Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 499: How To Ruin A Blind Date

Chapter 499: How To Ruin A Blind Date

She pulled the quilt off him and said, "Have you forgotten what I said last night. Up, up, up get up. You have to go see this girl before work starts. I know you will have excuses after that," but her son had zero inspiration curling up in his panda onesie with no intentions of getting up.

Mama Wen wasn't deterred looking through his suitcase to pick clothes for him. It was a little chilly today so she especially picked him some warm clothes. "Trust me, you will like her. Auntie Lang especially picked her for you," she said walking over to drag him out of bed.

Two hours later Wen Qinxi was standing outside the apartment door with his mother urging him to leave. Why two hours? It was because Wen Qinxi was staging a one-man protest that his mother almost dressed him herself.

She observed him with great satisfaction admiring her handsome son. She had him dressed in dark blue slim-cut jeans, a black sweater and a camel brown overcoat. Coupled with his typical college boy haircut his mother couldn't resist taking a few pictures. "Now go get me a daughter in law," she said before closing the door on him.

Wen Qinxi dragged his feet down the corridor while taking out his cellphone. He dialled Wen Danzhe's number and couldn't resist complaining. "She kicked me out... yep, I have to meet her at the restaurant along Fourth street," he said while playfully kicking the wall waiting for the elevator.

"Just meet her otherwise you won't hear the end of it. Oh, how about we go have some drinks after?" suggested Wen Danzhe.

"Sure, just don't invite your crazy friends," said Wen Qinxi before cutting the call. Just as the elevator doors opened his mother's apartment door was abruptly opened with Mama Wen darting in his direction.

"Qi-er, I forgot something," she said and his eyes widened when he saw what she was holding. He ran into the elevator and pressed the close button a dozen times but his mother managed to slip in. The elevator was suddenly flooded with chaotic sounds all the way to the ground floor.

While Wen Qinxi was going through who knows what in the elevator, Wen Danzhe texted an address to Machu before picking up his backpack heading towards the university gates. He had to call all his crazy friends to come over tonight. It was obvious he had no intention of listening to Wen Qinxi. 

The same message was soon forwarded to Qie Ranzhe who was still in his office handling some certification documents. It read;

Mach: JayJay's on fourth. On a date.

This message had him dropping everything in an instant shocking Li Menxie who thought they would be working overtime today. He grabbed his keys and overcoat without saying a word. Qie Ranzhe had no idea what he was going to do once he got there but all he knew was that he had to get there as soon as possible.

Ten minutes later, Wen Qinxi was sitting in the restaurant feeling rather self-conscious. He touched his ear that had a black clip-on stud on it. His ears weren't even pierced now he was forced to wear this and one at that.

He took out his thick-framed glasses from high school and wore them. Plus his retainers he looked like a failed attempt at hiding his gorgeous face. He uncomfortably touched his ear wondering how to remove this contraption when a pretty girl appeared in front of him with a beaming smile.

"Hie, are you Wen Qinxi? I am Yung Zixian, you can call me Xian," she said before sitting down.

As soon she sat down her smile froze as she placed her handbag on the ground.

In the picture her mother sent to her he didn't look like this. Granted he still looked okay but wasn't the picture over advertising his appearance.

"Ahem..... hello. It's a pleasure meeting you. Um, how about we order first," he said feeling like he shouldn't be here. He didn't want to waste this lovely girl's time but neither could he leave early otherwise his mother would find out and he would get an earful.

Things seemed to be going well for a while. She was fairly easy to get along with that is until he felt something sending chills down his back. He looked around trying to find the source but couldn't find anyone.

He chose to ignore it and continue with his meal but the tense atmosphere didn't dissipate making him feel very anxious. Wen Qinxi was about to laugh at himself for being paranoid when he caught a glimpse of Qie Ranzhe's reflection in the mirror leaning against a black SUV.

Their eyes met in the mirror causing his heart to almost leap out of his chest. Agape he mumbled, "oh, shit," while turning around to check behind him. The black car was there but the person wasn't there vexing him. Was he going crazy?

"Excuse me?" asked Yung Zixian in a displeased tone.

Wen Qinxi hurriedly explained, "I am so sorry..... I thought, I... I thought I saw my ex just now," looking behind again.

"Ex? Ha! Not only don't you look like your picture, you even have a potty mouth. Now your ex is following you. I am not looking for someone with baggage.... excuse me," she said slamming the napkin on the plate of food before standing up to leave.

Things went from zero to a hundred in a second leaving a dumbfounded Wen Qinxi staring at her disappearing figure. "Shit.....," he swore as he leaned back in his chair. He didn't even get to celebrate his failed blind date because he genuinely thought he was going crazy. How could Qie Ranzhe be here?

He paid the bill and walked out of the restaurant looking in the direction of the black SUV that had no one in it. He heaved a deep sigh as he took out his cellphone to call Wen Danzhe. He might as well hang out with his brother tonight and get rid of his depressive thoughts.

"Hey..... where are you?" he asked Wen Danzhe completely unaware of the figure watching him nearby. "Okay..... just don't start without me... her, I scared her off... she said it was the swearing," he said before taking out his retainers that were making him talk funny.

"Hahaha..... what do you want me to do? I was born with a filthy mouth. It's in my DNA..... blame our ancestors," he said slipping his glasses inside his pocket. He had been wearing contacts for a very long time and felt uncomfortable wearing his glasses at the same time as his contacts.

Qie Ranzhe silently watched him getting into the taxi before walking out of the shadows. One would assume he would get back to the office after this but nope, he had other plans. Wherever Wen Qinxi goes tonight he would be going too he just needed some form of backup. And that backup was a three-person team that would show up even at a short notice.

This walking talking jar of vinegar had graduated to a relentless stalker in a matter of seconds.


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