Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 9

Chapter 9: The Teacher who came from Hell? (I)

Translator: GravityTales Editor: GravityTales

Xingyu’s voice was conveyed to Haochen once more, but he just explained some simple sword techniques before he disappeared.

The merely nine year-old Long Haochen had to stay alone in that pitch black cave with those frenzied owl-ants and an intense pain that incessantly spread throughout his body.

Because of the severe pain, his speed shot down multiple times. However, as he thought about his mother, courage surged up from within his heart.

The owl-ants only brought him severe pain; so he clenched his teeth to suppress the pain and waved his bamboo swords over and over again.

Xingyu stood outside of the hole. Feeling each minute that passed, his facial expression constantly changed. Not only once did he raise his hand with the intent to push the huge rock before him, but he resisted.

If it was another kid from Odin Hall, he would have fainted soon after getting into that hole. However, Long Haochen was still conscious, constantly exerting himself to fight those owl-ants. They are not poisonous, but can easily bring violent pain to people. Their bodies, only one-third of a decimeter long,1 were not only extremely hard, but they also had an incredible attack power.

The expression in Xingyu’s eyes was constantly changing. He really was training Long Haochen with extreme methods. So long as Long Haochen could bear that, his mental strength, which was very different from ordinary people’s, would be able to develop at the fastest speed possible. The training also had numerous other benefits. Primarily, it would forge in him an iron will.

After half an hour, a whole half hour! Long Haochen felt like a century had passed here. His whole body was already numb because of the pain; he couldn’t wave the swords in his hands anymore, and his weakened body sank into a coma.

At that moment, the stone covering the entrance of the cave was pushed aside and a great force was exerted on Long Haochen’s body, pulling it up as the uncountable owl-ants were repelled by a strange power, without any way to fly out to avoid it.

That was all done by Xingyu. As he looked at Long Haochen, he took a deep breath. It could be seen in his gaze that he couldn’t control his feelings anymore.

At that moment, Long Haochen had completely worn out his whole body. His body was swelling from the stings, his beautiful little face couldn’t be recognized at all, and traces of the impacts with the owl-ants’ bodies could be seen on the set of bamboo swords.

Xingyu hurriedly made Long Haochen inhale a special red medicine and, after a flash, he carried Long Haochen back to the log cabin at an immeasurable speed.

There was a total of three log cabins. Apart from the master and his apprentice’s log cabins, there was also another one Long Haochen had never gone into. At that moment, he was brought into that log cabin that by Xingyu.

Upon entering the log cabin, a dense hot steam could be seen coming out.

In the wooden cabin’s interior was a rock that had a pool dug out from it. To say it accurately, the pool was here first, and the log cabin was built around it.

The pool water was overflowing. The water inside the pool was brown colored, and had numerous medicines floating inside it.

Xingyu quickly stripped off Long Haochen’s ripped clothes, then carefully placed his body inside the pool. Only the part around his nose was outside of the pool.

The hot spring was, in fact, dug by Xingyu, but Long Haochen, who was still in a coma, didn’t know that. In the pool’s water, he soaked in these medicinal materials that had a value that even 10,000 bottles of Elemental Training Liquid could not compare with.

After half an hour, Xingyu saw that the swollen parts on Long Haochen’s body were gradually disappearing. Afterwards, he left the log cabin.

The sunlight was gradually disappearing, leaving room for the dim light of the night, before, unbeknownst to Haochen, it had already became dusk.

“It hurts. Waaaa–!” Long Haochen’s shouted, waking up from his coma, while being soaked in the hot spring.

His body moved, but naturally he could not keep his balance. The water in the pool wasn’t deep, but he drank some and suddenly spat it out. From the pool, a loud coughing sound could be heard.

Where am I? Long Haochen ignorantly looked at the surrounding steam and the water around him. The intense pain he originally had was already gone and, except for the fact that his whole body was completely cleaned and naked, he felt completely natural.

