Second Try Idol

Chapter 130: The Singer in the Memories (15)

Chapter 130: The Singer in the Memories (15)

From the author: In this episode, there are many elements (such as lyrics, etc) that take up space in addition to the story, so I have increased the amount of content accordingly. Please enjoy it!

- It has been quite a while since Tenten disappeared from the stage, but I'm so grateful that you haven't forgotten us and continue listening to our music!

- Oh, you are so welcome. How could I ever forget Tenten? Tenten is an eternal legend that touches my nostalgic emotions.

On the screen, Yeong-Yee blushed with shyness and expressed her gratitude. Her public image was charismatic yet polite, completely opposite to when she was fully against having live performances. This portrayal remained consistent until the near future, serving as the image of Yeong-Yee presented to the public before her official appearance on variety shows.

“Honestly, this is my first time watching this broadcast, and it’s more fun than I thought,” commented Goh Yoo-Joon.

I replied, “Try watching it. It's an interesting show with a number of artists from different fields.”

It was a talk show formatted similarly to a cultural broadcast, with subtle humor woven throughout. Frankly, it wasn't the type of show that young people typically tuned into. Although idols sometimes made appearances there, the guests were usually people like Yeong-Yee, indie bands, or foreign DJs, so the average viewership was quite low.

However, the discussions were informative, and the host's sharp sense of humor made the show quite enjoyable.

- Finally! The time has come. With Yeong-Yee’s new song ‘The Single,’ and for this time only, we will listen to a medley of Tenten's hit songs.

The audience gasped at the host Halo’s words. Yeong-Yee smiled broadly as if she had anticipated such a reaction.

- I was surprised during the pre-interview. This episode of Halo’s Music Bus turns out to be the first time Yeong-Yee performs Tenten's songs live.

- Yes, that's right. It's embarrassing but true. Back then, live performances weren’t common. So, even though it’s Tenten’s song, I still feel nervous and excited to perform it, almost like I am a rookie singer.

- I'm really looking forward to it. Shall we listen? ‘The Single’ and Tenten's hit song medley!

With this cue, Halo and his band started playing Yeong-Yee’s new song ‘The Single,’ and he moved to the back of the stage with his chair. Yeong-Yee then sang her song while sitting.

“Chronos folks, please move now!” At the same time, we also headed backstage.

While the staff approached us with microphones, I looked at the stage with a thoughtful expression. The atmosphere felt somewhat unfamiliar, with a luxurious hall more suited for an orchestra performance and a live band positioned in front of us. The audience demographic was also unlike anything I had seen at Chronos's stages before.

The schedule had been deliberately released late to keep it a secret, resulting in the absence of Chronos fans in the studio. Instead, the majority of the audience consisted of middle-aged people who didn’t know us. Naturally, this contributed to my feelings of nervousness.

I only watched Yeong-Yee sing, my mouth slightly agape in awe. As "The Single" came to a close, Yeong-Yee, fully immersed in emotion, delivered the final verse with her characteristic charismatic smile. Then, the Tenten medley started with the first song, "Twice the Love."

Heya omma Heyya Um

Aiya wumma Aiyaa Um

Haiya wumma Ai Um?

As the familiar music started, the audience buzzed with anticipation. Yeong-Yee then stood up from her chair, and the staff quickly set up some props for the Tenten medley stage.

“Chronos, onto the stage!”

The curtain opened, and as soon as the intro of “Twice the Love” ended, we ran onto the stage.



As expected, the cheers weren’t like those at a usual Chronos stage, but it seemed that quite a few people recognized us. Surprised voices rang out, followed by calm cheers and applause.

Following Yeong-Yee's instructions, we started showcasing a dance filled with affectation. We extended and swayed our arms from left to right while nodding our heads to the techno beat. The audience started to enjoy the song as they recognized the familiar dance moves.

