Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 19: First World: Prince Anzhie

Chapter 19: First World: Prince Anzhie

That beautiful Sunday the two boys covered in filth escalated their fight like a couple of hormonal teens with the shameless CEO not making it any easy for Wen Qinxi. One would think he would at least let the weak one win in a fake fight but he didn't, subduing Lin Jingxie a couple of times.

Though it was all an act, Wen Qinxi was genuinely pissed off. He was here to save the guy but Qie Ranzhe didn't give him any leeway not even once. It was just too painful to watch that even the onlooking guard shook his head covering his face with his palm embarrassed for the losing boy.

The guard eventually broke up the fight separating the most aggressive one which coincidently was the one losing. The guard grabbed Wen Qinxi by the waist pulling him away from Qie Ranzhe. Though he was only doing them a favour, he sensed an overbearing ominous and suffocating pressure emitting from the boy that was winning the fight.

Though Qie Ranzhe's face was covered in mud, the guard was scared stiff instantly letting go of Wen Qinxi who was still knee deep in his acting yelling, "Count yourself lucky you asshole! If l catch you with her again, l will break your legs!"

Qie Ranzhe's body stiffen like an ironing board when he heard Lin Jingxie say such words. Though he knew it was all an act, he couldn't help feel a bit annoyed. 'Its only a freaking act but damn, why does it bother me so much,' thought Qie Ranzhe before his chain of thought was interrupted by hoarse taunting laughter escaping from a man standing atop the hill.

He was dressed in navy top of the class garments that exhibited his wealth with an aristocratic aura to go with it. The guard instantly knelt down calling him his highness while prompting the two boys to kneel as well.

Wen Qinxi knelt before him but Qie Ranzhe was clenching his fists standing his ground. He didn't know why but something within was stopping him from bowing before this man. Wen Qinxi who wasn't up for dying today tugged Qie Ranzhe's sleeve who was stubbornly glaring at Qie Anzhie.

Qie Ranzhe glanced over at Lin Jingxie and was met with a 'don't you fuckin start something' look that had him instantly on his knees while biting hard on his lower lip till it drew blood.

"Is this what you wanted to show me?" mocked the prince with his hands laced together behind him while emitting an oppressive aura, "This filthy trash is not worth my time. Go back to what ever sewer you crawled out from and never show yourselves in front of me again," he said before turning back.

The guard scurried after him pleading with his majesty for forgiveness. The man's words were eating at Qie Ranzhe like tiny maggots eating at his flesh from within. He had heard even worse insults directed at him growing up in the streets but hearing it from this man was unbearable. A violent storm was brewing within him ready to erupt at any second.

Just when he was about to stand up and follow that infuriating man, a warm hand grasped his arm instantly pacifying him to a serene calmness like the eye at the centre of a hurricane. It felt like a tingly itch, were Lin Jingxie's had touched him, gradually spreading to the rest of his arm.

Lin Jingxie didn't say anything, he just nudged his head to him gesturing that they should leave. When Lin Jingxie retrieved his hand, Qie Ranzhe felt a sense of loss while following behind him. His rage towards that man was soon forgotten with other pressing matters taking over his mind.

Wen Qinxi suddenly felt a gentle tug on his sleeve coming from the person behind him but he was just too irky and in a horrible mood to oblige Qie Ranzhe. With that in mind, he chose to ignore him as they carried on along the path. "Jin-er do you really have a girlfriend?"

Wen Qinxi abruptly stopped walking, his shoulders taunt as he slowly turned to look at the overly familiar Qie Ranzhe who had upgraded his form of address. "Haha Jin-er, thats what you are calling me now?" he asked while snickering.

"Mm aren't we acquaintance now," replied Qie Ranzhe not even sure if that was it, "or maybe friends?"

"Okay," replied Wen Qinxi shrugging his shoulders turning around so they could continue walking.

Qie Ranzhe frowned looking at Lin Jingxie's back wondering why he didn't answer the question. He reprimanded himself for being too nosy which was unlike him and it worked for a while till it began etching at him. He had to know the truth and so he eventually gave in asking, "You didn't answer my question. Is it Lee Jienjie?"

Wen Qinxi didn't know whether to laugh or cry amused by Qie Ranzhe's question. He was curious to know what his reaction would be if he said yes. 'He would probably be jealous that l got a girlfriend before he did. Haha l have five fingers Qie Ranzhe and the middle one is for you boss,' he thought with an innocent smile.

"Yes but its not Lee Jienjie, " his said slowing down to work alongside Qie Ranzhe about to toot his own horn. "You don't know but she's an absolute loli with gorgeous doe-eyes and pretty red lips. Woh, l haven't even mentioned those long smooth le-," he passionately described his fake girlfriend but abruptly paused when Qie Ranzhe rushed ahead of him with a bleak expression.

"What the fuck? Hey Qie Ranzhe, l wasn't done," he called after him with a satisfied smile. 'Haha feel the burn male god, we are always envying you now it's your turn to envy someone,' he thought finally catching up.

"Do you want to hear more?" asked Wen Qinxi now walking backwards in front of him but Qie Ranzhe looked cold and aloof not giving him the least bit of attention.

Unfortunately for Wen Qinxi, he had no eyes at the back of his head and hence tripped over a protruding root. He lost his balance heading straight for the ground but Qie Ranzhe with his cat-like reflexes, grasped his arm pulling him back up. But because he used too much force, Lin Jingxie's mouth bumped into Qie Ranzhe's chin.

From a distance, it looked like Lin Jingxie kissed Qie Ranzhe's chin which could easily be misunderstood by onlookers. Qie Ranzhe's heart thumped loudly through his ears though his face was as calm as ever. "Am so so sorry. Thats fuckin embarrassing," said Wen Qinxi as natural as ever.

"Lucky for you, your girlfriend wasn't here otherwise she would misunderstand," said Qie Ranzhe before walking past him.

Wen Qinxi felt grateful Qie Ranzhe caught him otherwise he would in tears right now crying over minor bruises which would ultimately make him lose face in front of Qie Ranzhe. "I was joking. l don't have a girlfriend, okay? How can l have time to get one when you and Lin Mingxu are always keeping me busy. Sharks, l need a vacation from both of you," he rumbled on as they walked into town.

What he didn't see was Qie Ranzhe's grin when he heard he didn't have a girlfriend. That smile would have definitely freaked out Wen Qinxi enough to quit the game.


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