Saintess Summons Skeletons

Chapter 360: Coming full circle

Chapter 360: Coming full circle

It doesnt sound like you love her much, Sofia said in reaction.

Jennifer turned away, taking a few steps out on the terrace, propping her sword against the handrail and leaning on it. People grow apart. I aint gonna go over that, Mirandas resting in the afterlife now, she said while looking in the distance. Then she turned again, half-sitting on the fence, she addressed the sisters in a somewhat softer voice, But I never knew she had kids. Not until the ceremony at least. Saria and Sofia, right? How old are ya two? I wanted to do some more diggin but headmaster wasnt tellin much and I aint exactly got no time to go back to the continent lately.

Thats right, Saria answered, Im Saria, twenty four years old, Sofia is twenty one. We were born with the name Sellar but we were disowned and unnamed, chased from the household. I was six and Sofia was three.

Jennifer grunted at Sarias last words. Well shit. Doing our kids wrong must be the fuckin family special; sorry you had to go through that. Must not have the best feelings towards my name then.

You dont have anything to apologize about. Multiple generations separate us, we are barely even related at this point. If anything, I view this as a lucky encounter, no harsh feelings toward you in particular, Sofia said with a shrug.

You don say! Im like your grand fucking ancestor aint I? Its no big deal if ye want nothing to do with with me but its fuckin shameful to think I didnt even know you existed Is there anyone else I need to know about? Dya want me to go and spank the hell of yer parents right now?

No one else that we know of, Saria answered, As far as we know, Baron Silvio Sellar, our father died in the ebb, our mother died before we got disowned. We dont have any other biological relatives, any cousins or such were probably wiped by the ebb too.

Oh So the line moved from Skyreach to Sovuln at some point No wonder I never knew about yall. An yet you both survived, became quite strong quite fast too, if ye aint lying about yer age. Left the country before the tide?

Sofia shook her head, We both survived the tide, our luck turned around, one could say.

Ya did? Sounds like there be an interesting story behind all that Ah Well, now that yer both here, whatd ya want? Imma ask you straight up. I aint very in touch on the emotional side of things, usually, so whatever yer expectations are for me, just say it. Really jus a lucky encounter? Jennifer asked with an awkward expression.

Saria and Sofia looked at each other, and it was Saria who spoke next, Really just luck, yes. Youre our distant relative and were curious, thats about it. We dont want or expect you to try and be our new grandmother or anything, we dont need your help with anything specific either, its just nice to know we still have some family out there thats not hostile.

Jennifer sighed, looking up at the stars, That a very low bar to pass isnit? I appreciate that you aint trying to force this to become something else, but I wouldnt blame you if you wanted more. Im open to helping you kids, if you even need it. Im not good at much besides hitting things and getting hit, though. Never have been, never will.

Sofia took two bone chairs out for her and Saria, Want a chair too, Jennifer? The fence doesnt look very comfortable.

Sure, thanks. That made of bones? I know you do some Necromancy, but curious furniture, Jennifer commented as she sat down facing the sisters.

Its bone, yes. Sofia does that, but thats not what you should be curious about now. Since were mostly done with the presentations, you should ask Sofia about her first trial.

Jennifer looked at Sofia, Trial? Oh the past thing Did the system make ye live a scene through me? Fuckin archangel would do that wouldnt he? Jennifer laughed to herself and bending forward on her seat, she told the sisters, Wanna hear something funny? My first trial I was made to be a teacher in Brighthall.

Looks like he really knew what he was doing, Saria commented.

A teacher of what subject? Sofia asked.

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Wanna guess? Ill give ye a hint, my class is [Juggernaut] and the main peculiarity of it is, I have no available mana, ever. It all goes to my passive skills. So whatd ya think the asshole archangel put me up to?

So thats what she meant back then when she told me she had no mana. Interesting class.

Ritual teacher? Saria guessed.

That a good guess but not quite, it was a wildcastin teacher, of all things! Wasnt easy to get through, let me tell ya, Jennifer revealed while laughing by herself, I even got ta meet her later, were good friends; shes retired now.

Sounds interesting, I wouldnt mind meeting her, Sofia said, And to answer your question, no I wasnt you, but I did meet you during my trial. I was Aurelia.

Jennifer stopped laughing. That cant have been good You met me as Aurelia? Princess Aurelia Grandcourt? That Aurelia? The fuck was the archangel thinking? she cursed. Poor lass died, she was not even an adult

It was Not fun. But yes, my trial spanned the whole month from her condemnation to the eclipse.

To the Eclipse?! Jen almost shouted from her seat.

You heard me, Sofia confirmed.

Well fuck me, I really want to hear that now.

And I want to know how it really went. I snooped around the ruins of the old capital and I also met Orvod sometime later but he refused to expand much on the subject. And that period of history was conveniently missing from history books.

Ya met bald man? Havent heard of him in a while. But sure, Ill tell ya all you want to know.

You tell me about yer trial and I give you the historically accurate version, as witnessed by mah own two eyes. As fer history books, its normal ye didnt find any, Armand, I mean, the new king after the eclipse, he wasnt the kind ta dwell on the past you know. He wanted to rebuild the kingdom first.

Sofia turned to see how the party was going, it still looked very lively inside, then she turned back and got comfortable in her bone chair. She also glanced at Pareth who had taken some distance, and was busy looking at the stars by himself. This might take a while, she started.

The party looks like itll last a while, Saria said in response.

Worst case well finish at my home, Jennifer said, unconcerned, tell me all about that trial, Im curious about Aurelias perspective too.

Sofia cleared her throat. The trial began as I woke up on the ground, in the throne room. Aurelia was accused of some crap and sentenced to Death, meanwhile Jevvin and Ellen were looking over like carrion birds scouting a piece of rotten meat.

Sounds like em. Ellen wasnt so bad, from what Ive heard; jus as naive as Aurelia. Jevvin threw her to the dogs as soon as he had the chance. Supposedly the King never really wanted to get Aurelia killed, he just used the opportunity to lock her in a safe place away from Jevvin until things calmed down, Jennifer explained.

It wasnt too fun being locked up. I really couldnt do anything, stuck in Aurelias body at level one, Sofia continued.

Heh, youd only have to stay locked up for three weeks until we came with Armand. At least its a relatively safe place, Jevvin couldnt break through the barrier even after the coup, Jennifer commented.

Three weeks Saria mumbled, turning to Sofia she asked, Didnt you say they rescued you after eight days?

Eight days? Jennifer repeated, doesnt add up.

I- I might have riled up Armand Skyreach a bit when he came to visit Aurelia Sofia admitted.

Ah, ay, could see how thatd work. The real Aurelia was much too shy to ever do anything like that. She wasnt mute but twas almost like she was.

Speaking of which Can you tell me what happened to Fox? He was really nice, Sofia asked, prompting another sigh from Jennifer.

Dead. Not in the Eclipse, mind ye. He left our group after we got paid for rescuing the princess, got married with a human lass, had kids, died in his farm after about sixty years of good life. I used to visit his kids every so often but eventually they died too


Sorry that I brought that up Sofia apologized.

It is what it is. No need to apologize. If you live long youll outlive plenty of people you like too, its just part of the deal Jennifer rebuked, So we rescued Aurelia early Thats bound to be messy, took a great deal o preparation to make a clean escape. We had ta pierce through the barrier from beneath an all. Worked great though, by the time Jevvin noticed anything, Aurelia had changed identity and was comfortably hiding in Armands residence in the capital.

What about the key to the royal treasury? Sofia asked.

Ill tell ye about that but I want to hear about that early escape first.

Sure Sit comfortably, the story about to get wild.


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