As the intro’s dance part ended, Yoo-Joon and I opened a path for Yeong-Yee, each of us getting on one knee. Yeong-Yee then walked out between us, doing the robotic dance with the dancers. Her awkward robotic dance was a trademark of this song. Though her movements were not exactly like the old days, when the audience saw this, their cheers reached the peak.

I realized the moment I saw you

You and I are deeply entwined by fate?

Yeong-Yee's part continued for a long while, so we retreated to the back, syncing up with the dancers. Her long part, followed by Yoo-Joon's rap, was the biggest challenge in the medley, more strenuous than any workout.

From the day we parted, I waited for the day we'd meet again

If we meet again, it's inevitable

We met again

In fact, I already knew

It's fate?

We did a big jump kick, followed by a rocking dance[1]. We were already out of breath from using so much energy. Seriously, if we kept doing this, our joints would instantly wear out.

After Yeong-Yee finished her part, she gracefully moved to the back, giving space to the dancers. After that, Goh Yoo-Joon, who had been mirroring my moves, took center stage and started his rap with a flair.

I felt deep down we’d cross paths again

Though we parted, being apart a month seemed too long

And just as I thought, you came back into view

We are destined to fall in love once again?

With a mischievous look, Yoo-Joon wrapped up his rap and smoothly stepped back. Taking the lead, I confidently advanced, accompanied by the dancers who followed my lead.

I know it's all my fault,

I might have angered you, but

We both know we can't really part,

Forgive me, let's begin fresh new

I love you?

My face filled the screen in a close-up as I sang "I love you" with soulful emotion. I then effortlessly locked eyes with the camera before shyly glancing away. As the lights shifted, signaling the start of the next track, "OH! MY LOVE," I prepared to transition seamlessly into the next part of the performance.


The "Yeah" reverberated with the intro, filling the stage with its echoing resonance. Still in the spotlight, my expression transformed into a wide smile. Locking eyes with the camera once more, I conveyed a sense of joy before gracefully retreating from the spotlight.

YEAH I Like you! You like me!?

Yoo-Joon launched into his rap with an exaggerated style that captivated the audience. They swayed joyfully and echoed the lyrics, clearly familiar with Tenten's hit. Following Yeong-Yee's instructions, I maintained a blissful demeanor, exaggerating my moves for added charm.

Meanwhile, on the opposite side of the stage, Yeong-Yee appeared to relive her past joy as she danced energetically. Eventually, she joined Yoo-Joon, gently placing her hand on his shoulder as they continued to perform.

You are so smart, and that's your charm

Even in glasses, you are beautiful?

As Yeong-Yee serenaded Yoo-Joon, he reacted with a playful and surprised expression.

Wow! My god!?

At Yoo-Joon's enthusiastic ad-lib, Yeong-Yee laughed and offered her hand, maintaining the song's playful and adorable essence.

I wish I were right beside you!?

Yoo-Joon feigned a kiss on Yeong-Yee's hand and quickly moved with her to the right. Meanwhile, I confidently placed my hands on my hips, alternately shrugged my shoulders, and smoothly advanced to the center of the stage. As I made my way forward, the audience's cheers seemed to intensify, likely because my part had been a crowd favorite.

I always sat by the classroom window and watched you laugh

You, popular and surrounded by friends, never even glanced my way

I lacked confidence

Couldn't fathom your feelings

Sassy you, now please look at me?

As my part concluded, the song seamlessly transitioned to the final track, “You in Azure Sea.” I swiftly moved aside, avoiding making eye contact with the camera. With the refreshing sound of waves, the unique intro of the city pop song started, and Yeong-Yee stepped forward while swaying with ease.

Blue waves with their frothy lace receding

A gentle breeze and your presence, my guiding light,

We will never have such a splendid day again?

The lyrics were only written in Korean. Though the song’s playful yet melancholic vibe felt slightly at odds with Yeong-Yee’s charismatic persona, this song had captivated the hearts of many at the time, briefly transforming her image into a more innocent one.

Barefoot, hand in hand with you,

Feeling the ocean's chill together,

This memory in watercolor hues will forever be cherished?

