Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 457: Fifth World: The Demon King

Chapter 457: Fifth World: The Demon King

After being robbed by black calamity twice, Dai Yu couldn't take it anymore yelling at her cousin. "Seriously Ran-ge, leave some for us," while cracking her whip at the vile creatures.

"Be careful what you wish for," yelled Machu as four spikes came out of his fan striking four creatures in the head simultaneously. He was right because Qie Ranzhe withdrew black calamity the very next second hunting down Qie Anzhie.

Feeling the pressure Dai Yu dared not have Machu have an I told you so moment as she fully engaged in battle. She attracted a lot of creatures because at a first glance she appeared weak but that was a big misconception on their part. All one could hear was the cracking sound of that whip permeating the air and the sound of flesh being ripped off bones and bones shattering under such great force. 

While the three were engaged in a battle for their lives, Qie Ranzhe was playing an unpleasant game of hide and seek with Qie Anzhie. All he could hear was the sound of Qie Anzhie's voice taunting him but he couldn't sense him.

Qie Anzhie let out a throaty laugh before saying, "You know I have always wanted a big brother and I was so excited to finally meet you but do you know what mama said..., hahaha... she told me that a perfect person like you wouldn't want to associate with me and that I had to be better than you in every possible way for you to see me." After he said this Qie Anzhie changed location with his voice echoing from another direction.

Qie Ranzhe seemed to figure out Qie Anzhie was using some type of invisible spell or something so he stopped moving and listened to what his half brother wanted to say so he could find him and end this.

"All your irritating mother always said was how great you were. Oh Qie Ranzhe did this, oh Qie Ranzhe did that, Qie Ranzhe this, Qie Ranzhe that, who fuckin cares!" said Qie Anzhie before sending a sneak attack in Qie Ranzhe's direction. Qie Ranzhe dodged and swung black calamity in that direction but all he succeeded in doing was cutting down trees.

"I could bear it though I felt like strangling the life out of her day in day out especially when she wouldn't stop bragging about you to father..... If I took a shot of liquor each time she said your name I would be an alcoholic for life.... that's, that's how much she talked about her dearest son," he continued looking for an opportunity to attack his half brother once more.

"I wanted to cut out her tongue just to shut her up each time father stared at me with disappointment in his eyes but I didn't have the guts to. The day I decided to enter the Zhao sect was the only day I had ever seen the look of pride in my father's eyes. I thought, I thought I would get in and finally be like my shining star of a brother but.... hahaha, I was so fuckin wrong. I begged to be let in and told them I was your brother but they kicked me out like garbage. Brother, do you know how that feels?"

"When I returned home I was beaten in my inner robes right in the middle of the courtyard for all the servants to see and you know why?" asked Qie Anzhie struggling to temper with Qie Ranzhe's emotions. What he spoke was the truth but his true purpose was to incite pity from his half brother and compel him to lower his guard. And according to Qie Ranzhe's expression, it seemed to be working.

"Why?" asked Qie Ranzhe playing along with Qie Anzhie. He also suffered the same fate when he was younger. Whenever he failed he would be beaten just like this till he had done it correctly. He sympathized with him but he had it worse growing up with his mother using her body to shield him at some point. Even then it didn't make things easier. His father was a righteous prick who loved his face more than his family and Qie Ranzhe learnt to live with it all his life.

"He beat me in the middle of winter because I embarrassed you. He called me a disgrace and a selfish bastard..... hahaha.... a fuckin bastard..... hahaha. I wanted him dead, I wanted all of you dead and I killed everyone except for..... you!" roared Qie Anzhie as he sent metal spikes in Qie Ranzhe's direction.

Qie Ranzhe leapt up flipping in the air dodging the spikes but he still managed to get nicked on his shoulder and neck. Before he could recover the excitable Qie Anzhie launched a similar attack but didn't foresee his half brother turning the tables on him.

Like a ghost, Qie Ranzhe appeared right behind him grabbing him by the neck before slamming him onto the ground. Qie Ranzhe pressed him down with his knee with his one hand on the man's neck. He created a searing ball of flames on his other hand ready to burn his face off if he doesn't tell him what he wants to know.

"How, how did you do that?" asked Qie Anzhie with genuine disbelief in his eyes but Qie Ranzhe didn't feel the need to explain himself ignoring his question entirely.

"Now do you want to tell me how you opened the realm for the lord of the sea?" he said with the flame in the palm of his hands growing with each second.

Qie Anzhie's eyes widened in surprise. He honestly thought his half brother was here to avenge the Qie family but it seemed he was wrong. "Wow... and here I was thinking you were here to avenge our dearest father. It turns out you and I are the same. I can hook you up with some mermaid blood so you don't have to, AAAAHHHH!!!" He screamed as Qie Ranzhe's palm pressed down on his shoulder burning his flesh.

"Speak!" yelled Qie Ranzhe with the smell of burning flesh filling the air. He was prepared to torture him to death to get the answers he needed. Unfortunately, someone wasn't willing to see the disciple he had trained burnt to ash as of yet.

A sudden gush of wind directly attacked Qie Ranzhe throwing him off Qie Anzhie. The strong wind also attacked the creatures summoned by Qie Anzhie turning them to dust restoring a tranquil atmosphere.

"I apologize for him..... he doesn't have any manners," said a spine chilling raspy voice coming from a man wearing a purple robe. He slowly took down the hood with his pale and bony fingers revealing a sickly looking man with glowing green eyes. This was the demon king Qie Anzhie served for years and even he had never seen this man's face before. 


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