Saintess Summons Skeletons

Chapter 432: A real fake real worm

Chapter 432: A real fake real worm

Sofia sat with lich-form Bookie on a mountain of corpses. This place was where the Kidjikkiks dumped their dead and their broken tools and furniture. The dead and dried worm-people were like locked in time, unable to rot and decompose. Needless to say, for the most part, their skeletons were in perfect condition.

So we hit the page limit. And you didn’t even know about it?

Bookie shook his head.

Well, fifty pages should be enough. We’ll have to do some trimming later, but it’s good enough. It might be better that we have this limit honestly, having so many options is not always a good thing. In the heat of the moment it’s better to know exactly what we are going to summon than to have to ponder over which of a thousand pages we should use, right?

Even with no air in her lungs, Sofia sighed.

It’s more than enough, Bookie. Definitely more than enough. I’m not disappointed…

Let’s reorganize your pages, what do you think? Would that make things easier for you?

Bookie nodded enthusiastically at the idea.


Let’s create categories.

Sofia worked with Bookie to organize the pages of skeletons into groups, it took a while, but they were both happy to have it all well organized. Sofia looked at her notebook with a smirk.


1 Crowie10

1 Elven Engineer500

1 High priest50 000

1 Emperor pearled Snake300 000

Recon units

1 Rat (New and improved)10

50 Crows500

54 Black turvins540

100 Rats1000

1 Nightrune Owl1000

100 Three-eye spinews10 000

5 Spellhounds50 000

10 Dire wolves (Fine tracking)50 000

500 Red Flailer (Blood fish) 50 000

Utility units

1 Boar50

10 Boars500

10 Worker Kidjikkik500

1 Elf caretaker (Strong)1000

100 Digger Kidjikkik5000

100 Worker Kidjikkik5000

100 Cleaner Kidjikkik5000

1 Solar mage 20 000

1 Stone ogre30 000

1 useless hero toxic plants30 000

1 Firebird (My new oven)35 000


1 Saltwater Spinefish(Fish)5000

1 War horse10 000

1 Quetzalcoatlus10 000

1 Soguva(not fluffy >:( )10 000

1 Sandworm100 000

Support units

1 Soldier with bow (5rat)50

25 paladins5000

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1 Fat-eyed bear (Iwa’s kill)10 000

5 Fire salamanders15 000

5 giant ice spiders50 000

1 Sirhellion50 000

10 Female stone Ogres100 000

Defense units

3 Templars30 000

20 Guardian Kidjikkik20 000

5 Quetzalcoatlus50 000

100 Guardian Kidjikkik100 000

100 Guardian Kidjikkik100 000

1 Quartz Giant (Gemite)10 000 000

Attack units

20 Soldier Kidjikkik20 000

4 Withered Vampire 40 000

100 Soldier Kidjikkik100 000

100 Soldier Kidjikkik (More.)100 000

100 Soldier Kidjikkik (MORE!)100 000

3 Sirhellions150 000

5 Sandworms500 000

1 Magicless fae!500 000

Truly a great harvest!

Do you think you’ve got enough fog to summon 400 worms at once?

Bookie seemed hesitant, but he did not straight-up deny being able to do it.

You’ve sure progressed a lot too from the beginning when twenty five paladins was already pushing it. Keep up the good work! Sofia communicated to Bookie while patting his skull.

After putting on an unlife rune and climbing out of the pit, Sofia switched back to the [Master Thief] title and covered herself in a long black cloak she just remembered had been sitting in her storage. This was the stealthiest she could get.

I got this for now but I should really work on recoloring the bone armor. Shouldn’t be too hard…

Wait. Bookie, let’s try something, we’re going to have to change one of your pages. Let’s delete the one with a single boar.

Sofia jumped back into the pit. She had an idea.

Her preparations done, she headed to the square staircase tower, sneaked in by phasing through the ground, and started to make her way down. When she almost reached the bottom of the winding staircase, she stopped and called Bookie out.

Bringing the preemptively emptied exoskeleton of a guardian Kidjikkik, Sofia grabbed and ripped bookie’s newest page: a single guardian Kidjikkik. Following Sofia’s instructions, Bookie made sure to let the Fog solidify within the dead shell, having it enter through a round hole in the exoskeleton’s chest.

It’s in! Wait, don’t move yet.

