Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 533: Faceslapping Season Two

Chapter 533: Faceslapping Season Two

They had instead played right into his hands.

What they didn't know was that his grandfather had his reasons to pick Qie Ranzhe and it wasn't only because of his unparalleled gift. It was also because of the new projects he had and a large foreign clientele base he could attract.

GameX was the first baby he grew from the ground up but when he left the Qie family he took with him various projects in industrial engineering together with its clients.

If he had taken over as chairman like he was supposed to then the Qie family empire would have been the richest family in the entire eastern seaboard. That's why it never broke his heart that his father and his entire family betrayed him because they only betrayed themselves. They robbed themselves of all the benefits that could have belonged to them.

"With that said, we had an agreement. This is your last warning. Stay the fuck out of my business and I will stay out of yours. You lost the right to use me when you kicked my mother out of the Qie family for that slut over there," he said before standing up to leave.

He felt suffocated being surrounded by vipers and just wanted to go home and cuddle with his sweetheart. But before he took a step, his father stopped him and said, "You still belong to the Qie family so you are obligated as a family member to pick up some slack and do your part...."

Qie Ranzhe ambled over to him with the anger in his eyes apparent. "Father have you forgotten that we severed our relationship before I left this house. Your new wife made me sign the document before I left and you must have signed it too otherwise my name would be on the family registry. I might have the surname Qie but I have no relation to any of you so don't fuckin bother me again."

It was true. This did happen but at that time she thought he didn't notice what it was. She foolishly believed he hadn't noticed as she had piled it up with other documents. Who would have thought that not only did he know but he also signed it on purpose?

Mr Qie was even easier to fool. All she had to do was part her legs open and distract him enough to sign his rights as a father away. That way she wouldn't have to worry about Qie Ranzhe coming back to take everything away from her son.

She also understood that business wasn't going well and they needed that whore's son to fix things but she knew he was no longer part of the Qie family. She remembered what she did but sincerely hoped that no one else knew. Who would have thought this brat knew what he was signing back then. Now her husband had finally found out the truth after so many years.

"Is it true? Did you?... Answer me!" yelled Mr Qie glowering at her with his bloodshot eyes.

Qie Ranzhe walked over Qie Anzhie as chaos ensued in the lounge.

He could hear a loud Pa sound echoing in the air followed by Mrs Qie's high pitched shrieks. "How dare you hit me? You hit me..... wuwuwu," she cried as the others struggled to hold the livid master of the house back.

"I am going to kill her..... I am going to fuckin kill her! Let go of me..... that bitch is tired of living," were Mr Qie's angry screams.

Qie Ranzhe had thrown the final matchstick that ignited the fumes. He naturally didn't have any reason to stay here and burn with the rest of them. Just as he stepped outside, he was suddenly hugged from behind as Zhao Huangzhi's chokingly strong perfume assaulted his senses.

Before he could say anything she started speaking so fast expressing her strong desire to be with him but she was talking to the wrong person. Whatever feelings he had for Zhao Huangzhi back then they were all but chaff blown away by the wind.

"I only came here because I wanted to get back what your younger brother stole from you. If we get married my family would help your family then you would also be powerful enough to stand against your younger brother... I, I didn't think you didn't want to come back. Tell me how else I can help you? I can give you anything you won't just be with me, okay? Just don't let yourself be blinded by that vixen. He is nothing good," she said sniffling in tears.

"Last strike," said Qie Ranzhe peeling her hands off him.

Zhao Huangzhi's body stiffened with her hands being roughly pulled apart. She stopped resisting and asked, "What do you mean?" She stood in front of Qie Ranzhe, her lips pouted and eyes red. Such a pitiful weak appearance could arouse any man's desire to protect her all except one.

Qie Ranzhe was as cold and indifferent as ever as he said, "This was your last strike so tell your father he better be ready for what's coming. Don't you ever show up in front of me and my family again otherwise I will take everything and leave all of you penniless?" As soon as he said this he walked away leaving behind a dumbstruck Zhao Huangzhi.

She knew he was a force not to be reckoned with but that is exactly why she was attracted to him. But who would have thought he would be this ruthless towards her? She squatted on the ground and hugged her knees crying creating a cringe-worthy scene that had the nearby servants confused on what to do.

Qie Ranzhe got into the car feeling heavier than he did before. It seemed digging up old wounds weighed heavy on his heart as he slumped into the passenger seat with his long fingers on his temple. He reached for his cellphone and dialled a series of numbers as they drove out of the Qie Mansion. It was about time he upgrades the house fire into a full-blown wildfire and tame all those people who went against him starting with Qie Anzhie.

Once the future and only heir of the Qie family is ruined then the entire family will crumble right before their very eyes. The call on the other side was picked up but the person remained silent. All one could hear was the muffled sound of breathing.

"Now," said Qie Ranzhe before cutting the line. All it took was one word. One word to burn two families to ash all in one go. By tomorrow morning their lives would never be the same again. While he would be in the warm embrace of his lover their world will be up in smoke.


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