Saintess Summons Skeletons

Chapter 437: Kidjikkik Harvester

Chapter 437: Kidjikkik Harvester

[Destroyer’s Nascent mana heart of Aphenoreth]: /C tier/

9 months, 22 days, 13 hours

Imprint progress : 741.51/ 1200

Small Catalyser : 0/1

Keystone : 1/1

Effects (Stats will be doubled) :

  • All stats + 45% (C rank base)
  • All stats + 50%
  • Health + 10 561
  • Stamina + 10 000
  • Mana + 43 590
  • [Relocate Core]
  • Destroyer Signature Skill Modifier

I, huh… Hmm… Signature Skill Modifier?


The keystone imprint give an additional base 50% stat modifier. This is huge.


The crown will double that, so looking at my stats right now…

Health : 78 563 / 85 980

Stamina : 1446 / 21 047

Mana : 0 / 417 100

Let’s ignore the seven thousand Health I just lost from the fight… This is five hundred and twenty four thousand stat points I just harvested.

Speaking of which… Everelle’s imprint was worth a million mana. Two if I were to get it. But she was only level 299.

It kind of feels like a joke. She’s not meant to be killed so they just gave her a ridiculous imprint, I would guess? But the keystones are intended. That would mean the Veik King is also fair game…

I’m really going to need to get another Keystone for Pareth.

And lastly there’s this line ‘Destroyer Signature Skill Modifier’.

How do I interpret that? It’s the first time I’m hearing about signature skills. What’s that? I guess mine would be Angel bolt, if I don’t count Pareth as a skill. Or I guess now [Bone Dominus] might be more fitting? I do use it all the time.

Well, whatever. Not enough information, I’ll worry about it later.

Sofia stood and walked around in the dead body of the Destroyer, she walked all the way up to the mouth and left from whence she came. Outside the gargantuan corpse was no longer the dead end Sofia was stuck in, the thrashing of the Destroyer had created a large new cavern full of dust and debris on which it had breathed its last.

That is some serious destroying power, so the name is warranted. Where did all the stone go, though? It wasn’t eating it, so where does all that free space come from? Did it all just disappear?

Since Bookie was able to reunite his skull and book, he unsummoned and resummoned himself. He stood proudly in front of the Destroyer.

Sofia looked at him with a saddened smile.

Can’t eat it, right?

That ruined Bookie’s moment; dejected, he shook his head.

Sorry to be a killjoy, I just needed to be sure… It’s a big loss but I couldn’t help it, had to destroy the bones or I was dead meat. Sofia thought while shifting her bone armor around and observing the new hole in her abdomen.

The Destroyer’s leg had left a hole about the width of a large mug in Sofia’s body. Right under her right breast, it had just about missed her spine, and only broke her lowest right rib.

Stolen from Royal Road, this story should be reported if encountered on Amazon.

Honestly, that is going to be an issue… With VPPV I can no longer bleed, and the pain is greatly dulled. Good things about having an inhumane body. I think a few organs got deleted, though…

It won’t kill me but I already dread spending a year with that hole like this.

The other injury she got when a leg scratched her had already closed up, Sofia’s skin regrowing on top of the exposed flesh. It left a weird dip on the left side of her waist, but nothing big enough that anyone could even notice without her pointing it out.

With mirrors, Sofia inspected her open abdominal injury, taking note of the damage.

A busted rib, basically half my liver is gone and so is the small thing normally below it… Hole in the large intestine.

That’s the large intestine, right? It’s a bit hard to see with all the bloodlight still going through the hole. I think it touched the kidney too.

Chest injuries really are no joke.

I can fix the rib even without healing but for everything else… How do I deal with this? I kind of have the urge to plug it all up with bone and forget about it but that would impact my mobility a lot.

I have some sewing equipment, there must be one of my skeletons who can at least close the organs up? Then I’ll fill the hole with, huh… The stuffing of my remaining pillows? And see if the skin can regrow once there’s no more gaping hole, or close it off with a bone plate.

Even beyond the Health points aspect, being unable to heal is really troublesome.

Sofia ended up actually plugging the hole with a bunch of bone for the time being before she walked back up to the corpse of the Destroyer. The busted spine meant that the skeleton wasn’t good for Bookie and Pareth, but the skull was intact, so Sofia got to butchering.

She first removed all the teeth and stored them, then the also stored the four mandibles separately, she also grabbed the eyes responsible for the red light, and finally, she sliced off and stored a good number of the Destroyer’s exoskeleton plates as well as the stinger that it had never used, and a few legs. Unlike the smaller Kidjikkiks, this one had no arms, only legs.

With just that, Sofia had filled a significant portion of her storage space, so she stopped there.

She had to thank the admin’s dagger for the butchering job, because the thickest parts of the exoskeleton were unbelievably hard.

Most of the creature’s bones she had no choice but to discard, she didn’t want to spend days praying away the bones from the flesh when she couldn’t use it to make skeletons, she only extracted the house-sized skull and fed it to the [Skull Choir].

It added a new line to the list of available skulls : ‘Destroyer (Rip and tear)’.

I cannot wait to try this one out.

Out of habit, Sofia disabled her armor and wiped the non-existent sweat off of her forehead, before sitting on a pile of stone debris.

A job well done.

Pareth, who had helped with the butchering, nodded, looking pleased as he stood with his arms crossed, while Bookie enthusiastically gave them a thumbs up.

We’re leaving as soon as my mana has recovered. As much as I’d like to be done with the Kidjikki, we still have a quest to-

The parasite? The Veik parasite is gone?

Monitoring the Veik parasite around her neck had been the least of Sofia’s worries during the last hour. Apparently it had left at some point, because it was no longer anywhere to be seen.

The quest was also nowhere to be seen in the system logs anymore.

Was it satisfied with the Destroyer’s death? That would make sense… This thing is worth a lot more than a thousand random soldiers in terms of war capabilities. It just left, though? Wasn’t I supposed to receive a Veik token of friendship or something?

Or do I need to return to the Veik hive to get it?

Yeah, no, screw that.

Sofia admired the result of her hunt once more, she felt that she had harvested it well, yet something still bothered her.

If… I know this thing had no mana but… If it’s over level 250… Shouldn’t it have something like a mana heart, somewhere? Stones are the high-level people’s money, I would be dumb not to take it if there’s one.

But it really had no mana so it’s hard to say. And it’s so massive, how am I supposed to find anything?

Sofia randomly searched the giant corpse for anything resembling a stone, but that got her nowhere, so once her mana was back, she summoned the salvaging squad: a hundred undead rats.

Skeleton rats could not eat, but they sure as hell could chew through flesh. For the next three hours, they did just that, until one of them stumbled upon a fist-sized tumor in the belly of the beast.

I knew it!

[Destroyer Kidjikkik Soulstone]: The dead core of a once powerful Destroyer Kidjikkik’s spirit body. It has already lost all intrinsic value.

Huh, the system really treats it like it’s trash… Leverle did mention that the stones were from dead people, specifically, not monsters, so maybe this is not worth much after all…

Whatever, worst case, it will make a nice trophy.

Lastly, before leaving, Sofia picked a small bone from the Destroyer, and sculpted it into a miniature Destroyer.

Two nice trophies.

Let’s go search for Everelle’s dungeon now!

Pareth and Bookie cheered at the idea. That was how Sofia read their reaction anyway. Then she finally looked around, no longer giving all of her attention to the dead giant red worm-insect.

Wait… Where is the exit?


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