Saintess Summons Skeletons

Chapter 389: Just another day

Chapter 389: Just another day

Sofia looked around, there were empty plains as far as the eyes could see. Wilderness all around, lit by the full moon and nothing else. No traces of civilized life nearby.

She looked down at the person responsible for transportation, Where is this exactly?

Astelia was holding a paper map, trying and failing to answer Sofias question. Hard to say. Were far east of the beastman continent, I think. Moon was the one who decided on the landing point so

Wherever the moon shines

I dont think you can criticize my skills.

What, not a fan of the Saintess madness? Moon sent us close enough to the trial anyway so I dont have to complain, system says were only a few kilometers away. Im surprised we cant see the tower from here, actually.

Tower of rebirth Honestly, Sofia, Im having second thoughts now Astelia confessed.

What? Weve spent almost half a year training together, still dont feel ready? Im surprised the others arent done yet but theyre all still alive so

Its not that Im just Scared this will slow my growth too much, physically speaking

Hmm, well, Im not the best example since Ive hit quite the growth spurt when I was around your age But you look fine like this. You still look your age, I think, you might not realize but youve grown quite a bit since I met you, heck, youre a good head taller than Alith now. Still very slender but I think thats just how youre going to be. Dont look like a small kid anymore for sure.

Im almost an adult so I sure hope so

Almost Youre what, sixteen, now? Give it two more years. The trial will slow it down a bit more, sure, but I don't think its a big deal. Youre cute like this. Still blush easily, too.

Stop teasing me!

Sorry, sorry. So, were going? I dont mind waiting another six months if you really want.

Astelia shook her head and stored her map back. No, no. Were going. I already slowed you down too much, Sof

You didnt slow me at all, I really needed the time to get used to the eye. Pareth to his new body as well. My goal is to be the best so I cant ever prepare too much. Whats a year or two. I still have almost a century before my deadline for Scripture. And it was nice to spend some more time with you and Shai.

Youre always welcome to come back. I dont lack space in the castle Lets get going Astelia took a few steps in different directions to triangulate the way to the trial with the distance meter. This way, she concluded, pointing to the north-east.

Lets just walk there, for a change, Sofia suggested.

Fine with me.

The tower was not the first thing to appear, as Sofia and Astelia were walking through the wilderness, suddenly the ground under their feet turned to flat steel. The forest ahead disappeared like a mirage, and the tower slowly revealed itself, at the center of a huge platform of steel and magic.

This tower looks a bit bigger than the other, dont you think? Sofia asked.

More crude, too. The second tower had something majestic about it but this feels a bit chunky, Astelia confirmed, looking up at the giant edifice.

No Seraph to welcome us this time?

An unknown voice answered from above, A man cant enjoy his snack time in peace?


A vampire?

The man with curved pointy ears was slowly floating down from above, wearing straight black pants and a half open white chemise, he was lazily chewing on some dried meat.

Yes, Vampire. I used to be, at least. Technically still am, but you know how it is, the Seraph said as he slowly landed in front of the duo.

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Sofia looked at Astelia, Know this guy?

Never heard of him.

Oh but Ive heard of you both, the Seraph jumped in again, been waiting for you for a while, was starting to get impatient, even. Hows the queen doing? he asked Astelia.

Shes... Well.

Still a lazy cunt, then. Good that we have newcomers like you to make sure our race doesnt fall too hard into mediocrity. Anyway, names Kyle. Trial overseer, all that. You know the deal. Ill be your guide until the trial starts, kind of.

Quite the difference with Sen

Hey I heard that, miss Sofia. And yeah, true, Im not quite as clean as Sen, but then again, he doesnt have to manage a whole ass planet like I do. Oh, spoilers Well, whatever. Follow me, girls and skeletons. Next departures soon, youre lucky.

Departure? Planet? Astelia repeated, confused.

Heard me right, youll be going to another planet for this trial. Ill explain more on the way.

A trial taking place in the real world I see. A real world. Just not this one.

Well, Ive been to the sun and the moon. Its not too surprising that there are other planets, now that I think about it

Are the others really still in there? Sofia asked as they followed the nonchalant vampire.

Kyle looked back and nodded, Lets see Your sisters almost done, shortie still has a bit of juice left, Cinthia is almost at the end too. And the broken shade came later, so hes about halfway through his trial I think. There've been a few close calls, with Cinthia especially, but I think theyll all be getting through. Good batch.

Good to hear, thanks. You cant say more, I imagine? Sofia continued.

Thats it. Censors not quite as drastic for this one, post trial at least. So you can all share more about your adventures afterwards, but for now this is about all I can say. I can say though that risks of death for this trial are rather low Or rather, failure doesnt have to mean death is a better way to say it. In terms of actual difficulty, it depends on you.

The rest of the way was spent with Kyle peppering Astelia with questions about the recent state of Vasperia and the Vampires in general, only stopping when they reached the foot of the tower.

Here we are, follow me, Kyle told them as he walked straight through the towers wall.

Fake wall?

Sofia stepped through the steel wall after him, it felt a bit like walking through a thin layer of water and took them to a narrow corridor of steel, ending about thirty meters further with a closed metal door.

This tower is really different.

Again Kyle looked back to say something, to Astelia this time, You got that right, Astelia, this is the towers outer layer where mana is gathered. It has to be on the outside like this because the center is empty.

Soon the words of the Seraph proved themselves true, as he led them out of the corridor to the true interior of the tower, a largely empty space going all the way up to the dark night sky, surrounded by the tower walls. In the center was a big hole that Sofia couldnt quite peek into from where she was. And there were what looked like living quarters built into the walls all around the ground level.

Departure this time is you three plus another guy whos been waiting in there a while. Hes nice. The entrance to the common rooms is there, Kyle said pointing at a large door in the wall nearby, I can arrange the trial start for tomorrow, so grab any room you want, or just wait in the lobby, you do you, so long as you stay inside. We have free food, showers, and stuff. Ill come again to explain how things are gonna go in a few hours. See ya!

Kyle disappeared, leaving Sofia and Astelia a bit surprised, looking at each other.

Somehow, this feels a bit wrong, Sofia started.

I wholeheartedly agree. But he is definitely a Seraph, so it should be fine?

Surely? We are about to go to another world, it seems. How do you feel about that?

Im worried some of my Moon-related skills might be weaker or not work. Besides that Its not that much different from the second trial.

I wonder if my Sun ritual is going to work

Another planet would still be near the sun, probably. Right? Astelia guessed.

Only one way to find out. Lets get inside, I want to try that free food.

Sofia never explored the public rooms of the tower further than the lobby. There was nice music playing from weird round things in the walls, comfortable sofas, and unlimited free food on a large table that would just reappear by itself after she picked stuff up. She already had plenty of food in her storage, but these new flavors were a nice change, and she was absent-mindedly reading the description of her reward for protecting the strength tokens for the thousandth time while munching on a slice of delicious meat pie. The reward in question was a small golden token engraved with the number 42.

Beligenus really didnt cheap-out for the teachers.

[Skill Capture - 042] : Skill capture module limited edition, n42 out of 100.

Activate to record the magic spells currently being used near you. You may choose one to learn as a permanent special skill.

For non-system magic: results may vary.

One time use item.

Limited to one capture per person.

Made with love by Admin |REDACTED| as a commemorative gift for the launch of the system. Can be used as decoration after use.

I wonder what Asty will use hers on.


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