Opening the door, and holding clothes, Xingyu entered from outside.

“Wear these clothes and come out.” After letting out a simple sentence, he left again.

A bit confused, Long Haochen came out from the water and grabbed the towel that was next to him before putting the clean clothes on. Then, he thought back to the events that happened in the owl-ants’ nest.

When he remembered the severe pain he felt at that moment, he couldn’t help shivering intensely. At that time, he relied entirely on his courage to bear it, but after thinking back about it, he felt the severe pain of that moment once again.

After he pushed the door open, he discovered that he was in the third log cabin and, upon entering the middle cabin, he discovered a rich meal arranged on the table.

“Come and eat.” Xingyu, acting as if nothing had happened, pointed to the meal on the table and started to eat.

Looking at his teacher, Long Haochen haltingly spoke, “Teacher, I…”

“Come and eat first.” Xingyu looked at him with a stern gaze.

Long Haochen didn’t dare to say anything else, hurriedly sat down, and started to eat as if he hadn’t eaten anything for a long time. He was especially hungry tonight; his appetite was three times larger than usual. After a little while, Long Haochen had eaten everything that was edible on the table except for the little portion Xingyu ate.

Xingyu didn’t let him tidy up the table yet. Instead, he calmly inquired, “Tell me how you felt today.”

“It was very painful.” Long Haochen sincerely answered.

“Can you only do this much?!” Xingyu coldly spoke. “This was only the beginning. Come out with me and bring your bamboo swords with you.”


The master and his apprentice left the wooden cabin, arriving at the summit of the mountain.

Two similar bamboo swords appeared in Xingyu’s hands, “The sword is known as the king of weapons. It can attack as well as defend. If you want to defend others, you have to be able to defend yourself first. I am going to teach you close quarters tactics now. Watch carefully.”

As the bamboo blades moved, they let out some afterimages. These sword rays that looked so unreal were shining on the summit of the mountain. The explanations that accompanied these sword rays ceaselessly entered Long Haochen’s ears. Today, his hellish practice had just begun.

As the days passed by, Xingyu instructed Long Haochen in various subjects including astronomy, geography, and history, on a daily basis. After a day of instruction, there would be an examination about the courses from the day before. To Long Haochen, that was the happiest moment of the day.

In the afternoon, hell began. The owl-ants’ nest was a required daily course, with the final result being the same every time. That inhumane pain made Long Haochen almost want to die, but every time his heart thought of giving up, Xingyu would remind him that he would be able to go home after only a few days.

Every time he was in the owl-ant’s nest, he trained until the moment he fainted, and once he woke up, he would find himself in the middle of the hot springs, with the pain already gone.

After dinner, training started. Xingyu passed some skills to Long Haochen and let him do practical memorization to learn a few things. Only when the night was very late would the training end.

The most painful thing for Long Haochen was the fact that Xingyu didn’t permit him to sleep. When it was late at night, while he was completely exhausted, Xingyu would teach him a seated meditation method that Long Haochen called ‘sleeping while sitting’. And in the morning, Xingyu’s sword would, without a doubt, hit him to wake him up.

*[advantage]: by having their erection in contact with her

*[ cent bills]: China has cents in bills called jiao

*[Guoshu]: Guo here means country and shu means technique

*[ 190 centimeters]: Over 6ft tall

*[Lake Cui]: Cui Hu, also means Green Lake

*[hundred dyuan bills]: 100yuan is their biggest bill

*[Daoist Fierce Tiger]: The author of this novel

*[Noodles]: made of wheat

*[Rice Noodles]: made of rice

*[Zhang Tian Tian]: Tian means sweet

*[Bajiquan]: Also known as Eight Extremities Fist, but Bajiquan sounds nicer to me

*[Long Taos]: side characters in Chinese operas who perform acrobatics and fight scenes

*[12.47 to 13.07]: don’t ask me about the tree sap


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