Second Try Idol

Chapter 144: End-of-Year Stage (14)

Chapter 144: End-of-Year Stage (14)

I found myself supported off the stage by my seniors right after the performance. As I was holding my back while in pain, someone suddenly appeared in front of me and bent over with their back toward me.

“Huh?” It turned out to be my manager. He looked a bit upset, but he picked me up in a swift motion.


“If you get hurt, who’s going to pay the price?”


“You saw what happened to Jin-Sung, right? Don’t push yourself too hard.”

“But it’s not like that.”

“Hey! Are you okay?” asked Goh Yoo-Joon. He dashed backstage with a look of concern and caught up with us as the manager carried me away. “What is going on? You collapsed right after the stage lights went off.”

“I sprained my back...”

At this moment, Jin-Sung was on stage for his part of the show. It seemed Goh Yoo-Joon was worried about me, so he rushed over, leaving Jin-Sung’s performance behind.

The manager gave Goh Yoo-Joon a reassuring pat on the shoulder and said, “We will quickly swing by the hospital nearby. Yoo-Joon, fill Joo-Han in on what's happening and stay here. The fans are getting worried.”

“Can you walk though?”

“I’m fine. I will be back in time for the next show.”

Goh Yoo-Joon stood there and watched me leave with a look of concern. What a touching look... but he needed to get back to his seat soon, or the fans would be even more concerned.


“You have quite severe strains on your back. Did you have a bad fall?” The doctor's question had me glancing around nervously.

I answered, “No, I didn’t fall. I just did a backflip...”

“...Excuse me?”

“I already injured my back before that...”

“You did a backflip with an already injured back?” The doctor's expression was a mix of surprise and concern, making me feel even more awkward. I had to explain that the backflip was the final straw for my already strained back.

The nurse noticed my discomfort and came to my defense. “Doctor, this young man is a famous idol. Judging by your outfit, you’ve just come from a performance, right?”

“Yes... It happened during the show.”

“Ahh.” The doctor finally nodded, seeming to understand. This hospital was close to the stadium, and the staff here often saw injured performers coming in.

“You should really take it easy for a while. Dancing might not be the best idea until you are fully recovered.”

“Umm... Thank you.”

As I thanked him, the doctor gave me a look that was a mix of skepticism and parental concern. “Hmm, I somehow have a feeling you might push yourself again.”


“Don’t worry.” My manager had been quietly standing by my side, and he chimed in. “We will make sure he doesn’t overexert himself.”

“That's good. You are still in high school, right? Teenagers never really listen to their doctors, so please make sure someone keeps an eye on him.”

“Yes, thank you.”

“Head up to the second floor for physical therapy. Eun-Ae, could you guide them please?”

“Yes. I will take you for your physical therapy now. Please follow me.” The nurse then guided the manager and me to the physical therapy room upstairs.

As I lay down on the bed and freed myself from the blanket's embrace, a comforting warmth settled onto my lower back.

“Are you heading back to the stage after this?”

“Is it okay for him to perform?” asked the manager.

The manager's question was met with a hesitant look from the nurse. “It's better if he doesn’t. But performers who come here midway through a show usually insist on going back on stage no matter what we say.”


“The pain is going to be pretty intense. Please, try to convince him to rest. It will heal quickly, but he needs to come back for regular treatments and monitoring until it’s fully healed.”

After the nurse exited the room, leaving just the manager and me, a tense silence enveloped us. Normally, the manager's quiet nature wouldn't make things awkward, but this was different... It felt like a silent battle of wills. The manager and I stood like adversaries, representing a clash of swords and shields.


“I need to perform.”

“Is being stubborn really the answer here? Your health is more important than a single performance. What about the comeback if you are injured? You need to rest proper—”

“But they said it will heal quickly. I’ve worked so hard for this performance. Just this once, please. I promise I’m okay.”

“If your injury worsens, it won’t be a simple matter anymore. Then you will need a much longer rest. Hyun-Woo, you usually think things through. Wouldn't it be wiser to let the other Chronos members take over this time?"

“I really don’t want to skip the performance because of mere pain. I can't stand the thought of ruining a performance because of an injury."

I was aware of the pain. Each step I took sent a jolt of agony through my back, a grim reminder of the challenge awaiting me on stage. But the idea of sitting out, of being treated like a patient, and of not being able to join my team on stage was even more unbearable. The prospect of watching my fellow members perform while I could do nothing was even more painful and frustrating.

