Second Try Idol

Chapter 157: End-of-Year Stage (27)

Chapter 157: End-of-Year Stage (27)

“He was caught in a whirl of embarrassment and was at a loss." Tucked away behind the stage, I was watching Goh Yoo-Joon light up the musical scene with the other group members.

“Is Yoo-Joon usually shy?” asked a staff member with a camera in hand. I simply gave her a light smile and a nod in response. “We've honed our skills in singing and dancing extensively, yet venturing into this new realm is a first for us. At first, Yoo-Joon was quite sheepish, but look at him now, excelling on stage."

As I reflected on our days as trainees, where friendship was entwined with competition, such a surge of pride for a group member was new to me. Yet now, witnessing Yoo-Joon embrace a more significant role with such finesse filled me with pride.

“Doesn't Yoo-Joon's voice have a way of captivating the listener?" I mused, and the camera seemed to nod in agreement, bobbing up and down.

“Yoo-Joon is nailing it."

“Absolutely, he's got it down." Joo-Han's voice, laced with admiration, reached my ears from behind. I turned around and saw him making his way over with his attention riveted on Yoo-Joon's performance.

“What brings you here, hyung? Are you concerned about him?"

“Yes, I just wanted to see how he's doing. And Hyun-Woo, you are impressive as always. You indeed make hyung proud."

Feeling the warmth of Joo-Han's pat on my back, I realized that he shared the same sense of pride in both me and Yoo-Joon. His words brought a flush of modesty to my cheeks.

As Yoo-Joon moved to take center stage, he vanished from our view. Joo-Han and I instinctively shifted our focus to the monitor, catching glimpses of Yoo-Joon.

“He seems more at ease now. You both seemed a bit awkward when you did the duo performance."

“Oh, really? Did it show that much?"

“Only to the observant eye."

Our conversation continued as we kept our eyes on the broadcast, which soon switched to a different view. The camera now focused on various artists near the audience seat, each cheering on their group members. Among them were the youngest of our Chronos group, their enthusiasm surpassing even Joo-Han's and mine.

“...Who came up with that idea?"

“Not sure. I arrived after they did. Maybe the manager hyung?"

They clenched some mysterious banners in their hands.

[Goh Yoo-Joon... How does one not love you...]

[Ah... Suh Hyun-Woo... Can I even imagine a life without you...?]

Could anyone in YMM be this overt in their adoration? A laugh escaped me at the thought, overwhelmed by the sheer intensity of their fanfare.

As I enjoyed the various aspects of the performance, a staff member approached me with a timely reminder. “Hyun-Woo, it's time for you to get ready for your entrance."

“Ah, right!" As I headed behind the blackout curtain, Joo-Han was right there, offering a reassuring shoulder rub.

“Knock 'em dead out there!"

“Will do."

His encouragement felt akin to a nurturing pep talk, and I suddenly felt like a young child bolstered by a parent's support before a big moment. I then made my way onto the stage by being guided by the staff.

Initially, our plan was for a subtle entrance, wherein I would seamlessly return to the stage as if I had never left, concluding the performance with the final song. However, the widespread news of my injury led the nineteen-year-old team to go the extra mile, crafting a special part for my entrance.

May the years ahead, one by one, unfold,

With days unchanging and a self that holds.

As I delivered my part, the rest of them made a group effort to direct the spotlight my way, ensuring that the audience's focus was on me. When I made my reappearance, the cheers exploded, sounding like a blend of support and empathy.

The performance then reached its crescendo as the veteran interlaced their vocals with ours, bringing the piece to a harmonious close. It was a moment any fan of the ensemble would love.

“Well done, everyone!"

The stage was the fruit of several nights' labor and a collaborative effort among equals, excluding myself. As a result, the backstage area buzzed with mutual congratulations among the young artists, but I simply observed from a slight distance.

- Aren't you going to join them, Hyun-Woo?

“Sadly, I missed out on group practices this time... But it's heartwarming to see Yoo-Joon thriving in happiness." I was shy, so observing them from a distance was quite comfortable for me.

In the midst of exchanging pleasantries with the other team members, Elisia cast a quick glance around, her gaze eventually settling on me. She then approached with measured steps, her inherent shyness still evident despite the smile she managed to put on her face.

“Great job, Hyun-Woo," she offered warmly.

“Ah, senior, the hard work was all yours. I can't thank you enough for your support.”

“It's nothing, really. I'm the one who should be thankful," she replied, her modesty shining through.

As we navigated through our somewhat clumsy exchange of thanks, Goh Yoo-Joon sidled up beside me, adding his own appreciation. “Senior, you've really outdone yourself!"

“Ah, Yoo-Joon, and so have you. Oh, and..." Elisia's voice trailed off as she stole a glance at the behind-the-scenes camera next to me, before she continued, “We are of similar age, so feel free to call me Elisia off-camera. Formalities feel a bit odd between peers."

“Ah, understood," I acknowledged, though the offer made me pause.

“But if it's more comfortable for you, you can stick to 'senior.'"

The cameraman then diverted his focus to Joo-Han, apparently deeming our conversation unworthy of the final cut.

