Second Try Idol

Chapter 133: End-of-Year Stage (3)

Chapter 133: End-of-Year Stage (3)

Just then, an indie band known for their drummer with insane energy popped into my mind. Before I went back in time, he had become a bit of a sensation for his wild spinning of drumsticks and unabashed headbanging while playing the instrument. Not only that, but the indie band itself had swept the broadcasting world for a while with their unique, exhilarating songs, and unstoppable charisma.

Of course, this would happen in the future. They had collaborated with my students once, and I had heard they continued to pursue their band as a hobby for nearly ten years, remaining relatively unknown until their breakthrough appearance on a famous entertainment show. Despite their lack of agency backing, they were a talented band capable of not only adding instruments to a song but also crafting high-quality beats at an arrangement level.

The only problem was finding them. I would have to scour the entire Hongdae area as they weren’t famous yet. Even though it would be tiring, I imagined us dancing to the electrifying accompaniment of their electric guitar and drums, gradually building up the song's parts to reach a climactic point. Oh, I had to do this.

But before that, I had to explain my thoughts to Producer Do and Joo-Han, who still looked like they needed more explanation. “What I mean is... I’m sorry, but producer, could you play the chorus part?”

“Oh, just a moment.” Producer Do clicked his mouse a few times and played the middle part of the song. As I listened to the music, I rapidly drummed my palms on the desk.

“We will have a dance break here. The electric guitar will fully showcase its skills with an ad-lib, while the drum sound will be thunderous. The accompaniment will be rich with the band’s sound, leaving no empty gaps.” It would feel like the band themselves were performing the dance break, and we would dance to it.

The excitement of bright energy, the encounter with first love, the anticipation of new encounters, and the heartfelt cheer for those transitioning into adulthood and graduating... The more passionate it was, the more it would allow each listener to interpret it in their own unique way. Especially since the band I had in mind could perfectly bring this vision to life, it seemed like the perfect solution.

Thanks to them, the audience would shed a lot of tears at the final stage of a famous entertainment show.

“There's a talented band performing at a live cafe in Hongdae. I really want Producer Do to see them.” I borrowed Producer Do's computer and looked for their videos. Since they had a fan base, there should be at least a couple of performance videos. “Ah, here it is.”

“What? I know these guys. They are quite well-known in Hongdae. How do you know them, Hyun-Woo?”

“I heard about them from my friends.”

“You guys really monitor a lot. Hmm.”

With his chin in hand, Producer Do pondered briefly and then nodded. “These guys are definitely skilled. Not sure if they will fit the song though.”

“They have covered famous songs in their performances and did it really well.”

“I've talked to them a few times. Hmmm, I will meet them. Not sure if it will work out though.”

“Please and thank you.”

Producer Do and the rest worked on Joo-Han's song until late at night. “Hyun-Woo, you have a better taste than I thought. If you are interested in working on the composing program, let me know. I will teach you how to do it.”

“Yes! I'm really interested! But probably after the year-end stage!”

Producer Do smiled faintly and signaled for us to leave. Joo-Han’s spirits were visibly lifted compared to when he first arrived at the studio; it seemed he was pleased with the edited version of the song. As he clapped me on the back, his gaze conveyed a blend of sympathy and concern.

“Hyun-Woo, you've really been pushing yourself.”

“About what?”

“You are juggling the year-end awards practice and composing. I hope I'm not overburdening you. Your help means a lot, but..."

I quickly interrupted him with a head shake. “No, this is what I want, even if it's challenging."

He just gave a silent nod, his eyes conveying a wish for me not to pressure myself too hard, yet knowing the circumstances left me little choice. His look was one of empathy.

“I'll be here to support you," he assured me.

“You are the one doing the hard work, staying up all night while I get some sleep."

We exchanged concerns for each other's well-being and soon reached the parking lot. We then hopped into the manager's car.

“Look, Chronos's car!"

“See, I told you they'd be here.” Just as we exited the lot, people emerged from hiding and moved toward us.

The manager let out a weary sigh. “Just ignore them, and keep the windows up.”

