“That's alright. Your back has been acting up anyway." Goh Yoo-Joon crouched down to fix his shoelace with a bit of a grumble.

We made our way back into the venue and settled into our seats, waving hands at Rings who told us how impressed they were with our stages, while the screen played a few ads from the award sponsors.

Soon after, the energy in the room ramped up as the second part kicked off with an electrifying performance by High Tension.

- And now, we will present the Rookie of the Year Award. Please welcome the esteemed actors Yoon Sae-Yi and Woon Ji-Hyuk.

Immediately after the vibrant performance, the presentation for the Rookie of the Year Award appeared. The presenters, dressed to the nines in their elegant suits and gowns, engaged in stilted small talk. Then, they carefully avoided eye contact before turning their attention forward.

“Let's take a moment to meet the nominees of UNET Global Music Awards' Rookie of the Year."

As Yoon Sae-Yi announced, the stage lights dimmed, and the screen lit up, showcasing a montage of this year's contenders, with a brief spotlight on each nominee sitting in the artist section.

The lineup was formidable, featuring Chronos, High Tension, Street Center, and several other groups that had made a mark since their debut.

“Wow, the nominees this year are truly impressive."

“Indeed. It has been a year of hard work for everyone. If only we could award each one of you."

Woon Ji-Hyuk's remark elicited a mixed bag of reactions from the crowd, with some fans vocally opposing the idea of a shared award with shouts of “No way!” and “You've got to be kidding! After all the hard work?”

Caught off guard by the audience's passionate response, Woon Ji-Hyuk momentarily lost his composure before continuing, “And the most beloved rookie of the year goes to..."

My mouth felt dry, and a whirlwind of thoughts tormented me. The year's efforts, those mysterious looks from the crew, and the nagging doubt about why I hadn't anticipated this moment continually crossed my mind.

‘Ah, it's okay. Winning would be great, but it's not the end of the world if we don't.'

However, why was my throat so parched?

I tried to muster a casual smile, but it ended up more like a cringe. I simply looked at the presenters and heard the background noise disappear.

“Congratulations, Chronos." With Yoon Sae-Yi's calm declaration, our track “Parade” echoed through the venue, setting off a thunderous cheer from the Rings.

“Seriously? Is it really us? Did we actually win?"

UNET's Rookie of the Year wasn't just any award. It was the combination of digital sales and album success for both male and female categories, making it a singular, coveted prize.

Given it was UNET, people had expected the award to be given to powerhouse idol groups from major agencies. Thus, we probably looked a bit dazed to the onlookers as we hesitantly rose to accept the honor.

Once on stage, the three of us let Joo-Han and Goh Yoo-Joon take the lead with the microphone, stepping back to give them the floor.

“Two, three! Hello, we are Chronos!"



“Uh... thank you so, so much."

It had been a while since I'd seen Joo-Han look so utterly bewildered. “Wow... The Rookie of the Year... Oh, gosh... First off, a massive thank you to UNET Music Awards and everyone involved for giving us the chance to showcase our talents on such an incredible stage."

Joo-Han started off by expressing our gratitude toward UNET, listing all those who had been instrumental in our journey thus far.

As we watched him with mixed emotion, Goh Yoo-Joon chimed in, “And most importantly, to our delightful Rings who always support us despite our flaws and believe in us unconditionally... How can we ever repay such kindness? We are profoundly grateful for this significant award and love you all deeply."

We bowed deeply with our hearts full of gratitude, as we wrapped up our speech.

To be graced with the Rookie of the Year award—a once-in-a-lifetime honor for any artist—was a moment of immense pride and joy for us.

The evening continued with a flurry of awards and performances, leading up to the much-anticipated finale of the UNET Awards.

“Let's begin the countdown!"

All artists gathered on stage, joining in the countdown projected on the screen.

“Ten! Nine! Eight! Seven! Six! Five! Four! Three! Two! One!”

“Happy New Year!" The cheer and fireworks outburst filled the space. This was one of the most vibrant and exhilarating New Years I had ever experienced.

