Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 435: Fifth World: This Is Your Reality

Chapter 435: Fifth World: This Is Your Reality

"Baby," said the CEO struggling to get up inciting Wen Qinxi to fight his way to him but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't free himself.

He was so pissed that he started to push the sect leader away which unexpectedly landed him in the man's embrace. The sect leader forced Zhao Zhi to look at him and said, "Zhao Zhi, it's just an illusion.... This is not your reality," with their eyes locked together.

Wen Qinxi wanted to struggle some more but the name Zhao Zhi had him calm down a few degrees. Sensing that he was getting through to him, Qie Ranzhe did the unthinkable. He leaned down and whispered, "This is your reality," before kissing him.

The warm touch of this man's soft lips had Wen Qinxi vexed but he couldn't help himself. Something within him snapped as he quickly took an active role prying open the sect leader's lips with his warm tongue invading the man's mouth. He chased after Qie Ranzhe's tongue with his arms subconsciously wrapping around the man's neck.

Everything about this felt right and that gut feeling he felt before was completely gone. The sect leader let him do as he pleased. To be honest, he was enjoying it as well even though he was exercising restraint.

He still couldn't get over the fact that Zhao Zhi's deepest desire was to be with him or rather an odd version of him. He had mixed feelings about this but this wasn't the time to carefully examine his emotions so he tossed his rationality aside and kissed Zhao Zhi.

The illusion immediately collapsed with the fallen CEO crying out, "Wen Qinxi!" before his body disappeared. Qie Ranzhe's brows furrowed hearing this name but now wasn't the right time to ask questions. He dragged Zhao Zhi out of the office door as the illusion came crashing down. The moment they passed through the threshold, everything turned dark as the two blacked out.


Two days later.

Qie Xieling strode over to his shixiong's room once more trying to see if his parents were awake yet. Oh that's right, he should be calling Zhao Zhi father as well but because he called Qie Ranzhe father it was pretty confusing. In the past week, he was trying to come up with other ways to address Zhao Zhi but none of it was suitable which is why he still called him Shixiong.

He pushed the door open and as expected, he found his two fathers still lying in each other's embrace just like how he left them. Two days ago, he walked in only to find his father lying on the floor while holding Zhao Zhi's hand. He tried to wake them both up but it was pointless which made him hysterical.

He called Machu to come over and wake his fathers but Machu couldn't either. After some probing, Shao Lan told Qie Xieling not to worry explaining what was going on. This calmed down the hysterical Qie Xieling who was embracing his aunt like a spoilt child.

It was then that Dai Yu hatched a devious plan. She talked the other three into placing Qie Ranzhe on the bed and stage a sweet scene that had her squirming in excitement. She had Machu place Qie Ranzhe's arm around Zhao Zhi's waist and their faces no less than a pinky finger apart. She couldn't wait to see Qie Ranzhe's reaction when he wakes up.

This could count as revenge because Dai Yu had received the worst of Qie Ranzhe's mysophobia when they were children. One time when Qie Ranzhe was five and Dai Yu was seven, they were asked to share a room at an inn as the family travelled but there was one problem. There was only one bed. The five-year-old Qie Ranzhe kicked Dai Yu out of bed and made her cry.

It wasn't only that. There were too many incidences to count so she decided to exact revenge on her cousin. "Hahaha ha hahaha.... let's see how you will feel cousin," she said but what she didn't know was that not only did Qie Ranzhe actively seek out Zhao Zhi when he was drunk to share a bed but her beloved nephew was a result of these two doing this and that to each other.

Only one person was enlightened among them and he didn't feel like sharing either. Qie Xieling had then covered his fathers with a quilt wishing this moment would last forever.

Two days later and Qie Xieling was starting to think his wish came true because his fathers still hadn't woken up. Feeling anxious, he constantly came over every hour to check on them but the result was the same.

Just when he was thinking this Zhao Zhi suddenly shifted to sleep on his right side to face Qie Xieling direction. He was about to move further away from Qie Ranzhe but the sect leader's powerful arm drew him closer spooning him like a pro.

Both of them were obviously still asleep but this situation shook Qie Xieling's foundation making him gasp while covering his mouth with his hand. This was mindblowing but he had no one he could share this experience with.

Qie Xieling crouched down next to Zhao Zhi's face to calm his nerves by studying his shixiong's facial features. It seemed Qie Ranzhe's genes were super strong because Qie Xieling looked nothing like Zhao Zhi apart from the merman form.

Catching sight of that soft cheek, Qie Xieling couldn't resist pinching it and so he did. But as the saying goes 'curiosity killed the cat' as his actions landed him with a bleeding nose.

This was a conditioned reflex on Wen Qinxi's part. In his sleep, he thought a mosquito had invited itself for a meal without his consent so he lifted his hand to slap the vile insect. But just as his arm rose it had an unfortunate encounter with Qie Xieling's nose and because he hadn't controlled his strength he caused a lot of damage.

"Ah! Shixiong! You broke my nose," yelled Qie Xieling with his hand covering his lovely nose.

Of course, it wasn't broken but Qie Xieling wouldn't be Qie Xieling if he didn't over exaggerate things. The guiltier they feel the better the benefits you receive and this black-bellied kid learnt from the best.

"Shh... such a drama king. Let me see," whispered Wen Qinxi afraid to wake the man who was spooning him out of his own volition.

"But it's bleeding," mumbled Qie Xieling pinching his nose.

"Then go show your aunt and I will make it up to you later... Now go," whispered Wen Qinxi eager to get rid of Qie Xieling. That's because Qie Ranzhe had taken the initiative to lead himself into the lion's den so how could he not take advantage? He eagerly snuggled deeper into Qie Ranzhe's arms as Qie Xieling walked out of the room with his head facing up.

As soon as Qie Xieling walked out and he had just settled in a comfortable position with his butt pressing against Qie Ranzhe's crotch, he heard a husky voice say in his ear, "What are you doing?"

Wen Qinxi, 'Oh Shit!'

Talk about being caught with your hands stuck inside the cookie jar.


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