Second Try Idol

Chapter 153: End-of-Year Stage (23)

Chapter 153: End-of-Year Stage (23)

In the bustling conference room of MN Entertainment, the door that had been closed for a while burst open, and people started to go out, marking the end of a long meeting.

The A&R team of MN Entertainment departed, leaving behind one significant figure in the room: Reina. She wasn't just any artist; she was a towering figure in the South Korean music scene, often hailed as the backbone of her agency. Standing beside her, the A&R team leader and her manager wore deeply dissatisfied expressions.

“Are you really sticking to your decision? We thought it was all settled that you'd be joining the program," they pressed.

“Oppa, is this audition show the priority right now? Remember the delay in my comeback after the Pick We Up?" Reina countered, a mix of frustration and reason evident in her tone.

“The director had plans too. You can't just change your mind on a whim."

“And what's next after the show? Drag me into Again After Rainfall Season Two? I thought we agreed on this."

“...You said you liked Again After Rainfall!"

“Exactly! I liked it, which is why I'd do that one, but I'm drawing the line at the UNET audition program. I need time to create songs, you know?" Reina's tone was final as she abruptly stood, signaling the end of the discussion.

“Reina! Wait, Reina!"

“If I say that I am not interested, I'm not doing it. Why should I juggle my songwriting schedule to fit in another TV appearance?"

She could get the opportunity to appear on TV with a single phone call. Moreover, singing heartfelt song covers on Again After Rainfall and mentoring inexperienced trainees on a survival show felt as different as day and night. The former was a creative outlet, but the latter was simply a duty.

“By the way, are our trainees still practicing?" Reina shifted the topic, her interest piqued by something else.

“Probably off to lunch by now," the manager guessed, glancing at the clock. “Did you find anyone interesting?"

“Not really. I'm looking for that spark. I can tolerate gaps in their skills, but I need that certain vibe," Reina mused, reflecting on her decade-long journey in the music industry. From her rookie days to the present, she'd carved out an illustrious path, earning enough reputation and respect along the way. Winning the grand prize with the song she composed, she became a role model for hundreds of junior singers.

Now, her focus shifted to producing. Having reached the peak of her career as a singer, she thought it was now time for her to nurture talent with her own hands and music. However, finding someone who lived up to her high standards proved to be a challenge.

“It doesn't have to be our trainees. Anyone with potential will do. Use your vast network, will you?" Reina urged, her voice laced with a mix of hope and impatience.

“I'm on it. But what exactly are you looking for? You are just super picky because our trainees are already top-notch. They are a bunch of A-grade kiddos," the manager reminded her, feeling slightly defensive.

“I know, but keep looking. It's the voice that matters to me, not the dance moves. I can work with everything else.”

“Hmm… Got it, but Reina, it's not that simple," the manager sighed, caught between understanding Reina's vision and facing the reality of the talent pool at MN Entertainment, which was known for its vocal prowess.

Reina had heard them all, yet none struck a chord in her heart.

“Do you remember the song I mentioned?" Reina asked, breaking the silence that had settled between them as the manager seemed confused.

“Of course, the one you had on repeat. Em, something by a Chronos member, right? The solo song?" the manager recalled, trying to jog his memory.

“It's not just 'something.’ Also, I am still listening to it quite often. It's Suh Hyun-Woo's voice I'm talking about. The trainees you introduced, they are all about pop, but I'm looking for something different.”

Reina's insistence stemmed from a clear vision she had for the talent she wanted to nurture, sparked by Suh Hyun-Woo's “Once Again,” a song that had left a profound impact on her. She spoke of her admiration for the song on her radio channel.

“Not the pop powerhouse type. I'm talking about a voice with depth, like Suh Hyun-Woo's. Something soulful and very Korean. Something powerful and heavy!”

“I see, but finding that kind of talent is even tougher," the manager admitted, his tone reflecting the challenge ahead. Suh Hyun-Woo’s voice was seemingly common yet utterly unique—calm yet powerful, the kind that only emerged with exceptional fundamentals. No wonder Reina praised it so highly.

“Or maybe a soft voice like Park Yoon-Chan's, not just strong pop vibes but something more. You know my taste, something more oriental."

While Reina was passionately making a speech about the kind of voice she was looking for, the sound of MR filled the space somewhere down the corridor.

Our path is winding, like a complicated road

Let's try to take it easy

There is a shortcut

Just like this, we just have to take one more step closer

Reina exclaimed with excitement, “Yes! This is the kind of voice! Hey, who is singing right now?"

“Uh? Not sure."

Reina tilted her head in confusion and asked, “Do we have a male trainee in our company?"

Right now, there were no male trainees at MN Entertainment. Also, Reina knew all of MN's trainees, so whose voice was this? It was strikingly similar to Suh Hyun-Woo's, or rather, exactly the same...

“Suh Hyun-Woo?"

“Ah! Right. Today, Elisia was supposed to practice for a joint stage with two members of Chronos."

“Oh, really? They came to prepare for the year-end stage?"

