Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 518: Grandmaster Master of Manipulation

Chapter 518: Grandmaster Master of Manipulation

Wen Danzhe had a slight suspicion that something was going on when his brother spoke about warding off handsome people and once he saw Wen Qinxi's last message he ran all the way here as soon as he got off the bus.

While rushing through the streets he was hit by a sudden realisation. This trip had been cancelled because they were short on sponsors despite having fundraised as a department.

Everyone had already abandoned ship only to have a mysterious sponsor appear last minute not only paying for a fancy hotel but covering the cost for meals. Knowing fairly well that pies just don't fall from the sky especially premium ones, he pieced everything together.

There was only one person out of all this who had the biggest motive and that man was currently sitting on the couch feeding his brother. Talk about being outsmarted by the grandmaster of manipulation.

Wen Danzhe tossed his bag on the floor and pointed at him for a second time. "Yoouu!....," he said but he was wheezing by the end of it because of his dry throat.

Wen Qinxi hurriedly got off the couch leaving Qie Ranzhe stupefied. He was left with a pair of chopsticks hanging mid-air because his boyfriend chose Wen Danzhe instead.

"Here, drink some water," said Wen Qinxi looking at his brother's flushed face. He had to dote on this feisty person so he wouldn't pick a fight with his bay over there.

Qie Ranzhe just eyed that bag on the floor like it had committed a crime worthy of a guillotine. He fought off the urge to yell at his future brother in law to pick it up. Thankfully he had great self-control otherwise there would have been a PK battle tonight which wouldn't look good for his rap sheet.

Ten minutes later the two of them sat opposite each other looking rather serious. Judging from the daunting looks on their faces Wen Qinxi was a little sceptical about leaving them alone so he hovered around like a helicopter with zero sense of direction.

"Anyone wants some tea, coffee maybe?" he asked trying to disperse the tense atmosphere but when one is dealing with two stubborn bulls who want to fight, their good intentions will be disregarded.

"No," replied Wen Danzhe without taking his gaze away from Qie Ranzhe.

The CEO on the other hand was smitten to the point that one could literally see his tail wagging if they looked closely. "No thanks, baby. I am fine," he replied with a sly wink that had Wen Qinxi feeling tingly down south.

Faced with such a hot guy with a half unbutton shirt calling him baby in a deep charming voice while winking at him how could he not be thirsty? The word thirst was literally written on his face. He unconsciously reached out to touch that exposed toned chest but his fingers didn't get to touch because....


"Ouch..... what's wrong with you?" yelped Wen Qinxi while calling out the culprit.

Wen Danzhe raised his hand again ready to smack him while saying, "What's wrong with me? Nah, what's wrong with you? I am still here for fucks sake. I need to talk to him alone now... Damn it, I feel like I am the older one between us... Ouch!"

His words earned him a smack upside his head from his older brother. "Play nice," said Wen Qinxi before giving them some space. He was in it with Qie Ranzhe for the long haul so they might as well get along otherwise family holidays will turn into yearly brawls.

As soon as the bedroom door closed Wen Danzhe cast the first stone with no hesitation. "The trip..... It was you, wasn't it? You wanted to get rid of me," said Wen Danzhe feeling a little annoyed. He didn't like it when someone pulls a fast one on him. He didn't like Qie Ranzhe's approach, period.

Qie Ranzhe raised his brow slightly answering the question without saying anything. Wen Danzhe's fingers were itching to face slap this arrogant man but for the sake of his brother he held back speaking through gritted teeth. "Fine but if you want to date him you have to go to my mother and tell her you bent her son and you would like to pursue a serious relationship with him..... how about that?"

Qie Ranzhe leisurely crossed his arms seeming unfazed. From a young age, he learnt to adapt to all kinds of situations which helps in dealing with different types of individuals. It was because of this that he had confidence in dealing with Mama Wen.

The older generation loves him in fact, he was certain that by the time he leaves her house she would eagerly hand Wen Qinxi over to him tied up with a red bow.

"Deal," said Qie Ranzhe further infuriating Wen Danzhe. He couldn't wait for his mom to tear that calm facade off Qie Ranzhe's face.

Thinking he could screw over his future brother in law's sex life, he walked over to the bedroom, grabbed an extra pillow and quilt then returned only to toss them at Qie Ranzhe. "You are sleeping on the couch tonight," said Wen Danzhe glowering at him with an evil smirk.

It was at that moment that Qie Ranzhe realised he was fucked. Never did it cross his mind that Wen Danzhe would sleepover let alone take his spot on the bed. Lying down on the couch after cleaning up he vowed to move Wen Qinxi to his apartment.

At least there were two bedrooms and if Wen Danzhe visits, note the 'if', then he would give him the guest room and not be separated from his bunny.

While Qie Ranzhe was coming up with plans to have Wen Qinxi move to his apartment, Wen Danzhe was answering his brother's incessant questions about Qie Ranzhe liking him since high school.

Questions like 'how could you tell' and 'how did you know' were flying around giving the exhausted Wen Danzhe a headache.

"Why are you asking so many questions at the same time? He was looking at you at that camping trip we went on with mum. That's the first time I noticed him. At that time I thought it was nothing but then..... I started seeing him again whenever we came to pick you up from school. Once or twice is fine but an entire semester? And the thing is he wouldn't be playing instead he would be seriously eyeing you like a piece of meat or something. Huuhh.... even that girl that glued to you, it must have something to do with him," explained Wen Danzhe with his eyes drooping like he could fall asleep at any time.

Wen Qinxi lay on his back staring into blank space. None of this made sense. When he tried to piece all the memories of high school together he couldn't see what Wen Danzhe was talking about.

"He did like you back then and I truly thought there would be some grand confession but something happened... you should ask him about that," said Wen Danzhe with his voice trailing off. He was exhausted from the trip and all that running that he just drifted off to sleep without thinking much.


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