The undead skeleton fit well within the exoskeleton, after all, it was originally its own. Sofia had ripped the skeleton out of the shell for Bookie to eat. That being said, with all the meat and blood gone, the end result was not very convincing, so came the next part, the stuffing.

Rest in peace, my luxury cotton-stuffed blanket, you will be missed.

The process of getting the stuffing inside of the shell through the small round hole wasn’t too hard since Sofia could manipulate bones to pull it from the inside. Sadly, the mattress wasn’t enough, so Sofia also had to sacrifice a few pillows, but in the end, the result was surprisingly good. Sofia put a yellow scarf on top of the worm’s back, thinking that if the bottom level was a restricted area, there was a better chance for an Elite guardian to go unnoticed. The last step was to plug the round hole in the shell with a vision-sharing token, and everything was ready. She had also left another vision token higher up in the stairwell so she could watch her own back. Since there were almost no Kidjikkiks staying up through the night, though, it would probably be safe to stay there for several hours.

Sofia could now just sit there on the stairs, and let her infiltrator skeleton go down by himself. She watched it crawl down the stairs with its many legs. She had to say, the inflitrator’s movements were a bit stiff, but from afar, it was convincing enough.

The place she discovered was almost in total darkness, the luminescent algae did not extend past the exit of the stairwell. It was hard for Sofia to see much through the token, but some weak light came from the pit linking this undercity to the one above, just enough for some square building tops to be visible.

Is it another city under the city?

This hole in the ceiling is the same I saw the red light in earlier… The giant worm wasn’t in the upper city, so either it came up from here while I was coming down, or it’s here somewhere, not making any light...

The infiltrator skeleton turned back, and Sofia quickly charged a lightstone and dropped it down the stairwell. The skeleton missed it and the stone shattered on the ground.

Hoy, I don’t have so many we can’t waste them. I’m throwing another one; catch it properly.

This time, the skeleton successfully caught the lightstone. With his new light source in hand, he left the stair tower again.

The light was not very strong, but enough to see the outlines of buildings up to a few dozen meters away.

It really is another city. The architecture is similar…

Guiding the skeleton into the city, Sofia quickly realized something. This undercity was almost the exact same as the one above. At least in the area near the stair tower. The only major differences were the lack of the glowing algae, and the relatively bad shape of the buildings. Some had collapsed, others were just missing. Sofia had the check inside one of the less destroyed homes, which were completely empty, and she had a hard time understanding what the point of this second city was.

Did it become uninhabitable somehow and so they had to relocate above it? There are a few broken buildings but that should have been fixable, most of them look to be in decent shape, still…

Wait, step back! Look at the ground.

Stop, not so far back! Yes, right there.

The skeleton had crossed a street, and Sofia barely noticed it, but the stone ground there was particularly battered, full of small holes and cracks which formed a trail.

I’ve seen worm-people leave the stairs earlier, so this lower city is not completely abandoned, this must be a path they regularly take. Follow it.

She had to order the skeleton to stop looking at the ground because he never did so by himself and she could only see through the token which was also showing only the ground when the skeleton leaned forward. Following the cracks had led the skeleton back to the stairs.

Woah, I can’t believe I missed this the first time. I was too busy looking at the buildings to look at the ground… Well, what are you waiting for? Follow the other direction.

This time, the tracks led the skeleton to a set of doors in the cavern walls that did not exist in the upper city.

What do we have here?

Wait a bit, this is the limit of the token range…

Sofia carefully came down the stairs, having the infiltrator check in all directions for any hint of a red light. When it looked safe, Sofia swiftly ran from building to building, minimizing her time spent in the streets, and traveled all the way to the building closest to the skeleton, where she hid on the third floor.

Alright, we’re good, forward!

The skeleton pushed open the large set of heavy doors, and he was greeted by a quartet of raised spears. Four yellow-scarved elite guardians had been waiting behind the doors in a sort of small antechamber, where the luminescent algae was also growing, bringing some light back.


While Sofia was lost as to how to order the skeleton, it simply kept following her last order, and continued walking as if the spears pointed at him weren’t there. And surprisingly enough, that worked. The guardians lowered their spears and let the infiltrator through, returning to their position.


Is it because he also had a scarf? I don’t get it anymore… And I had a hunch but…

This skeleton is really dumb.


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