Following the voice, Reina made her way to their practice room. Elisia's powerful singing voice was audible, followed by Hyun-Woo's voice, which he had raised to match Elisia's volume. While the increased effort made his voice sound deeper and more robust than usual, it was still very much to Reina's liking.

As Reina listened to their duet, the manager opened his mouth in awe. “Both Elisia and Suh Hyun-Woo sing really well despite being rookies."

“Right? Both would've been strong contenders for my production if they hadn't debuted."

As the manager heard Reina's slightly frustrated murmurs, he exclaimed, “Oh, speaking of which. You've got Again After Rainfall Season Two coming up, right?"

“Yeah, what about it?”

“I heard they are considering Chronos for it."

“What?" Reina turned her attention from the practice room to the manager.

“They are considering putting Chronos in the program. Remember they said they'd be doing an idol version this time?"

“How could I forget? That was discussed at the last meeting."

The first season was packed with solo artists, so they decided to change the format by including an idol group for each episode this time.

Last season, Reina had appeared as an artist and had received management tips from the program, and now, she was invited as a manager and producer.

“Chronos is joining? Can a rookie group shoot a program overseas for a month?"

“Who knows? If they join, it will be during their break after the comeback, right? Anyway, I just heard it from someone. The director from KEW apparently planted the idea in the head of the Again After Rainfall’s director."

“Ah, I see. Well, if they are selected, it's good for Chronos. Let's go."

“Huh? Okay, today's schedule is over. Good work, I will take you home."

“Okay. Let's grab some food first. I know a great place. It's on me."

“...Just use the company card."

The manager followed her but paused for a bit, puzzled by her excited look.


“Wow, they are so good once they hit the notes…” Mr. Seong said with his thumbs shooting up.

The moment we dived into the song, all the awkwardness melted away, swept up in the rhythm and melody. Perhaps the sweet harmony of the duet made it easier for us to lose ourselves in the music. Our previously tense faces now softened into gentle smiles. At that moment, making eye contact and holding hands felt like the most natural thing in the world.

“Thank you so much for this opportunity," we said in unison, gratitude lacing our voices.

“Yes, Senior. Thank you!” As soon as the last note faded, we found ourselves chuckling awkwardly again. The camaraderie we had built during the song was punctured, if only briefly, by the awkwardness that resurfaced.

“Wow, that was just beautiful. I'm truly honored, Senior! Now, let's see how well I sync up with you.”

In those moments of silence, Goh Yoo-Joon stepped in like a knight in shining armor. His natural charisma instantly broke the ice. He helped me up with his warm and reassuring hands and then turned to Elisia, praising her enthusiastically. His words were even accompanied by an approving thumbs-up. It seemed that his easy-going nature made Elisia more at ease with him than she ever was with me.

Yoo-Joon and Elisia then started their duet. Perhaps inspired by my earlier efforts, Yoo-Joon decided to turn up the volume of his voice right from the start. After all, matching Elisia's powerful vocals was no small feat. Even attempting to keep it casual had us gasping for air.

Yoo-Joon's deep and resonant voice carried a unique charm that I always admired. Here he was, showcasing his vocal prowess right in front of the camera, effortlessly captivating everyone within earshot.

“Haha." I turned my head to Mr. Seong as he softly chuckled. He then looked back at me, his face alight with amusement. “It looks like the team's got a great bond. It's really heartwarming to see."

“Is that so? Both of their voices are incredible. Among us in Chronos, Yoo-Joon's got the golden voice," I confessed, my pride in his talent undeniable. I had always been vocal about my admiration for his skills, and today was no exception.

Their voices wove together in harmony and brought the song to a beautiful close, filling the room with a beautiful sense of accomplishment.

“Shall we wrap it up for today?" suggested the Renewal manager, her smile professional yet warm. Outside the practice room, the rest of Renewal members were already waiting patiently, their presence a gentle reminder of the bustling schedule that awaited.

In an apologetic look, the Renewal’s manager said, “It would have been great if we had more time, but it’s the busy season of the year…”

“We understand the crunch, especially with the year-end stages upon us. Thank you for your hard work," Su-Hwan expressed our collective appreciation and lent me a hand as we prepared to leave the space that had been our musical sanctuary for those few, precious minutes.


“Thank you for everything today, Senior!" Our voices filled the hallway, a chorus of gratitude and respect.

“Thank you, truly, for today!"

“And cut! That's a wrap, thank you all!"

The camera crew left to film the Renewal’s next practice. As we made our way out, the Renewal members stepped aside, offering us smiles that turned the hallway into a corridor of warmth. When I bowed politely, they protested as they were concerned for my well-being.

“Hello there!"

“Wow, hello!"

They greeted us with such excitement.

“Please look after Elisia for us! Since you guys are the same age, we hope you will get along well. She is a bit shy, so we are grateful for how comfortable you've made her feel."

“Nah, she has been more than kind to us," we replied, touched by their warmth.

“Thank you so much for your generosity."

With those final exchanges, we bid farewell to MN Entertainment and made our way back to our own turf, Chronos practice room. Yoo-Joon was worn out from the relentless “Parade” practice schedule, so he promptly dozed off in the car, his exhaustion finally catching up with him.


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