Though it was a Tenten-era song, it was almost like a solo for Yeong-Yee. The latter half of the second verse did belong to the male members, but we didn’t get to that part today. We simply focused on engaging the cameras as the song concluded.



I knew Tenten was legendary, a household name for the older generation, but the audience's response exceeded my expectations. Their standing ovation and the nostalgic expressions on their faces said it all.

Thankfully, we seemed to have done justice to Tenten's songs, preserving their cherished memories.

“Thank you!"

“Thank you."

We courteously bowed several times, showing our appreciation. Shortly after, chairs were brought onto the stage, and Halo returned with an expression similar to that of the audience.

- Wow! What an incredible performance! A big thank you to Yoo-Joon and Hyun-Woo from the rookie group Chronos, who joined us as special members to perform Tenten’s song! Let's give them a big round of applause!

The staff handed us handheld microphones. Today, it was Goh Yoo-Joon who led the greeting slogan for Chronos.

“On the count of three! One, two, three! Hello, we are Chronos. Nice to meet you all!"

Still basking in the afterglow of the Tenten performance, the audience warmly applauded us.

- Welcome. Chronos is a group enjoying immense popularity recently, so we can't just let you leave like this. Please have a seat and let's have a chat.

“Oh, it's truly an honor."

“Thank you for inviting us."

We sat down on the provided chairs, still catching our breath from the arduous performance.

- So, how does it feel to have shared the stage with such an esteemed senior?

I picked up the microphone to answer. “We are fortunate to be in the same agency, which gave us the incredible opportunity to perform alongside a senior artist whom we've always admired as fellow singers. It was absolutely exhilarating to share the stage with her.”

With a hearty laugh, Yeong-Yee responded, “Oh, the honor is mine. How often do I get to share the stage with such good-looking, talented, and popular juniors like Chronos?"

The conversation flowed smoothly as we exchanged warm-hearted stories about Yeong-Yee and various interesting anecdotes. Despite our limited time together, we managed to have some memorable stories, which was evident from Halo's content expression.

- By the way, there was this photo that recently caused quite a stir.

“A photo?"

Halo pulled out a large photo from beneath his chair.



Yoo-Joon, still trying to catch his breath, couldn't help but laugh and covered his mouth with his microphone. The photo captured us walking in a marketplace with our hair tied up in apple-style buns. My expression while holding Ro-Ah's hand, with a look of sheer resignation, was quite a sight.

While I was still absorbed in the photo, Halo asked a question.

- This photo became quite popular on social media, did you know?

“Yes, our fans shared it a lot," Yoo-Joon answered.

- Can you explain what's happening in this photo? It's very cute, but there seems to be a story behind it.

“Oh, my granddaughter...” Yeong-Yee pointed at the photo and smiled softly.

Yoo-Joon was still laughing, so I patted his back and replied, “It was our first meet-up with Senior Yeong-Yee. Her granddaughter insisted on tying our hair and told us not to untie it."

“Ah, I felt so bad. My granddaughter was very stubborn. That's why, out of guilt, I started bringing lunch boxes for our Chronos juniors."

“We really enjoyed them. Thank you, senior."

“Thank you, senior! It was somewhat embarrassing to walk around with our hair like that, but seeing how much the fans loved the photos, I've come to feel okay about it," Yoo-Joon added as he played with his hair.

Halo turned the photo around for a better view and then showed it to the audience.

- Aren't they adorable? Chronos is known among their fans for being cute and fun offstage yet so charismatic on stage. Now, let’s move on to some questions for Chronos.

Halo flipped his cue card.

- I am diving directly into the main question. When is Chronos planning their next comeback?

It seemed like the interview was nearing its end. Having prepared his response, Yoo-Joon answered, “We don’t have a set schedule yet. As we are carefully preparing to do our best, it might be around early next year. Haha.”

- Oh, that's pretty soon! With the year-end award shows coming up, we will continue to see Chronos on screen.


“We will put our best efforts into it!"