It was just a five-minute walk from our company to the dorm, a journey I used to relish for its simple pleasures. I would stop at the convenience store and grab some snacks, enjoying the freedom of this short path. Now, it pained me to realize that such freedom, even on this brief journey from our company to our dorm, was no longer mine to enjoy.


Over the course of three intense days, Allure members, Jin-Sung, and I immersed ourselves in practice. Abruptly, a combined rehearsal and filming schedule was set. As the manager had previously mentioned, the venue was the practice room in the YU building. Here, we were tasked with perfecting a special stage routine alongside the elite dancers of popular idol groups for a week.

Among them, Chronos was notably the youngest. Members from Street Center and High Tension were present as well, but I rarely talked with the dancers from these groups. Therefore, the journey to the practice room was laced with a palpable tension. The presence of Allure and other senior members compounded my worries, eclipsing those I had during Pick We Up.

“Why are you so worried? Keep your chin up, don't let the worries get to you! Confidence is the key," Da-Win encouraged us.

I let out a resigned sigh. “...Your words only amplify my worries."

If there was truly no cause for concern, Da-Win would have assured us by saying "They are all good people, it will be fine." But he didn’t.

The entertainment industry was a complex place. The individuals assembling now were all prideful and skilled dancers, and they would likely engage in a subtle battle of egos. This atmosphere was a far cry from the casual camaraderie of our trainee days. I had witnessed this sharp, sensitive vibe a few times while coaching my students, but experiencing it firsthand as a junior artist was a different ball game.

“Hyun-Woo hyung, why are you so nervous? We are just meeting new people," Jin-Sung casually remarked. For him, it was the thrill of new encounters.

I always needed time to adapt, whether during Pick We Up or any other schedule. Gradually, I was improving, but the shocked reactions people had upon seeing my face before the regression had left a deep-seated trauma in me.

“We've arrived," the manager announced, cutting the engine and unfastening his seatbelt. He turned to address us. “I know it's a lot to ask, but please take good care of Chronos. I'm relying on you, Allure."

Da-Win responded reassuringly, “Don’t worry. These kids are always under our wing." Only then did the manager seem to relax a bit and allow us to depart.

Under Da-Win's leadership, we made our way to the practice room.


“Hello there!"

Our greeting was drawn out by the ninety-degree bows we exchanged with each person we encountered. Upon reaching the practice room, Da-Win courteously opened the door, and we were immediately met with the impassive stares of members from various groups.

“Hello, seniors," we greeted, each word measured and respectful.

“Hello," they responded in kind.

“Yo~ Allure!” The seniors, whom we had only seen in TV broadcasts or music show waiting rooms, approached Allure members with familiar greetings. Their warm interactions allowed us to relax slightly, our hands neatly clasped as we maintained polite smiles, awaiting their acknowledgment.

A moment later, the ice broke. “Here are our juniors. You've seen them a lot on broadcasts, right?" Da-Win introduced us.

“Oh yes, we've seen them a lot. It's our first time meeting Chronos in person, though." The seniors' attention shifted toward us.

“Hello, seniors!" We greeted them enthusiastically.

“Yes, we've been enjoying your songs. Your performances are commendable.”

“Thank you!" we replied, grateful for the recognition.

“Looking forward to working with you.” Their interaction was brief and somewhat disinterested before they returned to conversing with the members of Allure.

“Hyun-Woo, Jin-Sung, take a seat. We will be back after mingling with the other group members," Da-Win instructed.

“Okay," I responded to Da-Win respectfully and then took a seat near the members of Street Center, whom I was somewhat acquainted with.

“Hello, long time no see," greeted one of them.

“Ah, yes. How have you been?" I replied. We were familiar with each other but not necessarily that close.

The atmosphere in the room was tense. The seniors exuded dominance, and it was challenging for us juniors to integrate, especially with cameras installed throughout the room. At that moment, I resolved to maintain a low profile and quietly see the practice through. How could a junior dare to stand out in front of the seniors, especially with cameras recording every move?

But as life would have it, things rarely went according to plan.


About thirty minutes after everyone had gathered, the choreographer burst into the room, changing the dynamic entirely. “Hello! Alright, now that the greetings are done, let's gather around!"

“Okay!” We all responded in unison, gathering in the center of the room.

