Second Try Idol

Chapter 159: End-of-Year Stage (29)

Chapter 159: End-of-Year Stage (29)

For the upcoming show, the director was being extra careful in selecting the participants. They aimed to sidestep any controversies—like bullies—by ensuring that they didn't recruit anyone who had had to leave school for unsavory reasons. The spotlight would only fall on those who met the criteria and have compelling stories to share. Among them, the sole celebrities to grace the stage were Goh Yoo-Joon and me.

“Despite the tight schedule from comebacks, fan club inaugurations, and the hectic end-of-year performances, this opportunity is perfect for elevating public recognition.”

“Yeah, we understand." I agreed with the manager's advice, and Supervisor Kim acknowledged with a nod before flipping to the next page of his notebook.

“Joo-Han, Producer Do will want a word with you shortly. As for the rest... Yoo-Joon and Hyun-Woo are fully booked for now, but let’s keep things flexible for the other members to fit in their gigs as they come."

“Got it!"

“When is the meeting with the Renewal members?"

“It's set for today."

“Great, I’m counting on everyone. Let’s call it a day."

With the strategy meeting for our second album wrapped up, we promptly made our way to meet the Renewal members, preparing for the UNET year-end performance.


The room crackled with infectious energy as the Renewal members, winners of the Pick Me Up competition, presented a stark contrast to us. Their liveliness and spirit shone through effortlessly, even in the absence of cameras.

“I can't wait to see what they come up with for the performance."

“Let's put some serious thought into our outfits!" Eun-Sae, the leader of Renewal, pointed to me and Goh Yoo-Joon. “You two have synced well with our Elisia before, so I'm confident about our chemistry. We are looking forward to working together with both of you on the stage."

“Yes, senior," we responded.

“Senior? Yikes! That is so awkward!”

Other members of Renewal, Su-Bin and Ha-Na, brushed their arms while laughing as though it all felt unfamiliar to them. They were undoubtedly our seniors although they were also newcomers in the entertainment world, as it had only been a year since their debut. Hence, it made sense that they weren’t used to being called “seniors.”

“Anyway, we've decided to go with one song from Pick Me Up and another from Pick We Up for our set. Given our tight schedule, we hope everyone can give their utmost focus."

“Absolutely!" Eun-Sae took the lead in harmonizing our two groups, playing the role of the leader.

This collaboration was unlike any other. Previous joint performances demanded a blend of competition and harmony, showcasing individual talents. However, Chronos was more of a supporting act rather than the main attraction this time.

It was a collaborative stage between the champions of Pick Me Up and Pick We Up. Yet, with Renewal taking the senior role, their parts were significantly more prominent.

Then, Su-Bin from Renewal brought up a new topic. “Regarding our clothes..."

“What about them?" Joo-Han asked, to which Su-Bin nodded affirmatively. “We were discussing it earlier, and we are keen on wearing suits."

“Ah, suits, that's a splendid choice, senior."

“What about Chronos? Have you thought about your outfits?"

“We were considering suits as well..." Joo-Han started, but suddenly paused as a new idea dawned on him. “Wait... This performance brings us all together, but it involves switching songs.”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

Joo-Han smiled lightly. “Perhaps we could switch up our costumes too. We often wear suits for our regular appearances."

“Eh?" Ha-Na looked perplexed. “Are you suggesting... skirts?"

The mood among the Renewal members got a bit weird, and we, except for Joo-Han, couldn't help but feel a bit uneasy.

Joo-Han quickly clarified by shaking his hands. “No, not skirts, but something in that vein. Maybe sheer fabrics or those ruffled shirts that have been in vogue. Our fans seem to really enjoy those kinds of conceptual outfits."

“Oh." Eun-Sae expressed admiration and nodded in agreement. “Then, let's tentatively decide on suits for us and opt for sheer or ruffled shirts for Chronos. Practice kicks off tomorrow, and I cannot stress enough the importance of punctuality and focus during those sessions."


Su-Bin chirped in, lightening the mood. “We really need to stay focused, especially since Eun-Sae unnie can be quite strict during rehearsals."

We all nodded in agreement, sharing an awkward laugh. We were well aware as Eun-Sae had already earned a reputation for being somewhat intimidating.

We had even looked up some Pick Me Up videos just to get to know the Renewal members. Watching Eun-Sae in the practice room, delivering unfiltered critiques to her fellow members, was enough to take anyone aback. She was the heart and soul of the dance floor—a person who lived for the stage. She was indeed a leader you could rely on, through and through.

“Should we call it a day here? Any more questions?" Eun-Sae's question was met with silence; no hands raised in response.

She nodded with a satisfied look and clapped her hands. It was a signal for the end of practice. “Great work today, everyone."

“Thanks, everyone!" we echoed back. The meeting concluded, and we made our way to the underground parking lot with mixed feelings of fatigue and anticipation.

The piece we were set to drill was "Red Sun" by Renewal, a track that boldly embraced horror themes with its fiery red undertones. It wasn't our pick but a song suggested by Renewal for us to cover.

In a reciprocal gesture, Renewal decided to take on Chronos's “Chronos." The plan was to support each other as dancers during our respective performances and cap it off with a dance to a fresh track. The setup was simple yet intriguing.

Nevertheless, the thought of this collaboration brought us a whirlwind of excitement and an undeniable hint of exhaustion.

“Ah, when do we rehearse for ‘?[1]’?” Jin-Sung questioned the moment we settled into the car.

“This Wednesday, but we've got the concept photo shoot lined up first."