After discussing the comeback, the planned interview segment concluded. Just when I relaxed, thinking it was over, Halo set aside his cue card and turned to me.

- This isn’t a prearranged question, but something I’ve been curious about.


- I listen to a variety of music as a music critic, and recently, Hyun-Woo, you released a solo song, right?

“Ah! Yes!"

- I've been really enjoying it. It's composed by Chronos’s leader, Joo-Han, written by Hyun-Woo, and featured Kim Jin-Wook who also appeared on Pick We Up. The quality of the song is incredible for newcomers.

“Thank you. That means a lot coming from you."

- When I first heard it, I was amazed by the quality... And you released it for free?

“Yes, we did."

- Is there a particular reason you released it for free?

“Umm...” I pondered for a moment before responding. “This song was a gift from our leader, Joo-Han hyung. I poured my heart into the lyrics, finding solace within them. Since I view it as a deeply personal song, I questioned whether it was appropriate to include it in the album.”

- Hyun-Woo, you said it’s a song for yourself, but in truth, many people have found comfort in it. I hope everyone listens to ‘Once Again.’

From the backstage, the staff signaled for us to wrap up the interview. Halo then picked up the cue cards he had set aside.

- I really love the song, so I hope you can perform it live here with Kim Jin-Wook who’s featured in it. You two are close, aren't you?

‘...Well, this is a bit...’


I mustered up a smile and replied, “We are indeed close! If you invite us, we will definitely come!"

- Great! We will be waiting. Thank you, Hyun-Woo and Yoo-Joon, for being here today. Hopefully, next time, we can host the entire group of Chronos. Thank you!

“Thank you!"

“Enjoy the rest of your day!" We then politely bowed and exited the stage.

When we saw our manager, he said, “The audience’s reaction today was fantastic. There might be additional schedules coming up. Great job, everyone."

After drinking the water provided by our manager, we handed the microphones back to the staff. That marked the end of our first Tenten schedule. However, our day was far from over.

“Where are we going now?" I asked.

“The practice room," the manager replied. The choreography video for the year-end joint stage had arrived, so we had to focus on practicing for the year-end performances.

※ Side story

[Profile (Suh Hyun-Woo Edition)]

Name/Age: Suh Hyun-Woo/19

Birthday: October 29

Height: 185cm

Blood Type: AB

1. In Chronos, I'm responsible for balancing Goh Yoo-Joon's playfulness and seriousness.

2. What am I currently interested in? Understanding our new manager's lifestyle.

3. Favorite/Least favorite food: Korean food (nurungji soup[2] and steamed eggs) / Seafood (allergic).

4. What I like/dislike: Rings, the stage, sleeping / Bleaching hair, heights, annoying noises.

5. What am I thinking about now? I should scribble on Goh Yoo-Joon's profile.

6. What does Kang Joo-Han mean to me? He cherishes me more than anyone else. He's more sensitive than you'd think, so he needs care. I respect and love him. Long live precious Kang Joo-Han, you are the best!

7. What does Goh Yoo-Joon mean to me? His presence has a way of making even the most worrying things feel trivial. It feels like we're destined to be together for life, no matter what challenges we face. He's always by my side, supporting me through thick and thin.

8. What does Park Yoon-chan mean to me? He personifies the term ‘kindness’ in every aspect of his being. I find myself wanting to take care of him and offer assistance, but in reality, I'm often the one receiving his help.

9. What does Lee Jin-Sung mean to me? He’s a goofball. Let's do a cover dance soon. (Hey bro, I’m articulate, so stop teasing me that I suck at explaining things.)

10. My goal in ten years? To still be performing on stage without any issues.

1. A dynamic and rhythmic dance style characterized by quick, sharp movements, and body isolations, often performed to funk or hip-hop music. ☜

2. A traditional Korean soup made from the crispy rice crust (nurungji) that forms at the bottom of the pot when cooking rice, simmered in water or broth to create a warm and comforting dish. ☜


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