
Chapter 503: The Church of the Sun God’s Crazy Plan (2)

Chapter 503: The Church of the Sun God’s Crazy Plan (2)

The first thing Regina heard after she fused her psychic energy with the mana barrier was the voice of the demigod they met in the hall.

"Is it really alright?" He asked.

"Do you doubt the words of our Lord?" Another voice replied. It belonged to one of the men that came with the demigod. "As his servants, it's our duty to make his will come true."

"I know, but we are going against the treaty of the gods. The other gods won't stay silent."

"It doesn't matter as long as our lord gets what he wants. Our Lord will take care of the problems with the other gods. The most important thing is to get the Heart of the Forest."

The demigod sighed. "Very well. When are you going to perform the ritual?"

"As soon as we learn the location of the Heart of the Forest. At that moment, I will receive the will of our Lord in my body."


After that, the two men in the room conversed about some other topics before they stopped talking.

When Regina confirmed that she was not going to learn anything else, she retrieved her psychic energy and returned to Bloed's room.

She then told Bloed and the others about what she heard.

The expressions of the group immediately became grave.

"As expected, it's God's Descend."

"To think that the Sun God would go this far."

Eres and Liu Ying furrowed their brows.

Bloed was also frowning. If the Sun God was preparing to descend into the body of one of his believers, it was bad news.

It meant that they could have to face a god.

At that moment, Bloed realized that Elwha was pale.

The elf princess seemed like she had seen a ghost. She was shivering, and her face had been drained of color.

"Elwha! Are you alright!?" Bloed hurriedly grabbed her hand.

The elf princess forced out a smile and nodded, but through their mental connection, Bloed felt that she was terrified.

She seemed like she had remembered a terrible nightmare.

' Right, she has a trauma related to gods descending.'

Bloed remembered what Elwha told him about the day when the elven delegation was intercepted by the Church of Slaughter.

Back then, they were betrayed by one of their demigods, and after that, Slaughter itself descended into the body of one of his believers, sealing the fate of the elves in the delegation.

If the Goddess of Fate would have not rescued her, Elwha would have died that day.

Bloed sighed. He then hugged her softly until the elf princess calmed down.

A few minutes later, the elf princess left Bloed's hug with an almost unnoticeable blush on her face.

" Sorry about that. I just remembered something painful."

The rest of the group looked at her in sympathy. The terror of being threatened by a god was not something that any of them had experienced.

"Anyway, does any of you know anything about God's Descend?" Bloed asked. Now that there was the possibility of the Sun God descending, they needed to prepare in case they needed to face him.

Unfortunately, nobody in the group was knowledgeable about gods.

Elwha was an elf, and the elves did not have gods. Eres was the Princess of the Kingdom of Alterna, but the Kingdom forbid religions from spreading on its grounds. Liu Ying, on the other hand, was exiled when she was a child, so she did not know much about the gods either.

However, they knew that God's Descend was not easy to perform. When a god descended into the body of a believer, it always resulted in the believer dying soon after that. Even a demigod was destined to die if a god descended into him.

There were only a few exceptions to this rule, one of them being Charise. She had a rare talent called [Soul Vessel] that allowed her to receive the will of her goddess for a short time without fatal consequences.

Bloed thought for a moment and decided that they needed more information. He contacted little Gina and then asked her to contact Eve.

A few minutes later, the projection of the Ex-Saintess of Moonlight Glow appeared from the device on Bloed's hand.

[Do you need my help?] Eve asked with her usual expressionless look.

Bloed nodded. "Yes. What do you know about God's Descend?"

[ Why are you asking about that?]

Bloed then told her about the possibility of the Sun God descending.

Eve's expression immediately became sharp.

[ The Sun God is planning to descend? Is he crazy?]

"Is there something we can do in that situation?" Bloed asked.

Eve furrowed her brows deep into thought. She then looked at Bloed with a serious look.


Bloed's expression changed.

"Is it hopeless?"

[ If the Sun God descends in the body of a normal believer, you still have a chance to fight him. But if he descends in the body of a demigod, then your only option is to run.]

" How strong will he be?"

[The Sun God is a very powerful god, so even if he can't use his entire strength after he descends, he will be much stronger than any demigod. Only other gods or an Irregular can face him.]

"Is there no way to stop him?"

[Unless you can break his link to his believer, your only option is to run.]

"Wait, break the link to the believer?"

[ That is the only method I can think of. However, I don't know if something like that is possible.]

"I see." Bloed nodded with a pensive expression.

Seeing that, Eve furrowed her brows.

[You better not try it. It won't work. Bloed, how much you know about gods?]

" I don't know much, actually. I only know that they are stronger than demigods, but I'm not clear about the rest."

[Mm. I see. I will tell you what I know then. Perhaps it can help you.]

Bloed was startled before smiling.

"Thank you. I owe you one."

[ Just treat Aya well.] With these words, Eve started to tell him what she knew about gods.


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