“For those artists who've just turned twenty[1] this year!"

Prompted by the MC's call, Goh Yoo-Joon and I shared our aspirations and wishes along with other newly adult artists.

“What's on your wishlist, Yoo-Joon?"

“I'd love to...” Goh Yoo-Joon placed his hand on my shoulder with a mischievous glint in his eye.

“I'm looking forward to having a drink with this guy right here!"

“Ah, sharing a drink with a friend upon coming of age, that's the spirit! And you, Hyun-Woo? What are you yearning for?"

“I'd like to..." After a brief pause, I found my words. “First off, I want to express my heartfelt thanks to my parents, and yes, I'm also down to share a drink with Yoo-Joon. We've got plans to make that happen tonight."

“Fantastic! I hope Chronos has a cozy and memorable start to the New Year."

With that, the MC gathered the thoughts of all the newly adult artists and concluded their part. “With a heavy heart, we bring the UNET Awards to a close. May everyone have a joyful and prosperous year ahead! Thank you for being with us."

And just like that, Chronos successfully rounded off our first end-of-year stage rotation.


Back in our dorm, Goh Yoo-Joon and I quickly washed up and gathered in the living room. Despite the exhaustion from the day's performances, none of us directly fell asleep, all eagerly awaiting Joo-Han and the manager's return from the convenience store.

Buzzing with the energy of a kid on Christmas morning, Goh Yoo-Joon was all smiles as he watched TV.

“Hey, wipe that goofy grin off your face. You look ridiculous."

“Aren't you excited at all?"

I shook my head, trying to maintain a serious demeanor. Excited? For what? It was not like it was my first day being an adult.

At that moment, Yoon-Chan and Jin-Sung emerged from their room, proudly brandishing something in their hands. Before me were two hand-drawn paper cards, complete with comical renditions of Goh Yoo-Joon and me, plus our names and ages.

“What's this all about?" I asked.

Yoon-Chan responded to my question, “Yoo-Joon hyung asked us to whip these up earlier."

I turned to Goh Yoo-Joon for clarification. “And what are these for, exactly?"

“These," Goh Yoo-Joon explained, "are for the commemorative video we are shooting later. It's for posting on BlueBird, but we can't show our real IDs. So, I had the younger ones craft these paper versions."

Ah, so they were mock IDs. Suppressing a chuckle, I took the paper ID from Jin-Sung's hand.

Just then, the sound of the door unlocking rang out, indicating the arrival of Joo-Han and the manager.

“Hey, we are back. Have you guys started filming yet?" Joo-Han asked with a hint of impatience while standing at the doorway with a bag in hand.

The manager didn’t skip a beat and breezed past Joo-Han. He then went into the dorm and started capturing the moment with his phone. Seizing the moment, Goh Yoo-Joon pulled me to my feet with confidence and then proceeded to stick the paper ID to my forehead.

“...What is this for?"

“Make sure you get this, Su-Hwan hyung." Goh Yoo-Joon directed the manager as he placed his own paper ID on his forehead. After that, in a sudden burst of theatrics, he executed a forward roll toward Joo-Han, who stood at the entrance.

“Oh, esteemed hyung! My dear, dear hyung!"

“Yes, my friend.” Joo-Han, unable to contain his amusement at their role-play, let out a chuckle and pulled a green bottle from the bag.

“Ah, behold! Is this the famed soju, dear hyung?"

“Indeed, this is the legendary soju."

What was unfolding felt like a nonsense play. Goh Yoo-Joon tenderly stroked the bottle in Joo-Han's hands as if it were a precious artifact, and Joo-Han dove wholeheartedly into the act as he thoroughly enjoyed the moment.

“Ah, I can’t believe this dude is my friend.”

My sigh was met with laughter from the younger members behind me. That was when Goh Yoo-Joon spun around to face me, his voice laced with eagerness. “Come on over, Suh Hyun-Woo."

“Do I need to somersault too?" My question included a mix of confusion and reluctance, and it was met with a shake of Goh Yoo-Joon's head.

“Just come here."

