Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 472: Fifth World: Why Qie Xieling Can't Have A Sword

Chapter 472: Fifth World: Why Qie Xieling Can't Have A Sword

Qie Xieling didn't look for trouble but trouble definitely came looking for him in a rush. He had been sitting by the door in the lotus position looking like a toddler waiting for his mom to come out of the bathroom after leaving him outside. Only the heavens know how painful that wait was but what else could he do?

It had only been thirty minutes but to him, it felt like he had been waiting for hours. The feeling was sort of similar to a hangry person waiting for food. Ten minutes to them feels like an overnight train ride to a different city.

So when he heard noises coming from outside his wan expression drastically changed to a beaming smile. He thought his Shixiong was back for him so he stood up ready to complain like a disgruntled puppy. But as the sounds grew louder he realised something was wrong. It sounded more like someone was trying to break in rather than open the barrier the regular way.

"Damn it," he swore as he turned his Shixiong's room upside down. He was looking for anything and everything that he could use to defend himself against the intruder. Sadly, the only thing he could find was books. Some of the books were as thick as three phone books combined but what was he supposed to do with these? Clobber the intruder to death?

He could have used the pair of black and gold silk ribbons his father gave to him but because he hadn't mastered them yet he placed them in his interspatial bag which his Shixiong took. There were two reasons he didn't have a sword. One was because he was extremely afraid of heights and second he almost extended Shao Lan's scar by accident. This had Qie Ranzhe accept that his son wasn't a sword person plus he could always hitch a ride with him or use talismans when they had to go somewhere.

The ribbons were a special kind of spiritual tool perfect for him because it had their own divine sense and had a vicious attack comparable to black calamity if mastered. But of course, Qie Xieling was a little bit lazy and the only trick he could do with the pair of ribbons was make them bring him snacks.

Feeling upset Qie Xieling tossed the books aside and decided to hide inside the closet. To stall for time he would seal himself inside and reduce his presence significantly.

Ten gruesome minutes later the barrier scattered with a loud crashing sound that had Qie Xieling slightly panicked. He covered his mouth while chanting, "Go away, go away, go away," internally as though trying to get rid of the bogeyman under his bed. It didn't work but it calmed his mind.

The room fell into an eerie silence with not even the sound of insects chirping outside. It seemed they were also frightened and vacated the area as fast as possible. Only Qie Xieling was left hiding in a closet like an idiot. At least his shixiong's scent coming from the robes in the closet soothed him a little.

The sound of heavy boots stepping on the wooden floorboards soon permeated the air making Qie Xieling's body stiffen. He was sweating bullets as the steps got closer and closer. He felt like crying out to his father but he obviously wouldn't be able to hear him.

The footsteps paused nearby causing Qie Xieling to hold his breath while shutting his eyes tightly. He would rather suffocate than be caught by whoever was outside the closet right now. Two minutes later the loud footsteps began again followed by a loud crashing sound.

Crash!.... Thud! Thud! Bang!

Were the sounds echoing through the still air making Qie Xieling flinch. It seemed the person was turning the room upside down looking for him.

"Xieling..... how about you come out for this uncle?" said Miyu Ren scanning the room for possible hideout places. He overlooked the closet twice because the barrier Qie Xieling erected made the closet invisible to the untrained eye. This meant in Miyu Ren's eyes the closet appeared like a wall.

He could sense something was off but he still couldn't pinpoint what exactly was amiss. That's because Qie Xieling's father was a barrier expert a talent he naturally passed down to his son. This meant Miyu Ren wouldn't be able to find Qie Xieling without external means.

"If you come out by yourself I will make sure it's less painful..... or you would rather pick the hard way?" he said with a sinister smile on his face.

Qie Xieling felt his body stretch taut pressing his lips into a straight line. He was distraught wishing for this to end as soon as possible but because of his stirred up emotions, the pendant around his neck became agitated glowing like a lamp in the inky darkness.

This pendant was given to him by his grandmother a few hours ago but he didn't know its purpose. In fact, he hadn't had enough time to ask his grandmother what it does. The glow became blindingly bright unfortunately selling his position to Miyu Ren.

The demon king smiled maliciously as he sent his dark shadows to smash the barrier. The barrier instantly formed cracks where it was struck partially exposing the closet. Thinking he had finally caught his prey, Miyu Ren struck the barrier once more this time much forceful than before.

As soon as the barrier fell his eyes were suddenly burnt by a beaming light that had him groaning in pain while stumbling backwards. Seeing this Qie Xieling jumped out of the closet while simultaneously summoning his ribbons.

Since the outside barrier was broken the black silky ribbons slithered over coiling around Qie Xieling's wrists up to his elbow. He was about to run out as the pendant light dimmed but Miyu Ren wasn't one to let his prey slip away easily.

His eyes were surrounded by red burn wounds but they still functioned properly. His dark shadows grabbed Qie Xieling's shoulders and tossed him straight into the wall but the boy didn't hit the wall. Instead, his ribbons unwound and grasped the roof beam steadying Qie Xieling on the ground.

"Hahaha..... good one. I was wondering where the legendary weeping fairy's most prized possession went to.... it turns out while King Yama was dragging her to the eighteenth level of hell your father was busy robbing her precious ribbons. How resourceful," he said ambling in the room with his gaze transfixed on Qie Xieling.

Qie Xieling didn't respond moving a few steps further away from Miyu Ren. "You look exactly like him but the aura is completely different.... maybe it's because his perfect bloodline was tainted by that yao. What a shame," he said tapping the table with his fingers.

This succeeded in angering Qie Xieling that he attacked without thinking twice. He didn't have his father's personality but he inherited his temper from his Shixiong so there was no way he would back down when pissed.


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