Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 448: Fifth World: Civilized System

Chapter 448: Fifth World: Civilized System

Mingxia was a classic example of being caught in the middle of doing something really bad. Just like in those cop shows on TV when the offender is caught red-handed stealing a car she exhibited all the classic symptoms of a very guilty person.

She couldn't believe her shitty luck fumbling on the ground for the jade slab she dropped when Zhao Zhi startled her. What Mingxia? Her name should have been something else like Eyun (bad luck) or something.

Imagine having decided to do something detrimental to someone like that hot girl who is always walking down the hall like a supermodel or maybe your younger sibling who keeps getting better grades than you making you the subject of your parent's scolding every day. And then you come up with an intricate or elaborate plan and execute it perfectly only to get caught by the exact person you were scheming against.

Yeah, really messed up, right? Well, that's what happened to her and now she was caught between continuing with her well thought out plan only that they will be a witness to her crime or repent and beg for mercy. Of course, she wasn't smart enough to choose the latter option and chose to go straight for the kill.

Without saying a single word she picked up the jade slab with her trembling fingers and tossed it out of the barrier to the monks. Wen Qinxi didn't believe she would follow through with her plan but it seemed he had seriously underestimated her.

If he knew her background and what she had been through he would have treated her as an even bigger threat than Zhao Huangzhi.

Zhao Huangzhi was crazy but this girl couldn't plead guilty by insanity. She was a calculative, manipulative bitch a.k.a. crazy in love. She could burn a house down without anyone knowing and when she is done no normal person would associate her with an arsonist.

That is to say by the time Wen Qinxi reacted it was already too late with the monks taking the barrier down which marked the beginning of chaos much more chaotic than a black Friday sale at an appliance store.

Wen Qinxi found himself engaged in battle with four monks at the same time which was extremely challenging. He was under heavy fire struggling to watch his back against four people which meant getting hit was inevitable. It was after he was struck by an iron chain on his thigh for the second time did he recall that shitty system that had been behaving like a holy mother these couple of hours.

'Jolie, you better come out here and be my fuckin third eye,' he said leaping backwards to dodge a binding talisman cast in his direction. If that talisman touched his skin it will basically be game over for him ending the battle in a matter of minutes.

As expected, the system came running like the perfect butler ready to serve its master. Only the heavens know how much strength it took to restrain itself from retaliating. This is what it wanted to say, 'Who are you fuckin ordering around? Do you know I am a fuckin expensive AI, not your personal concierge? A fuckin please would be nice,' vs what it actually said, 'Yes boss, how may I be of service?'

Yes, go on and blast the system. It has a serious fuckin problem. The sass was an inborn thing inherited from its father a.k.a. Wen Qinxi himself. It made one wonder if Wen Qinxi's witty retorts to his coworkers in the research lab were absorbed by the AI during its creation.

Like a woman who drank a few sips of energy drink when she was pregnant, it makes one wonder if it had any effect at all on her unborn child. Could it be the reason why she ended up with a hyperactive toddler? Such is the case with Jolie. We'll never know how or why it developed into a sassy system. 

'Why are you so well behaved? It's weird,' replied Wen Qinxi while forming an ice spear with magic frost fighting alongside him. He threw the ice spear like a javelin stricking one of the monks in the shoulder like a kebab. The monk tumbled to the ground with a loud thud as blood gushed out from his wound.

The system wanted to snort coldly but it recalled its encounter with Qie Ranzhe and thus decided to behave like a civilised system. 'This is how I am from now on so how can I help you?' replied the system maintaining a stiff smile like an air hostess after being scolded by a first-class passenger.

Wen Qinxi couldn't be bothered pressing the issue because he had more urgent matters. It's like when a rude lazy child suddenly starts to clean up after themselves while speaking in a polite tone. It's either of these two reasons. One is that they want something or two they are plotting your murder in their head a dozen times over.

Wen Qinxi couldn't be certain which scenario best applied to him. 'I need you to guide me. I have never fought this many people at the same time,' he said blocking a sword attack by one of the monks.

'Oh, no problem,' said the system turning giddy all of a sudden and appearing in its physical form of its own volition for the first time. It was still portrayed as a little girl with pigtails and a flared blue dress.

Wen Qinxi, '....'

Of course, he was the only one who could see it but he wished it would just go invisible. 'I will help you if you promise to change this look to my own preference. Do we have a deal?' said the system seeming dissatisfied by its appearance.

'And there it is,' thought Wen Qinxi figuring out what the system wanted. It behaved so unruly towards him but it was well behaved in Qie Ranzhe's presence. He knew this goodie-goodie act wouldn't last long.

'Fine.... fuck!' said Wen Qinxi as a third monk swung a sharp dagger across his handsome face. He managed to dodge but still got nicked on his cheeks before a heavy kick landed on his back making him fly a few feet into the distance.

This fight was unfair and it was a miracle he had lasted this long. Wen Qinxi regained his footing after being kicked in the back and touched the place where his cheek had been cut. There was a little bit of blood on his fingertips making him extremely upset.

He summoned magic frost back to his hand while the system explained. 'I have analyzed the situation and calculated the probability that you would win this fight. It's a 99.999% just as long as you follow my instructions,' said the system with a cunning smile that made Wen Qinxi turn his head twice. He suddenly had a bad premonition.


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