“The next time we meet, let's make sure our conversation flows even more naturally," Yoo-Joon chimed in, eagerly picking up on Elisia's cue.

With a soft smile, she nodded and then went into the crowd, joining another girl group member from her team. We lingered briefly before going back to the dressing room to change, returning to the artist seats shortly thereafter.

The rest of the event seemed to fly by quickly. We were fully engaged, cheering on the performances of Allure, High Tension, and Street Center, waving the slogans we'd somehow acquired. Before we knew it, the first part of the event had drawn to a close.

“It's time for us to head backstage." Manager Su-Hwan slipped in quietly and suggested the intermission before the second part commenced. We had just been goofing around with the Rings, exchanging waves and smiles.

Yes, Chronos was slated to open the second part. Filled with excitement, we exchanged some encouraging gestures with the Rings before hastening back to the dressing room to prepare.


“Everyone needs to bring their A-game, but especially Hyun-Woo, I'm telling you in particular." Joo-Han's voice cut through the anticipatory hum of the dressing room.

“Yes, of course." I nodded, signaling my readiness.

“Since you can’t dance right now, make sure your facial expressions tell the story. You've got this, right?"

“I will give it my all.”

“And remember, no injuries," he added, with a note of concern in his voice, which was a reminder of the recent accidents that had us all on edge.

“Yes, hyung," we all echoed, the weight of his words not lost on us.

I was the first to get dressed. After that, I took photos under the direction of the stylists. Today, the choker, typically snug yet bearable, was substituted with a scratchy black lace adorned with jewels. On top of that, I wore a jacket without a shirt, eye makeup that might have rivaled a panda's (a slight exaggeration, perhaps), and colored lipstick.

“Are we channeling the Dracula vibe today?" I asked, half-jokingly.

The stylist caught on to my casual remark and confirmed with a laugh, “Spot on! But we've tailored it specifically for you given the grandeur of the chair you will be using."

“You are really outdoing yourself, noona. Didn’t you prepare dozens of outfits for today?" I asked, genuinely impressed by her effort.

“Thanks, it's nice to be appreciated. But try not to eat anything until after your performance; we need you to look sharp. This look won't come together quite the same way twice.”

“Got it," I replied, my mind already racing ahead to the performance.

“Are we all set? I'm thinking of heading to the stage first," our manager proposed, prompting us to rise from our seats.

“Let's do this!" We rallied, our spirits high despite the looming challenge of the performance.

“I've heard about the physical toll of the year-end stages," Yoo-Joon remarked, stretching his limbs in preparation. “But feeling it firsthand is something else entirely."

Manager led the way, graciously opening the doors and offering apologies for any inconvenience. "Just a little further to go," he assured us, providing reassurance along the way.

“As for after the year-end stage, are we diving straight back into album prep?" asked Goh Yoo-Joon.

Hearing Goh Yoo-Joon's question, the manager cast a swift glance at his wristwatch and hastened his steps. “There's talk at the company about ramping up individual schedules for you all. We aim to align these with the theme of the upcoming album, and I'll provide you with more details during our meeting next week."

After the survival competition and our whirlwind debut, we adopted a cautious approach, reminiscent of Allure's early days, choosing to limit our appearances on variety shows. After all, navigating through the aftermath of our debut with only Chronos History and Flying Man under our belt was quite challenging. This left us intrigued about what the next album cycle might bring.

The moment we stepped backstage, Joo-Han promptly gathered us and said, “Today, let's aim for a zero-injury performance!"

“Okay!” We all nodded in agreement.

“Stick to the plan we perfected during rehearsals. Let's not get carried away by the crowd's energy."


With Joo-Han leading the charge, we piled up our hands, this time joined by the dedicated staff who'd been with us every step of the way.

“Let’s... make this shine!”

“Yay!” I instantly moved to a different section beneath the stage along with a behind-the-scenes camera, just as a Chronos-specific VTR started to play.

I was directed to a lift where a colorful, Hollywood-esque chair awaited, which was a stark contrast to the simplicity we were accustomed to.

“Is this my spot?"

“Yes. This is one hundred percent safe, so just focus on delivering a powerful performance from the waist up," reassured the stage staff.

“Wow... This is...” Settling into the extravagant chair, I couldn't help but feel a mix of gratitude and slight embarrassment at its grandeur. As I took my seat and offered a word of thanks to the nearby staff, three individuals approached me to put the finishing touches on the setup.

Thump, thump. Clang, clang!

The dancers' footsteps on stage signaled the imminent start of our final stage. Taking a moment to focus, I infused a bit of spirit within me with a quiet scream and casually crossed my legs.

A concerned staff member gasped. “Is it okay to sit like that? What about your waist?"

I offered a reassuring smile, indicating to them that I felt well. The discomfort was fleeting, barely a thought during the adrenaline rush of the performance.

An air of supreme confidence directly overcame me, as I draped an arm over the chair's armrest, my chin resting thoughtfully on my hand.

“Time to ascend!" As the VTR concluded and the cheers swelled, the lift bearing me ascended, marking the beginning of "Parade.” This performance had undergone a remarkable transformation through extensive choreography and the collective effort of the members. It was a spectacle we were determined to make a resounding success.


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