“Before Wednesday? But that's just before the year-end stage, isn't it? Won't there be a scheduling clash?"

“I've arranged it so there won't be any overlap. Just brace yourselves for a bit of a marathon day," replied the manager.

Yoo-Joon yawned widely and said, “Sounds like a plan."

Another year-end stage was on the horizon, merely a week away. While it was the final push, this wasn't just any ordinary stretch of effort. It was shaping up to be a Herculean task.

Between syncing up with Renewal, perfecting our own performance, squeezing in photo shoots, and even slotting in variety show meetings for Yoo-Joon and me, our plates were more than full. The sheer volume of tasks was daunting, not to mention the mental bandwidth required to juggle them all. It was enough to send a shiver down one's spine just thinking about it.

Yet, we didn’t complain about the packed schedule. For a fledgling group from a small agency like Chronos, being this busy was a blessing in disguise.

“Wouldn't it be great to bag another rookie award?"

“And maybe something for Joo-Han's compositions too." Despite the looming exhaustion, there was an undercurrent of hopeful aspirations among us.

“We've arrived. Time to head out."

After reaching our dorm, we had a brief rest, snatching around five hours of sleep before marching off to the practice room. As if on cue, the Renewal members walked in just as we were getting into the groove of "Red Sun" choreography.


“Hello there!"

Eun-Sae wasted no time upon entering. She directly dropped her bag and suggested, “Shall we dive into “Red Sun” first?"

“Would that work?"

“Absolutely. Have you had a chance to look at the choreography video?" she asked, approaching Joo-Han by the laptop.

Both groups were led by their leaders, and they huddled together. In just a moment, a sense of camaraderie was in the air. “Yes, we've gone through the choreography video several times and got the moves down, but some of the finer points are still a bit fuzzy..."

“That's alright. Since it's a joint performance, we will only need to retain certain parts of the choreography, and we will tweak the rest."

“Really?" Joo-Han couldn't hide his surprise. “I was actually planning to suggest reworking ‘Chronos’ to highlight just the key points. It's relieving to hear you are on the same page."

“Indeed, it is." Did these two powerhouses realize we only had four days left to pull this off? Every time their eyes sparkled with new ideas, the rest of us exchanged glances, silently bracing ourselves for the whirlwind ahead. Well, if it was to improve the quality of the performance, sure!

We unanimously agreed to revamp the choreography in pursuit of an unforgettable performance.

“We figured direct physical contact might not be necessary, so how about we simply circle around each other?”

“Ah, okay. Yeah, that’s a good idea.”

In the “Red Sun" performance, the Chronos and Renewal members were paired up in a unique collaboration. As Chronos took the lead in singing while carrying out the core choreography of “Red Sun," the Renewal members would gracefully circle around us. Their dance steps would mirror the rhythm and energy we projected.

“As you circle around, try not to lock eyes with me. Just move forward when it feels right, and I will make sure to step back, giving you the space to shine," suggested Su-Bin, my partner from Renewal, with a strategic twirl around me.

The thoughtful adjustment to the “Red Sun" choreography simplified the routine for us, while allowing Renewal members the creative freedom to infuse their unique flair into the performance.

Yet, the real test of our adaptability arose with “Chronos," under Renewal's creative direction.

“Yoo-Joon, come closer, even closer! And Hyun-Woo, really draw in! The camera tends to exaggerate distances, so don't be shy about closing that gap." They directly coached us, emphasizing the intimacy of our interactions.

“Closer, did you say?"

The dynamics shifted intriguingly in “Chronos," where the Renewal, clad in sharp suits, seemed to be ensnared by the allure of Chronos. The choreography was cleverly crafted, with Ha-Na leading the narrative through her vocal performance. Yoo-Joon and I followed suit, responding to her cues in a dance that flirted with the boundaries of our comfort zones.

While “Red Sun" maintained a respectful distance, “Chronos" ventured into more daring territory with choreographic elements that promised to take our fans by surprise. For instance, there was a scene of Ha-Na drawing my face closer with a gentle sweep of my chin or engaging in a back-to-back stance with Yoo-Joon. The routine was laced with moments of intense proximity.

The choreography bordered on audacity, potentially shocking or utterly delighting the Rings. Despite the choreographer's implied intimacy, it was all a well-crafted illusion, leaving us slightly anxious about the fans' reception.

However, Eun-Sae, our guiding light and leader, watched on with a satisfied gleam in her eyes. “Let's channel a sophisticated sexiness," she proposed, unfazed by the bold direction of the choreography. Although some of us were minors, she was all in for portraying a mature charm.

As Eun-Sae approved of the choreography involving Ha-Na, myself, and Yoo-Joon, it was time for Jin-Sung and Yoon-Chan to tackle their challenging part alongside Elisia. Their part was a delicate interplay of avoidance and engagement. It required Yoon-Chan to initially shield Elisia, only for her to gently lower his guard in a dance that spoke volumes of their intimacy.

The practice session stretched on, filled with moments of earnest repetition, awkwardness, and mutual encouragement, as we each strived to master our parts.

When the final pieces of “Chronos" fell into place, merging the meticulously confirmed choreography with the signature group dance, the outcome was unexpectedly captivating. Even I, who used to be a trainer, found myself instinctively nodding along to the rhythm, deeply impressed by Eun-Sae's visionary leadership.

The mixture of our collective efforts and the nuanced choreography culminated in a performance that epitomized the essence of mature elegance. It was definitely a testament to our growth as artists.

1. I am not sure if the literal title of Chronos’s next song is “?”, or if the author just did it to not spoil anything. ☜


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