SCP Gacha System In A Cultivation World

Jing vs Hu Tao

Jing vs Hu Tao

A purple aura manifested behind Jing, towering over the 9th stage Qi Gatherer. A sick perverted smile was painted on her lips as she stared down the riled up beast. Hu Tao roared out a howl that caused the air inside the house to flee in the form of shockwaves. This howl seems to be an auxiliary martial art! Hu Tao's qi manifested into the form of a black fiendish beast that seemed no less fearsome than Jing's own!

Hu Tao got on all fours and pounced towards Jing intent on slashing her to pieces with his hands. His figure blurred and in no time, he arrived in front of Jing. The powerful qi and savage look in his eyes would unnerve any normal cultivator around his stage. Just looking at him would make anyone of a normal mind to be paralyzed in fear and accept their inevitable fate to be struck down by this creature.

Jing, however, was not like most cultivators. Her first reaction to feeling this type of presence was excitement and worry for her undergarments getting soaked afterwards. It's not every day she can feel something like this. It pulled on a hidden feeling, deep within her heart that made her want to turn loose and reign this mad dog under her control. And she fulled intended to let that feeling surface.

Jing got into her martial art stance.


Jing unleashed lightning fast kicks that struck Hu Tao all over! Each strike seemed to hit a weak point on Hu Tao's body, causing so much pain to him that he was forced to howl out from the pain as he was knocked away by a final kick into the couch. Hu Tao crashed into his couch and knocked it over as he got back on his feet before he could crash into the fire place. He locked eyes with Jing as the pain running through his body was something he's never felt before or to this level at least.

He grinned.

"This might actually be fun." He stood up, stretching his muscles and cracking his bones.

He slammed his knuckles together and his qi seemed to double in power! The beast behind him increased in size and savageness. He leapt towards her with a leaping kick and Jing was forced back when she contested with him in strength. He somehow increased his strength after being blown back earlier!

Jing fully expected him to be suffering from pain spasms while writhing on the ground after hitting him with her Lij. To say she was surprised would be an understatement. Lij is an opening move that allows Jing to follow up with other attacks in her Flowering Domination martial art. Those other attacks could either be used to finish the enemy, defend against any incoming projectiles, or just cause more damage with another special move in the kicking technique.

After reading the Empress of Pain's tome, she's learned all the right ways of hurting humans. Her kicks should've caused him to be unable to move at all after kicking him in all the right nerve spots. So, either he has a way of shutting off pain entirely or his fighting will can't be broken through pain alone.

She smirked.

'I guess we'll see how long you can last doggy.'

After kicking Jing backwards, Hu Tao landed on his feet and followed up with multiple vicious claw attacks. Jing met him for every blow with her kicks, slowly getting overpowered more and more. Realizing, that facing him head-on isn't working, Jing dodged one of Hu Tao's slashes and slide kicked toward his legs.

"NICE TRY BITCH!" He yelled.

Hu Tao leapt above Jing, completely dodging her attack and with his clawed hand stretched out, dived at her.

"Or was that my plan all along?" Jing smirked.

Hu Tao's face was still grinning as he was assured in his victory as he was diving towards Jing, ignoring her comment entirely.

'There's no way she can avoid this attack with all my might! I'll snatch her by the throat and force her to tell me how did she get so strong! It has to be a sky-ranked treasure or even a heaven-ranked one! There's no way a 1st stage Qi Gatherer could ever contest with a 9th stage one. Even if they had one of the greatest bloodlines in the world, the gulf in strength between those two stages can't be shortened like this.'

Jing flipped onto her hands and did a handstand before pushing off the ground and kicking Hu Tao in the jaw with her toes, knocking him through upstair's floor and into the second level of the house.


Jing giggled before slowly walking up the steps and into the luxurious bathroom. As soon as she opened the door, Hu Tao punched with a rising fist towards her jaw! This attack would surely break her jaw into pieces if it landed! Jing leaned her head backwards to dodge the attack and with an accurate kick to the chest, caused him to momentarily pause in his movements. After stopping his surprise attack, Jing quickly went on the offensive! She landed kick after kick on Hu Tao's body, causing him to be slowly beaten back.

But it wasn't going all that smoothly for Jing. Jing could see despite having the advantage in technique, Hu Tao was slowly getting used to her movements. She could feel that her kicks weren't landing completely. If she doesn't finish this soon, he'll no doubt be able to dominate her in strength and technique.

After kicking him across the bathroom, Hu Tao ended up with his back to the wall. Jing did a rising high kick aimed straight at Hu Tao's chin.

"NOT!" His dazed eyes suddenly opened clear and wide as he swayed his head to the side and grabbed hold of Jing's leg.

"HAHAHAHAHA!" He laughed as he spun her around like a top and threw her through the wall into the bedroom.

Jing crashed her head into his mahogany desk near the king-sized bed and lost sight of Hu Tao. She was sure if her body wasn't refined, her head should've exploded like a watermelon or at the very least knocked her into a deep coma from that throw. The power from that throw was not something just anyone could produce!

"You're mine now!" Jing heard in front of her.

Jing back flipped out of the destructive charge attack from Hu Tao that would've left an average 1st stage into nothing more than a mist of blood. She landed on the ceiling with her feet and dive kicked towards the exposed back of Hu Tao. He just grinned as he charged elbow first towards her foot, knowing he held the edge in power.

She used the force of Hu Tao's attack to launch her across the room.

"Is the foreplay over yet mutt? Are you ready to take this seriously yet? Your future is on the line you know?" Jing reminded him as she took out her whip.