I felt a bit awkward but ended up walking over and kneeling before Joo-Han.

“My favorite hyung in the world.”

“Yes, my dear brother, this is the essence of soju."

It was a quirky celebration for our coming of age. Apparently, the new trend was to wait until the clock struck midnight and then do a somersault into a convenience store with ID in hand to buy alcohol. Since that was out of the question for us, we were reenacting the ritual in the comfort of our dorm.

Joo-Han was caught up in the thrill and playfully teased us before handing the soju over to Goh Yoo-Joon with a dramatic gesture.

“Whoa!" Goh Yoo-Joon's reaction was an over-the-top display of excitement as he took the bottle.


And with that sound, the video recording came to an end.

“All right, that's a wrap. Yoo-Joon, hand over the soju, please."

Unfortunately, Goh Yoo-Joon had to relinquish the soju bottle he had just gotten as soon as the recording stopped.

He looked down at his empty hands, a tinge of longing in his gaze. “When can we actually have a drink?"

“After the album concept photo shoot is over."

The next schedule was already lined up, following the year-end stage. With a crucial photo shoot looming, where singers often refrained from drinking water to not look bloated, the idea of indulging in alcohol seemed out of place. Especially for a member who had yet to experience alcohol and was unaware of his limits.

Despite his disappointment, Goh Yoo-Joon complied and set the soju bottle down gently. Our planned drinking session was thus postponed until after the photo shoot in two days.


“Hyun-Woo’s platinum blonde hair has been such a hit. We've got to capture it in photos before we change it up."

The hair designer's suggestion instantly had me pulling a face. “Touching up the roots is such a hassle."

“It's something we had to do anyway."

I had harbored hopes of having black hair, given the school theme, but we settled on a compromise of light brown. Yet, for today, I remained platinum blonde.

“Don't worry, Hyun-Woo. Toning it down won't be as tough as lightening the color."

“Sure. I am all good." I managed a smile by gently pressing against my tender scalp.

“Is everyone ready? Let's head down." Prompted by the manager's words, we exited the salon and made our way to the parked car.

“It's kind of nice wearing this after so long." Once seated in the car, Jin-Sung fondly adjusted his suit, feeling a touch of nostalgia.

As the car pulled away, we headed not for a school-themed shoot but a reenactment of the “Parade” concept. This album was set to unveil a part of Chronos's story, delving into the past era depicted in the music video of “Parade.” To capture both past and present, we decided on a dual concept: Type A for the school theme and Type B for a “Parade” reenactment. Today was all about Type B.

The set and costumes were slightly updated, a tad more refined than during the previous “Parade” shoot. The ambiance was largely similar, but my starkly platinum blonde hair marked a significant change. The other members, too, donned updated versions of their “Parade” outfits, each adding a fresh twist to their look.

“Hello! We are Chronos! Thank you in advance for your hard work!"

“Always a pleasure to see such energy. We are counting on you today."

“Have you guys grown even more handsome? Must be all that broadcast studio water you've been drinking."

“Hahaha, thank you."

Arriving on set, we exchanged warm greetings with the staff and were greeted by the familiarly off-set section and the ever-present behind-the-scenes camera. This scene was all too familiar.

“Hyun-Woo, you are up first for the shoot."

“Alright!" Without a moment to mentally prepare, the shoot started right away.

“Suh Hyun-Woo, you will be watching from here."

“Go for it, hyung!" Cheered on by my fellow members, I headed to the set with the staff.

“Hyun-Woo, do you remember the expression you had at the end of the music video? Just like that."

“Got it!" I responded energetically to the director's instructions and made my way to my set.

My set was...


This was it... the bed bathed in purple lighting. I tried to hide the sinking feeling in my chest as I lay down.

“Let's begin. Hyun-Woo, relax your face! Look a bit sleepy. Perfect."

I slightly lowered my eyelids and turned my head to face the camera.


The warm glow of the lights signaled the start of the shoot.

1. In the Korean age system, everyone is considered one year old at birth and gains another year every January 1st, regardless of their actual birth date. ☜


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