Saintess Summons Skeletons

Chapter 338: Brave, or foolhardy?

Chapter 338: Brave, or foolhardy?

Leverle brought everyone back to the academys entrance.

Caleb raised his eyes from his lectern. Oh, if it isnt the Doc and teacher Sonia again! His brows furrowed after his jovial greeting, The entire group is here Did something go wrong with the event?

We had some outside interference Is Beryl available?

Caleb shook his head, Im afraid not, miss Sonia, likewise, the Headmaster is away. Sir Tartaros is present, though.

Should we report to him?

Your issue happened during the event so I dont see why not, going in this time, Doc?

I will, Leverle confirmed.

Calbed nodded and pressed a few buttons hidden under the book on his lectern, a teleportation gate appeared in front of the academy gate. Ay ay, step right in, everyone, students will be sent to their dorms while Doc and Sonia are inbound to Sir Tartaros lodgings.

So this is how new students usually get in?

Thank you, Caneb.

It is my pleasure.

Sofia turned to the students before leading them through the portal, I will come check in on you and explain things when I have it all sorted out, the academy is safe so you can rest easy.

Well be just fine, En answered, a carefree smile on her face.

T- Thank you, for getting us out of there, Lola added, and the others approved.

Sofia entered the portal after the students, she stood next to Leverle in what seemed to be an underground chamber with large pillars all around the circular room. Saint Tartaros was sitting cross-legged on the ground at the very center of the barren room, his eyes closed. The clothes he wore were different than usual, his current attire was one very familiar to Sofia, a simple white uniform with a red belt.

Does this guy?

Sofia thought about grabbing her black belt from her storage but she felt that now wasnt the time.

Tartaros spoke, his eyes still closed, Will you finally fight me, Death Guard?

I am afraid not, Leverle answered monotonously.

A pity. Then will the girl fight me?

I would die before I could blink. Go fight Erredis or something. If you wait for me to catch up to you, I will.

I shall wait, then.

How polite of you

Sofia was about to talk back and explain the reason they came to see him, but Tartaros spoke again first.

Dont waste your saliva, I already know. We will arrange for such things not to happen again in the context of the competition, but you are expected to deal with your personal issues through your own strength.

He knows? It would have been nice to help, if not for me at least for the students

I see, thank you very much. Is there anything you can tell me about the attacker?

They were beneath my interest.

Alright then

Can we do something to compensate the students? They lost the opportunity to earn tokens

They will not be penalized for the Academys error. Strength will assess them and distribute the regular rewards accordingly.

Thank you very much, Saint Tartaros.

Sofia glanced at Leverle, lost as to where to take the conversation from there. The doctor took a few steps toward the saint. Are you not worried? This will interfere with the goal of the competition.

The goal of the competition? That really does not sound like Awarding a priceless sword to the best student to celebrate the academys success. There is something more to it, then. It was weird that the prize was so good in the first place.

Tartaros finally opened his eyes, No. This much is well within our expectations. The fish is observing, undoubtedly. These interruptions are no issue, quite the contrary, danger will only create more pressure to bite.

Fish, bite Theyre luring something? Someone? Then the sword is bait? That is some high-quality bait

Leverles head rotated on its axis slowly as he spoke, You play with fire. I was tasked to protect Sorrows Daughter. If your plan compromises her safety, I will have to step in.

I would like nothing more, Death Guard, Tartaros answered with a smirk, The more chaos the better.

That does not sound good

Lunatic monster. You better not be lying. Was the attack part of your plan?

We knew of the possibility, but it was not our doing. The teachers may be set pieces, but they are no sacrificial pawn. Neither are the students. Luckily teacher Vakaria was not so weak that I needed to intervene, that would have indeed been an issue, the link cannot die, after all, or the fish might be too scared to swim up.

Wait, alright We is Tartaros faction, which has to be at least himself, Beligenus, and the Emperor, if they organized the competition as bait for something. They knew I might be attacked but it was not them. Then does that not mean it cannot be the Empress?

The attack was probably from Scripture, then. And if they knew about it, it means they know more about my past than they let on.

I dont know why he would wait until now to attack but there might be a reason. Probably the same reason he never attacked me directly after the orphanage

I just need to find Scriptures rune to confirm it would fit.

And The link must be one of my students, probably not the twins, I guess, if it is one link. They somehow give confidence to the fish so that they might show up?

Im starting to think I also dont get paid enough for my position

I will take your word for it, Leverle answered in his unchanging monotonous tone after a moment of silence, tell Delivia to leave her and her relatives alone, then. Do not make my task harder for nothing, I have enough to deal with.

This pretty much confirms without a doubt that the woman behind Tartaros during the duel was the Empress Both she and the ProudWalls worship Talent. She used them to probe me.

The Empress actions are unrelated to the plan. Take that up to her by yourself, Death Guard.

Yeah, that confirms it in my mind, the elf had to be one of Scriptures pawns. I really dont see which other God would try going after me if not Talent for the Empress. Scripture might be growing in power if he can afford such an attack now but couldnt before. Thats a bit worrying. I need to get stronger faster.

Unhelpful as always, Leverle complained, he turned back to Sofia, I did all I could, Vakaria. I will head back to the cathedral. Shall I bring you to your lodgings within the academy?

You did plenty! I got so much more information from this than I expected.

To think the entire competition is just a front to bait someone with the sword

I can go back by myself, thank you very much for your help, Leverle. I still have a few things I would like to ask Sir Tartaros, if he will.

You are free to discuss with the lunatic yourself, in this case. Warn me in advance before you leave the city next time. Good luck, Daughter of Sorrow. Done with his farewells, Leverle opened the same black fissure he had used before to teleport and stepped in, leaving Sofia alone with the Saint of Strength.

May I? Sofia asked the Saint who silently observed her.



Sofia walked to face the Saint directly and sat in the same position as him. Since Tartaros said nothing, she took the initiative to speak first.

Is the Empress investigating me because of my name?

That is so.

Alright. Then, if the sword is bait for some unknown person, are you not really going to be giving it to the winner of the competition?

We are. Strength does not deceive.


Would that not put the winner at risk?

It would. But we will have caught the fish by then. After that, should the wielder be worthy, the sword will defend itself.

Can I know more about the fish? It feels a lot like me and my students are part of the bait, and I really dislike that.

The entire Academy is part of the bait. One of your students in particular, but you may not learn more, lest your knowledge risk compromising the plan.

Fine. I get it. I am a weak little level 249 in the end, am I not? Thank you for your time. As thanks, let me make you privy to a little secret, since your allies wanted to know so badly, Sofia said with a large smile. In her hands appeared a tablet made of blue crystal, Its a gift from my adoptive father. You already know his name. What do you think? Very cute, isnt it? Be careful when you tell the Empress, it wouldnt be good for your plans if you were to suddenly disappear, I assume.

Tartaros expression did not change, but after spending a few seconds absent-mindedly fixating on the midenicite tablet, he closed his eyes.

I shall see to it that Delivia no longer bothers you, he started after a long silence, But no matter what, the plan and your place in it must stay unchanged. You might thank me for it later. I look forward to our eventual duel, Sofia Vakariazrehafin Aphenoreth.

After Tartaros teleported Sofia out of his room, he reflexively looked behind his back, he knew there was nothing there, he could feel the empty space and the undisturbed mana, but he was inexplicably compelled to look.

There was nothing but the usual rounded wall and columns.

With a deep sigh of relief, he uncrossed his legs and fell back, letting his heavy body slump to the floor.

The Saint of Strength silently stared at the ceiling.


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