Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 523: Pettiness At A Whole New Level

Chapter 523: Pettiness At A Whole New Level

Wen Qinxi's gaze was fixated on Qie Ranzhe's lips desperate to take a bite. At least then Kai Zi would know that this man is taken and he would stay away. "I am very upset as well. How about we go home and make each other happy?" suggested Wen Qinxi smiling like he had just won the lottery.

"I would love that," replied Qie Ranzhe lightly kissing Wen Qinxi's neck with his warm breath brushing against the man's skin creating an erotic scene.

Wen Qinxi was about to respond when he heard a loud roar of an engine approaching the parking lot. He tilted his head to the side and saw a three-meter tall blue monster truck with flames approaching a galaxy sports car at the end of the parking lot.

He lightly pushed Qie Ranzhe away as an ominous feeling crept up within. Qie Ranzhe seemed the least bit concerned with his arm sliding along Wen Qinxi's waist in a possessive manner.

Sure enough, the monster truck drove over that expensive galaxy sports car crushing it like it was nothing. Premise security began to panic trying to stop the monster truck but it was pointless. They were simply no match to this ginormous monstrosity terrorising a client's car.

"Who...," said Wen Qinxi his heart bleeding for the owner of that car. They must have offended someone otherwise why out of all the fancy cars here would the attacker target that car alone.

Qie Ranzhe leaned over and started kissing his neck again while saying, "That should teach him not to mess with my person ever again."

"What?" asked Wen Qinxi as he leaned back creating some distance between them. He knew Qie Ranzhe was petty but this level of pettiness was a little beyond the norm.

"Let's go home. I still want you to make me happy. This wasn't enough to appease me," replied Qie Ranzhe draping his arms across Wen Qinxi's shoulder before leading him to the car.

Just as they reached the black SUV the sound of Kai Zheng grieving over his car reverberated in the air scaring birds away. His beautiful car had been reduced to scrap and the culprit had driven off and nowhere in sight. He did have insurance but seeing his baby in this state made him so angry that he wailed like a toddler in the street.

"That will fuckin teach him not to flirt with my baby. He flirts with mine, I destroy his," said Qie Ranzhe with a stern expression like he really meant it. Wen Qinxi was left speechless with nothing left to say. Qie Ranzhe went beyond his expectations. He was starting to wonder if he was in love with a businessman or a member of the mafia.

"What baby? Did someone try to steal saozi?" asked Dai Yu who had been tossed in the car earlier by Qie Ranzhe to prevent her from going berserk again in public. It seemed he had also forgotten about her because he was kneading his forehead in frustration. It seemed they couldn't go home and make each other happy as of yet as they had to adult sit his crazy cousin.

"Who was it? Who would have the balls to rob you of your wife?" asked Dai Yu again while chewing on some dried fruit.

"If I let you go back would you promise to behave yourself till Lan-er is done racing?" asked Qie Ranzhe unwilling to give up the happy hour waiting for him at home.

Dai Yu chuckled and said, "Yes, I will definitely be-behave..... ahem..... I will be very good." From that answer alone Qie Ranzhe could clearly tell she was lying. If he lets her go unsupervised she would most likely jump that other driver with a crowbar.

"Well, I guess we are staying here till Shao Lan is done," said Qie Ranzhe feeling upset again, "I am so sorry," he mouthed to Wen Qinxi while stroking his hand.

He meant to introduce his lover to his closest family but not only did they end up dealing with a whole lot of craziness but they also ate a bucket load of vinegar from their love rivals. What a terrible ending to a great day.

While Wen Qinxi and Qie Ranzhe were adult sitting, Kai Zi stumbled upon Qie Anzhie hanging out in the private room. It might have seemed like a coincidence but it was all planned out by Kai Zi himself.

To eliminate the competition he sought out Qie Anzhie as he was the fastest route to get things done. He just hoped Qie Anzhie would be cooperative.

"Well, well, well... I really didn't expect to find you here today. Are you here to see your older brother?" said Kai Zi sitting on the couch opposite Qie Anzhie.

"It's none of your business," replied Qie Anzhie feeling a little annoyed. He barely interacted with this man mostly because he was always around Qie Ranzhe. What he didn't expect was that he would take the initiative to approach him.

Kai Zi wasn't at all shaken by his attitude, in fact, there was no need to fake pleasantries as he truly believed Qie Anzhie took a position that never belonged to him.

"Mhm, yes it's none of my business indeed. It's just that I heard your older brother has a boyfriend. I had no idea he prefered the same sex let alone date his employee. You remember that programmer he had a press conference with? Apparently, that's his boyfriend. Interesting, right?"

This piece of information piqued Qie Anzhie's interest as he stopped swirling the glass in his hand. He had come over to make a fool of Qie Ranzhe by messing with Dai Yu but who would think that was mere child's play and the true person he could use to deal with Qie Ranzhe was right in front of him this entire time.

Just as he said this Kai Zi's cellphone rang. It was his brother whose car had been destroyed by a certain someone whose name couldn't be mentioned. "Calm the fuck down it's just a stupid car....," he said before walking away without bidding farewell to Qie Anzhie.

The seed had been sown already and all he had to do was wait for the bountiful harvest. He had to deal with his older brother that was making a fool of himself in public.

Qie Anzhie raised his glass staring blankly at it but the truth was that he was lost in thought. There were plenty of ways he could use this little nerd to his advantage. It was about time he showed his older brother who was superior between them. Only the strong will live and the weak would die.

He smashed the glass against the wall with a sly grin on his face. He finally found someone his older brother cared for and it was a small fry with no family backing. He couldn't screw with Zhao Huangzhi because of the Zhao family but he could mess with this man or so he thought.


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