Saintess Summons Skeletons

Chapter 380: No title

Chapter 380: No title

Third key! I was right about there being three, though it was not hard to guess. Its from the God Admin An actual divine item! Oh, I should have given the earrings to Pareth for Astelia Well, Ill give them back when I see her. Grade: test? Item level -500? Thats Interesting. Was it one of the first system items ever created? Hence the need to do tests?

Also cannot own other daggers Is that why it feels like a manaless piece of junk right now?

Sofia summoned Bookies skeleton form and threw him her two Mithril daggers, Thats all yours now. You can do what you want with it.

Bookie caught the dagger and proceeded to fight an imaginary enemy with it. It looked a bit clumsy. Glad youre liking them.

Are we good now?

The key still felt like a regular non-magical dagger, even though Sofia had personally dumped more than ten times her mana reserves into it.

Do I have more daggers?

As it turned out, she did have two more regular daggers among all the junk she had collected, but even when she threw them away to a corner of the room, the key was stil unreactive.

What now? Do I need to destroy them or something like that?! Dont tell me

Sofia emptied her storage of all dagger-looking implements. And finally, the daggers mana came to life. It turned out that kitchen knives counted as daggers as far as the key was concerned.

No longer allowed to own other knives. Alright

I can feel my mana run smoother already! That feels nice.

Sub-classes Will I get a second class is what this says? Scrapped features So the admins wanted everyone to have sub-classes and then gave up. I haven't a clue what Principality is but it looks like I wont get to know for a long while. The only thing I have access to now is Titles.

How does that work? Do I get a menu for it? Title?

A new, never-seen-before system window appeared in front of Sofias eyes. Along with a series of system messages.

Hey it had been a little while since I really broke something. Thats nostalgic.







[Initiating no-fail recovery sequence, please wait.]

Lets hope this wont be too long This is pretty much all Im actually getting from the dagger for now so it better be decent

Oh, faster than expected.

[Additional data needed, do you consent to a memory scan?]

That Yes? I thought the system already had access to that

[Scanning, please wait.]

More waiting

[Scan complete. New titles are being generated. Please read the user guide.]

Sofia expected another system window to appear with the mentioned guide, but to her surprise, she was jump-scarred by an actual paper booklet landing opened on top of her head out of nowhere.

Woah the colors on this are so vivid and clean! The system has such good paper again! Just like the letter in the emergency safe-house after the first trial. Why cant all books be made of that paper! So smooth and nice!

Im getting distracted.

Sofia closed the booklet to read the cover, there was a colorful drawing of a man in plate armor raising his arms, and over his head was a small golden prompt [Title]*.

Stolen from its original source, this story is not meant to be on Amazon; report any sightings.

At the bottom of the cover in small letters was added : *user guide; v0.21

Hmm. Is there a possibility that the system used to have proper user guides like this one but theyve all been lost? Or maybe the guides were also an abandoned project. This key giving access to deleted features is pretty incredible. Lets have a slow read, it looks like the title generating thing is taking a while. The drawings are quite cute

Hello! Congratulations on unlocking the Title system! Reaching level 50 is a great feat for the weaker races, use this feature wisely, be bold, and it could help you reach the first trial with ease!

Let me introduce you to the basics of titles! Titles are rewards given for notable accomplishments! Our scribes are hard at work overseeing everyone, so anything can be a title! Unlike nobility titles, these titles come with only advantages. They can provide a variety of bonuses, and can be thought of as an extra classless or passive skill.

When you equip a title, it will be shown before your class on your identification and status sheets. But in general, you have the option to hide them if you want.

Now, dont get too excited, Titles are great but you may only have one equipped at a time!

No worries, however, you can change for another one of your titles once a day, and you can always go back to your previous titles, so be flexible. Typically, titles are something that are acquired and are here to stay, but some special titles are ephemeral, and can be lost depending on your actions!

Although most titles are generated by our lovely scribes, some UNIQUE titles, which I made myself with the help of |REDACTED|, can be found. As the name implies, there can only be one person with each UNIQUE title. Exciting!

And thats all there is to it. Everyone is given the Titler title for a start, try equipping it!

Thats it? Pretty straightforward. All the Unique titles should be available since Im the only one with the function, thats pretty nice. Lets see


User Sofia Aphenoreth : No title equipped

Hidden : False

Available titles (?) :







Try equip- Wait, no. I can only change once a day? Im not going to try the basic title! I almost got scammed.

Can I see what it does, though?

[Titler] : The basic title awarded to everyone!

Effect: +50 Health

Fifty health! I would have loved to get that at level 50, actually. Now its more than a bit underwhelming, but surely Ive done enough notable things to get great titles, right? I can almost already guarantee Ill equip the one Im sure to get for the Victory fight.

Still though, this title system. It incentivises people to try doing crazy things to get good titles, doesnt it? I think I get why the idea was discontinued

Im likely the only person in the world to have access to this now, right? Maybe the angels can use titles too? I should ask Sen if I see him again.

Oh! A new title!

[Cataclysmic survivor]: Survived against all odds when the world itself acted as if it wanted you dead. You were just a kid and its a miracle you made it out alive, that has to be worth something.

Effect: Environmental damage received reduced by 20%

Environmental damage?

Like what?

Is jumping into the sun environmental damage? Is a boulder tumbling down a mountain and crushing someone environmental damage? Are insect bites environmental damage?

I probably wont be using this one often, but its good to have. A late reward for surviving the ebb, I suppose. It is something notable, yes.

Sofia received a new system message.

[To prevent clutter, lower rarity titles will not be generated]

Sure It feels like I could miss out on useful things, but if Im being honest Ill probably just equip the rarest of the bunch so not a big loss.

Following that message, the new titles started appearing much faster.

[Not so Saint]: Two classes?! What happened here?

Effect: Your identified class shows up as Mage.

/Ephemeral/ : Will be lost if you change class

Oh! again, a bit late to be useful, but its nice to have, just in case. Also I cant change class so this restriction is really dumb.

It took a few more seconds for the next one to appear.

[No Name]: Is someone talking about me?

Effect: The system warns you when you are mentioned in a conversation and gives you the general direction of the culprit.

Culprit? Is saying my name a crime now? I get that its trying to mimic the Lords tendency to know when the Deep is mentioned, but that sounds like it could quickly get annoying. Especially now that Im starting to be a bit of a public figure with the academy and all that. =

[The lost]: Traveled to the Margin.

Effect: Health +10% while exploring new locations

Thats starting to be better already.

Were going in chronological order, it looks like. Nothing for killing the magisterium and escaping the church huh. So the next one should be for the siren queen or Orvod in the trial?

Hey! What ?!

[Bonetrousle]: You REALLY have a thing for skeletons. Have you tried dating one?

Effect: Plays a funky music when you fight with or against skeletons. More instruments are added for each skeleton present. Nyeh heh heh.


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