The choreographer surveyed us all and then said, “Some of you know me, others don't. I'm Suh Ji-Hye, and I will be overseeing the choreography for this special stage. This is Justin, and he will be assisting me."

Justin spoke at length in English, and honestly, I understood only bits and pieces. From what I could make out, he was in charge of the first part, introducing himself as Justin, and discussing how dance was a universal language that transcended linguistic barriers. He also mentioned something along the lines of "We are the one."

Jin-Sung nudged me to seek clarity although I could barely understand Justin. “Hyung, did you catch what he said?"

“Uh? He's a dance teacher," I replied, half-guessing.


Overhearing our exchange, Sae-Yeon chuckled and teased me. "Guess Hyun-Woo's too tired to translate."

After Justin finished talking, Suh Ji-Hye took a deep breath, as if preparing for a significant task. “We are now going to start the real practice. First, those who've prepared for the first part, please stand."

Hearing this, I stood up, albeit hesitantly, and I felt the eyes of the seniors upon me. Nervous yet determined, I tried to look unfazed under their scrutiny.

However, it struck me as odd because only five people stood for the first part, in stark contrast to the larger group for the second part. Seeing my expression, Suh Ji-Hye clarified, “Justin handpicked these members for the first part to focus on those with elegant dance lines."

“Oooh, dance lines!” There was an animated reaction from the group, with enthusiastic encouragement for those standing.

Then, Justin and Suh Ji-Hye exchanged meaningful smiles, and she explained, “However, the formation for the first part is yet to be decided. Justin wants to observe the moves before making his choice." Justin nodded in agreement, evidently unconcerned with the usual hierarchy in Korea or audience expectations. This meant there was a chance for me to secure a prominent role, something I hadn't anticipated as a member of the junior group.

“So, we will decide the formation for the first part during practice. Let's begin, shall we?"

“Yes!" we shouted. The instruction was clear so far—the formation would be based on one’s capability, not seniority.

‘So I don’t need to stay under the radar.'

Adept at broadcast dynamics, the veterans were quick to respond. However, in that brief moment, I could feel their eyes on me. It was a recognition similar to what I had experienced during my debut auditions.

As I was a member of a rising rookie group that was known for a particularly impactful solo dance. In their eyes, I wasn't just an extra; rather, I was someone who could deliver an impactful solo performance.

※Side story

[Profile (Park Yoon-Chan Edition)]

Name/Age: Park Yoon-Chan / 18 years old

Birthday: March 5

Height: 177cm

Blood Type: A

1. In Chronos, I am responsible for taking care of Joo-Han hyung and Jin-Sung.

2. What am I currently interested in? Learning French and monitoring stages

3. Favorite/Least favorite food: Sweet stuff, rice, drinks / Umm... nothing. Maybe alligator and scorpion?

4. What I like/dislike: My fellow members, family, studying, and theater / None... Oh, dieting

5. What am I thinking about now? Yoo-Joon hyung’s profile is about to be torn off... I am hungry.

6. What does Kang Joo-Han mean to me? Super sweet hyung whom I can always rely on. I feel sorry for always receiving help from him and want to be someone who can help him one day. Always grateful to have him by my side.

7. What does Goh Yoo-Joon mean to me? A really cool hyung. He lightens the mood of the group with his playful approach, and his voice is amazing. Harmonizing with him is a joy. Many people will feel relaxed and open up in conversation with Yoo-Joon hyung.

8. What does Suh Hyun-Woo mean to me? A hyung I respect the most. His constant effort and the way he pulls off everything with his coolness is impressive. I want to be like Hyun-Woo hyung, but his stage presence is so formidable that I wonder if I will ever match it. Honestly, I often find myself simply gazing at him in awe when we are on the stage, much like the fans. He is the one who taught me the true joy of performing.

9. What does Lee Jin-Sung mean to me? Jin-Sung is a younger brother brimming with charm and cuteness. He is the member whose persona transforms the most between being on and off stage. To us, he is always the adorable baby, but on stage, he becomes a complete professional. Spending time with him is always uplifting. His presence has a way of brightening my day.

10. My goal in ten years? To evolve into someone who contributes more to the group.


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