“It's my own fault for not managing my condition, but it's only a twelve-minute performance," I insisted.

“Hyun-Woo, you do understand why I'm worried, right? It's not just about this one year-end performance..."

No, this opportunity could have been a once-in-a-lifetime chance. The mere thought of not being able to perform overwhelmed me with a sudden wave of sorrow, causing me to bite my lip to suppress my emotions, my eyes brimming with unshed tears.

“I'm really fine... I am..."

“Seeing you cry here really hurts me too."

“Hyung, I'm truly sorry. But I promise I will be extra careful."

When the manager saw my tears, he paused before sighing deeply and sitting down. “Alright, don't push yourself. I understand."

“So I can go on stage?"

“I will take you back after your treatment. But in exchange, you will have to skip the next meeting and rehearsal."

“Thank you, I am sorry. And... Please don't tell the others that I cried."

The look of disappointment on the manager’s face when I said that was indescribable...

He switched on the TV and tuned in to the live broadcast of the KEW Awards. Jin-Sung's performance ended a while back, and now, the main vocalists of a girl group were taking turns singing their songs.

Occasionally, the camera showed our members. Joo-Han seemed to be overreacting a bit, which was likely because he knew about my situation.

“They must be worried a lot, right?”

“Joo-Han messaged me to ask if you were okay, and I reassured him that you are fine."

“That's nice of you. Thanks."

Most people wouldn't have noticed, but I could tell Yoon-Chan was trying hard not to show his concern.

“When you left the stage, Jin-Sung immediately said, 'I think Hyun-Woo's hurt.'"

I was proud of my boy. He noticed my injury right away and still managed to nail his performance—classic Jin-Sung.

“Allure also reached out to me, and I told them everything's okay."

“Looks like a lot of people noticed."

“Well, the YMM family probably focuses on you."

“And our fans, they definitely noticed."

“For sure."

The Rings were always so attentive to every detail about me.

As the manager saw my mood turn a bit gloomy, he glanced at me and then turned back to the TV. “Tell your fans you are okay after the awards, okay?"

“Should I mention the injury?"

“They will find out anyway. The others will be at the next meeting, so why don't you do a Q-app live with the road manager in the meantime?"

‘Is he trying to cheer me up?’ I nodded and buried my head deeper into the pillow. Somehow, his calm manner and understanding tone made me feel a bit better.

After the physical therapy ended, I directly headed back to the venue. Just before the second half of the awards ceremony commenced, I swiftly changed into my costume during the commercial break. The stylists greeted me with a flurry of concerned glances as I joined my fellow members, who wasted no time bombarding me with questions.

“Hyung... sniffle, are you really okay...?"

“Hey! I’m fine, really, Yoon-Chan!"

“Yeah, yeah, Hyun-Woo says he is okay!"

There were so many eyes on us! Hence, Joo-Han and I quickly covered Yoon-Chan's face as he started to get teary. Struggling for breath under our hands, Yoon-Chan jerked his head back.

“I was so worried. But are you sure you are okay? Is it alright for you to perform?" asked Yoo-Joon.

Goh Yoo-Joon's question prompted the other members to look at me with concern. Knowing they wouldn't buy any lies, I decided to just be honest.

“They said I should rest. But I’m determined to perform... no matter what."

“Ah, I totally understand that feeling. It's better to endure the pain on stage than not participate at all." Jin-Sung immediately nodded in agreement, understanding exactly what I meant.

“How bad is the pain?"

“It hurts when I walk. But you know me... when I start dancing, I forget all about it."

“Ah, you are so stubborn!" Joo-Han remarked, his expression a blend of frustration and concern. Nonetheless, he quickly calmed the other members and guided them to their seats.

The Allure members from the next table came over to check on me, followed by the members of the joint performance. After that, the groups from Pick We Up also came by to express their concern, with Ji-Hyuk hugging me before leaving.

‘At this rate, everyone in the venue will know I'm hurt, won't they?’

I felt a bit embarrassed and tapped my back lightly, which somehow made the fans behind us let out a collective wail of concern. Well, it was indeed almost too much to handle. To reassure everyone that I was okay, I stood up, raised my arms to make a circle sign, and then sat back down.

- Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed artists and audience members, the second part of the KEW Awards will commence shortly. Please take your seats, thank you.

Following the announcement, many artists who had been mingling at different tables returned to their own seats, and the hosts and performers for the second part started to make their way onto the stage. The venue swiftly fell into order, and before long, the second part of the KEW Awards commenced.


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