Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 440: Fifth World: Parenting Conflict Again

Chapter 440: Fifth World: Parenting Conflict Again

They say all good things come to those who wait but it seemed to be the opposite for this sect leader. He had been waiting for Zhao Zhi to come to look for him after dealing with the situation but the sect leader waited, waited and waited.

Two hours in he was thinking Zhao Zhi was still angry and needed time to cool off. Four hours in he thought maybe Zhao Zhi needed time to relax and get his mood right before coming to see him. But six hours in and this sect leader was fed up losing his patience.

He put down his calligraphy brush and left his study in a humph. What made it worse was that Zhao Zhi had overplayed his hand and got rid of the rest of his harem members when he had only permitted him to deal with the frivolous sisters. This he could understand. Who in their right mind could tolerate sharing the person they love with a whole bunch of people like a public toilet.

This kind of public toilet kind of love never ends well most of the time and this sect leader couldn't agree more. Which meant he didn't mind and besides Zhao Zhi had taken care of something that needed to be taken care of ages ago. This is the reason why he didn't stop Zhao Zhi and allowed him to abuse his free pass but he expected the man to come to coax him after that.

Since Zhao Zhi liked him so much he should have at least come over to whisper some sweet nothings but of course, that was only wishful thinking on this sect leader's part. Fine, he could compromise. Since Zhao Zhi won't come to him then he would go and find him.

Qie Ranzhe arrived at Zhao Zhi's door in a few strides and knocked after suppressing his desire to kick open the door. Lucky for the door, Zhao Zhi didn't take long responding almost immediately. The sect leader was ready to express his dissatisfaction but as soon as he met those misty hazel eyes he found that he couldn't speak.

Thump! Thump!

This was the loud sound of his heart beating against his chest which only became faster and faster the more they locked gazes. What he didn't realise is that locking gazes create a kind of intimacy that led to strangers falling head over heels for each other and getting married after staring at each other for four minutes straight in a study.

This sect leader sealed his fate the moment he looked into Zhao Zhi's eyes. He could have continued being mesmerized if it weren't for Zhao Zhi walking into the room. Snapping out of his trance he sauntered in, closed the door and sat down in front of the tea table.

Qie Ranzhe's eyes followed Zhao Zhi watching him intently. It seemed he had something on his mind because he wasn't speaking which was highly unusual. Having waited for a long time, Qie Ranzhe cleared his throat and said, "Speak," his eyes fixed on him.

Wen Qinxi finally raised his head to look at Qie Ranzhe. He was lost in his thoughts just now almost forgetting he had company. "They all had to go," he said while playing with his nails under his sleeves. He wasn't exactly in a great mood for the entire day which is why he didn't take the initiative to see Qie Ranzhe.

"En, I know," was Qie Ranzhe's response feeling melancholic. This version of Zhao Zhi was especially hard to talk to and it didn't help that this sect leader was reclused and inexperienced when it came to dealing with other people's feelings. But for Zhao Zhi was willing to try.

"Is it that you don't trust Xieling?" asked Qie Ranzhe trying to press Zhao Zhi to speak his mind.

Wen Qinxi's brow creased at his words. He couldn't understand what this had to do with Qie Xieling. "No, I trust Lin Lin... it's them that I don't trust so they all had to go," replied Wen Qinxi before sitting opposite the sect leader. The two stared at each other for a second before their gazes separated.

"It's just that he wouldn't have gotten into this mess if he had just listened to me and went to his aunt. What, what if he was drugged or something?.... That girl would have not only taken advantage of him, but she would also have increased her cultivation by a massive margin," said Wen Qinxi feeling rather annoyed. The more he thought about it the angrier he got. Qie Xieling stood to lose a whole lot if that girl succeeded which made this mama bear seethe in anger.

Qie Ranzhe rubbed his lips with his index finger seemingly lost in thought before responding. "You are thinking too much. He might be willful at times but he knows to protect himself," replied Qie Ranzhe confident in his son's abilities.

Wen Qinxi rubbed his head in frustration while saying, "He such an unruly kid sometimes." He couldn't help but sympathize with parents. Having children is like a bittersweet thing and sometimes the bitterness far exceeds the sweetness.

"Maybe he is like that because he lacks maternal care so....," said Qie Ranzhe without careful consideration of his words. If he had been allowed to continue he would have said, "so are you willing to take up the role," but he wasn't allowed to proceed. This meant he was misunderstood.

Like a cat that just had its tail stepped on Wen Qinxi went off the rails going from zero to a hundred in an instant. "What the hell are you trying to say? Oh, I see so you are saying just because he was raised by two fathers that's why he turned out that way?..... That's bullshit," said Wen Qinxi before standing up. He couldn't be bothered dealing with Qie Ranzhe right now.

"Fuckin getting me all worked up," mumbled Wen Qinxi feeling especially upset.

Qie Ranzhe was totally blindsided by that vicious attack that he couldn't resist retorting, "He wasn't raised by two fathers either." Talk about jumping out of a frying pan and straight into the fire.

Wen Qinxi turned around to glare at him while cursing like a sailor internally. He could feel his anger reach boiling point so he decided to take a walk otherwise he would say something he would regret. But when he reached the door, it wouldn't open no matter what he did so he turned to the only other suspect.

"Open the fuckin door Qie Ranzhe," he said in a tone that sent chills all over Qie Ranzhe's body. He had absolutely nothing to do with it and was wrongfully accused. He didn't want Zhao Zhi to leave but he also had no idea how to coax this firecracker. In fact, he had never even coaxed Qie Xieling.

That was Dai Yu's thing when the kid was upset. He knew once Qie Xieling was done being upset he would come over and they would pretend like he never threw a tantrum just now.


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