Hu Tao howled as his figure became even more animalistic along with the beast manifesting behind him. It grew two additional snarling heads and enlarged in size. The teeth were fanged and razor sharp. He was on all fours once more and two red shadows of himself formed next to him, mimicking his stance. His hands grew a dark bloody aura around them along with a reddish wolf tail made of qi. The pupils in his eyes disappeared and he looked nothing more than just a feral mindless beast. But even with all this, Jing still felt like Hu Tao was still in control.

He smirked.

Then vanished before her eyes. Jing fully released all of her strength as this battle got into its second phase. Boom! The bedroom was destroyed as Jing and Hu Tao released everything they had. If anyone were to witness such a fight it would be impossible to not label these two as once in a thousand-year geniuses. The way Jing kept Hu Tao out of her personal bubble while also keeping him at a certain distance with her whip. If he dared to make even one mistake, it would be the last mistake he ever made in this fight. Each time she sliced the air with her whip, it aimed at one of Hu Tao's critical points. Jing had her whip's anomalous effect active and fully intended on using it to subdue this wild dog.

But Hu Tao was no slouch either! Swaying his head at the most crucial of times to dodge Jing's fierce rapid whip slashes, not even taking a single cut as he clawed at Jing and her whip with the quickness of a tiger. The wind distorted from the speed of his attacks and sliced at Jing's clothes, nipping at her skin and causing blood to flow.


His wind slashes are strong enough to tear through flesh and cut through bones. The last time he used this he accidentally cut a sorry bastard in half from the waist. Hu Tao didn't think that the sack of shit would be weak enough to die from something like that. He was pissed for hours before taking his anger out on one of the weaker disciples.

This would have to mean that the body cultivation technique this girl practices is at the very least earth-rank or higher. Just who is this bitch anyway? He searched all over the Outer Court for any strong fighters. He has never seen anyone like this chick. Hu Tao still can't believe she's in the 1st stage. It has to be an auxiliary martial art that somehow masks her true stage.

But his gut was telling him that she wasn't something that could be understood with normal thinking. He felt like she was a monster in human skin. Even his qi was having trouble picturing her as just some girl. Hu Tao felt like her true form was something indescribable and unclear to the mind. Feeling that endless deep powerful twisted feeling qi... It simply can't be human.

"Just what the fuck are you!?" His face still sporting a battle-crazed smile.

His red shadows broke through Jing's zone after Hu Tao knocked her whip into the ground and kept her from recovering it. Her strength is great enough to take back her whip but not fast enough to avoid the attacks of the shadows. They appeared on each side of Jing ready to swipe her innards out with their claws.

Jing felt a slight trickle run down her upper thigh as she was caught in this dangerous situation. Her lips turned up unconsciously as she was forced into the defensive position constantly with this mutt. Ever since the second start of this battle, Jing was unable to go on the offense. Even if she tried one of her offensive whip techniques, Hu Tao would be able to handle it himself or with the support of his two clones.

'I'm still too wet behind the ears. This is my first real battle after all. Even if I have all the teachings to memory, putting them into practice is a whole different matter. Even with my refinements, this is something that I'll have to solve by gaining experience. This'll be great training to get used to my whip and leg arts.' Jing thought, forgetting her original goal of just ending this by getting a single cut on Hu Tao's skin and forcing him to be her slave or forever undergo the pain of unending suffering.

Jing twirled her body upside down and did a split before kicking her legs around in a whirlwind motion. The two shadows of Hu Tao were unable to predict Jing doing such a strange move and were sucked into her tornado. Jing's legs kicked the two shadows multiple times without them being able to escape the pull of her technique.

'Jfng!' Is the name of this technique.

This move is normally used to give the user some breathing room when surrounding on all sides by enemies but with Jing's abnormal body, she is capable of using this technique to new heights! The power of her spin was powerful enough to suck in the two shadows to kick them for as long as she could spin while in the air. They couldn't escape the power of her attacks and were forced to dissipate into nothingness after being attacked so many times.

A sharp light shined from Hu Tao's eyes as he witnessed the defeat of his shadows. He wouldn't be able to summon them again unless he wants to use up all his remaining qi and that would be no fun. There's no way he's going to stop this battle so soon when it's getting so fun! She's showing him so many interesting things that he never thought he'd see in the Outer Court.

Hu Tao lunged after Jing. Jing has long got back on her feet and whipped towards Hu Tao. Hu Tao with the reflexes and flexibility of a wild beast, twisted midair and dodged the whip before landing right under Jing.

"This is how you use it right?!"

He began spinning his arms in a cyclonic manner with his claws stretched out. The entire room was swept up in a sharp cyclone that surrounded both Jing and Hu Tao. Jing was forced off her feet as she used her whip to block the claw attacks of Hu Tao. The strength in his body was even more than Jing's. His spinning claw attack was launching her higher and higher towards the ceiling and she was suffering more and more damage from the wind and his claws.

Since the whip isn't so great at defense at close range, she was helpless against his assault. He's only getting stronger as the battle goes on! Having him in her forces is a must. But first she'll have to get this dog to submit.

Jing dropped her whip and let Hu Tao claw deep across her torso as she went flying through the floor back towards the living room of the house. Her clothes were in tatters and blood was all over it. She didn't feel any of the pain though. She has long turned off her pain receptors. As she slowly got up, her clothes began to fix themselves anew along with the injuries on her body. Jing felt as if her understanding of her current whip and leg arts were slowly improving. After using them in this fight with Hu Tao, Jing was slowly on the verge of a breakthrough into the initial stage of her martial arts. She closed her eyes to try and consolidate her understandings. A faint yellow aura appeared around Jing's legs.

Hu Tao lunged at her from above with a wicked smile on his face as he watched. He was glad that it wasn't over yet. He still hasn't even shown everything he's got yet! If she was finished before he could give it his all, his balls would ache! But thankfully this fight can keep on going!


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