Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 465: Fifth World: How To Exorcise Lust Out Of A Demon

Chapter 465: Fifth World: How To Exorcise Lust Out Of A Demon

Both Qie Ranzhe and Miyu Ren heard what he said despite the fact that he was whispering to himself. This had the sinister laugh disappear from Miyu Ren's face replaced by a black expression. He glowered at Zhao Zhi with his dark eyes that spelt murder but Qie Ranzhe didn't hesitate to block his line of sight standing in front of Zhao Zhi.

The demon king was about to say something when one of the seven brothers suddenly kowtowed before him drawing his attention. He removed his foot from the merman king's head and turned around to look at them.

Amused, he smirked and sauntered over to them with great interest. He crouched down before the oldest of the seven and raised his chin with a devilish smile that sent shivers down the merman prince's spine.

"And what do you hope you will achieve by doing this?" he asked staring deeply into the merman's eyes, "do you think such trickery can spare your father's life?"

The merman prince quivered as he shook his head. They weren't stupid neither were they brave. At first glance, they could tell they stood zero chance of winning against the demon king so they came to make a truce and swear their allegiance to him.

And just in case they fail they planned on using the guards as a means to buy time seriously underestimating Miyu Ren's strength. What they didn't realise is that if he plans to kill someone there wouldn't even be an opportunity for the person to run away.

"We, we have come to swear allegiance to you my Lord an-and promise to obey your every command so we wouldn't end up like our father," said the spokesperson for the other six.

They had seriously discussed this after they heard their father was beaten by the demon king. Instead of evacuating their people or at least gather them to try and fight, they decided to pledge allegiance to the demon king and never defy him.

They genuinely thought their father displeased the demon king somehow and messed things up. So after careful consideration, they chose to follow the saying 'if you can't beat them join them.'

The merman king scowled at these words glaring at his sons who sold him out just like that. He thought they were here to rescue them but it turns it wasn't a rescue but a planned execution.

Angered he began to yell, "Ungrateful bastards! I knew I should have aborted you when I had the chance..... unfilial sons all of you! Unfilial!..... Argh!"

The scream that followed was due to Qie Anzhie kicking the man right where his nuts would be if he was in full human form. He couldn't stand anyone that closely resembled his dead beat of a father. This resulted in his temporary loss of control beating the merman into silence.

Miyu Ren ignored the merman's scream standing back up while saying, "I am short of harem members so how about it?" turning around to stare at Qie Ranzhe hinting something, "how about all of you join me and that would make eight of you?"

Qie Ranzhe clenched his fists running out of patience. He was counting the number of ways he can make this demon king dead but Wen Qinxi was counting something else. He lifted his finger to count the number of brothers kowtowing on the ground but it wasn't adding up.

He was thinking this demon king seriously needed to go back to preschool to relearn his numbers so he can count properly. That is unless he was counting Qie Anzhie? Seeming to have discovered something interesting he tapped Qie Ranzhe's shoulder and whispered, "It seems your brother and the demon are...," with the rest of it said using hand gestures which earned him a slap on the back of his head from the queen.

"Ah, ma.....," he said feeling aggrieved but his grievances were soon tossed out the window replaced by something so sour leaving a bad taste in his mouth.

Miyu Ren chuckled having sensed Zhao Zhi's thoughts so he did him the pleasure of clarifying the situation. "The eighth member will obviously be Ran-ge over here. Of course, if he doesn't like sharing that's fine too. We already talked about it earlier.... isn't that right Ran-ge?"

Wen Qinxi put on a peeved expression while stammering, "Talk, talk about... ha well that's interesting," in a sarcastic tone. If this type of vinegar could kill he would have been dead already. He quietly stood there biting the inner lining of his lips feeling like his chest was going to explode. He knew there was a big hole in Qie Ranzhe's story so what exactly did he promise this demon.

Qie Ranzhe looked back at him mouthing it's not true while trying to pacify Zhao Zhi but the nerd had had it up to here with Qie Ranzhe's lack of transparency. He just wanted to talk less and beat someone to vent out his feelings. Qie Ranzhe could read the room so he took a step back giving him some space. He just wanted to hurry up and slaughter this demon so he could coax his bad bunny in bed.

"You know..... you might as well give up and come to me willingly. My pet is already wreaking havoc in the mortal realm and none of you can beat me combined so why not jump ship and I will make you a king. All I need you to do is not interfere as I take possession of the queen of the sea," said Miyu Ren slowly approaching Qie Ranzhe like an alluring vixen from the world's busiest brothel.

Okay, the nerd didn't want to resort to violence but the slut had to be punched to exorcise the adulterous spirit lurking within. He wasn't gentle in the slightest punching the lust out of Miyu Ren in an instant.

The demon king was too immersed in flirting with a taken man that he didn't see Zhao Zhi coming. To put it simply, this was the moment when all hell broke loose. This was the incident that marked the beginning of a long battle, the longest fight this nerd had ever been directly involved in.

The demon king was livid wiping the blood off the corner of his mouth his luminous eyes staring fixedly at Zhao Zhi as though staring at a dead man.

"You want to serve me that much then hold her down while I teach this cunt a fucking lesson," yelled Miyu Ren as a dark shadow surrounded him. The prince stood up ready to restrain the Queen but they were in for a surprise. 

Qie Ranzhe immediately stood in front of Zhao Zhi as black calamity cloned itself a dozen times. With the rings in hand he summoned half his strength ready to defend his lover but how could Qie Anzhie let that happen?

It was about time they end decades worth of conflict among brothers to which the end result of it would be one of them dead. 


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