Saimin Regulation

Extra-Arc 12: Minami Mai Lover’s Talk Intercourse-Arc

Extra-Arc 12: Minami Mai Lover’s Talk Intercourse-Arc

After arriving back home, I snorted and reclined onto the sofa. I was in a bit of a bad mood.

Perhaps having discerned as such from my attitude, Kokoro and Sunou approached as they called out to me.

Master, what seems to be the matter?

I had a fight with Mai.

Oh dear

Its not my fault. Shes the one who got angry of her own accord.

Thats right, I havent done anything wrong at all.

Master, I believe it might be best for you to apologise first.

Why? You havent even asked what happened yet?

Would it perhaps be permissible for me to inquire?

Its only a trivial matter.

Is that so?

Kokoro tilted her head with a smile, as though troubled.

Perhaps having lost interest, Sunou went to go rummage through the refrigerator.

Kokoro, dont you trust me?

No, its because I understand Master and trust you more than anyone that I suggested for you to apologise.

Whats with that? Oh, is that it? Shes saying that, even if Im not in the wrong, I should do that because Im a tolerant and broad-minded man.

I frowned.

Sunou carefreely brought an ice popsicle from the refrigerator and started nibbling it.

The Demons at fault here, you Demon.



Its fine. Isnt there the true charm of being able to fuck that girl while being hated? In the first place, our current relationship of boyfriend and girlfriend is abnormal.

You say that, but its easy to make someone hate you. However, I believe that it is incredibly difficult to, without the use of your ability, create a relationship with the opposite sex where you can one-sidedly ravish her while she is in the close position of girlfriend without her being conscious of your sexual relations.


Upon thinking that you may seek such a person in the distant future, I judged that preserving that state with her would be beneficial for Master, or so is my opinion.

I see.

Certainly, she has a point.

Personally, if I think about keeping that sort of card at hand, then I guess apologising would be a good plan, huh?

Either way, that girl is my girlfriend even when she doesnt like me. I should probably use her all up until then, huh?

Kokoro-nee-san sometimes becomes mother-like, huh?

T-ThatsI have yet to have a child with MasterIll replenish the popsicles again, ok?


I got it. Ill be heading out for a bit. Just a bit.

Standing up, I decided to go out even though it was almost night.

Kokoro happily waved her hand and saw me off.

Sunou was licking her popsicle while cackling. Speaking of which, that girl can see through lies, huh? Ill slam her later. 

Waiting in front of someone elses house at night is exceedingly lonely.

Pressing the intercom of Mais house, I waited.

This was already the third time.

I know that youre in there.

With a *clank*, the door before me opened.

[Over there is fun.]


I recited the hypnotic key words without delay.

As Mai unexpectedly peeked one eye out and looked at me, she immediately fell into a hypnotic trance.

The door released from her hand slowly opened, greeting me.

Well, since it was so hard for you to come out, I guess that means theres no one else here other than Mai?

Yesthe only one in the house isme.

And the reason why you didnt come out right away is?

Because I knewit was Bookthrough the camerabut

Still in casual clothes, Mais shoulders relaxed as both of her arms dangled downwards.

Entering inside the house without notice, I closed the door and locked it.

While holding the shoulders of this girl who was wobbling unsteadily, I walked her further inside.

Its easy if I make her into a doll.

I thought thatyoud apologiseso

I see, I see. So you also think Im in the wrong.


You must have a lot of nerve, huh?

Coming up with something slightly nasty, I decided to implant a suggestion into her on the spot.

Listen closely, I didnt come here. The intercom also didnt ring.

Bookdidnt, come.

Thats why you need to treat me as though Im not here. Itd be strange for me to be here if I didnt come, after all.

Book isnt herehe is not here, not at all.

While tasting the feeling of being a transparent human, I decided to toy with her.

With her eyes still hollow, Mai accepted my words without question.

Although she was shaking slightly from the suggestion, it was probably because she was cold in her loungewear and not out of loneliness.

Also, you must put as much of your thoughts into words as you can. Since no one is listening, talk about even the embarrassing things. If you do so, then you can become happy.

My thoughtsinto wordsdoing sohappy.

Since itd be boring to just watch her, I decided to play around like this.

Thats right. Mai is my play doll.

Her swaying body leaned against me. Cant this doll stand up on her own?

Now then, you will return to the real world from that place on the count of 101

I then released the suggestion and returned Mai to her normal self.


lets go back to my room.

After a while, Mais eyes blinked as she put her actions into words.

Perhaps because she didnt seem as vigilant as usual, I could see her hips swaying.

I guess Ill follow her.

Argh, geez!!

Mai was in an awfully bad mood. Upon sulkily entering her room, she immediately rolled onto her bed.

Her room was neat and tidy, but the girlish, adorable stuffed toys and the colourful curtains were too flagrant.

I wonder why he said that sort of thing?

Upon arbitrarily picking up a stuffed animal and laying on her back in bed, Mai lifted the stuffed toy with both hands.

Geez, it wouldve been fine if he didnt say that sort of thing. Even if thats what he thinks, he could at least compliment me.

I guess this is about todays fight, huh?


Irritated, Mai threw the stuffed animal she was holding. The *pomf* of it falling to the floor could be heard.

Upon rolling over and facing down, she placed her chin onto her pillow and frowned discontentedly.

Although shes speaking from the heart, this girls a bit thorny when theres no one around, huh?

I wonder if Book might really not be interested in mebut when we talk, hes always looking at my legs or chest, and hes looking at them in *that* way too

This girl is also pretty sharp, huh?

I guess my gaze had unconsciously become that way. I want to be careful, but thats probably impossible.

Besides, I need to comfort this warped doll.

Even for me, its not like Im not interested in that sort of thingbut Im really scared

While placing my hand under Mais skirt from behind, I pulled down only her underwear.

Mais feet swayed, but she didnt notice me.

Ok, now like thisuwoh

Geezreally, just think about how I feel too.

Mai abruptly turned sideways, bending her legs as she turned into a ball.

Upon wondering what she was going to do, Mais right hand fearfully stretched down towards her crotch.

Mmmaking that obvious stareeven though I gave him a bit of service, he said that horrible thing

Mai bashfully closed both eyes and placed her clasped left hand over her mouth as though to suppress her voice.

Moving the middle finger of her right hand as though to stroke her pubic mound, she began to fiddle with her body, as though toying with it.

She started masturbating.

I know, you know? Looking constantly at my skirt, you want to touch this, right? Its still scary, so you cant, but even Im resolved for you to at least touch it one day

Is this girl masturbating while thinking of me?

Even if I was chosen as her partner through the process of elimination, Im happy to have had such libido directed towards me.

Youll definitely touch me lewdly, wont you? Handle me more carefully. Say, am I really important to you?

While murmuring to herself, Mai whispered to the empty space where I wasnt present.

While strength gathered into the finger tip that was fiddling with her vagina, the sound of dripping water could be heard.

Mmas I thought, do you like girls who are more cutelike Rei-Reino. Maybe I just need to let him kiss me? Really, why am I worrying about this sort of thing?

Mais entire body trembled weakly. While longingly squinting with teary eyes, she looked downwards.

What should I do if he doesnt apologise tomorrow? Lets pinch themmmm!! Or what if Im hated and he leaves me!?

Mais body bounced up with a jump, seemingly cumming while holding her hand down as though to push down her vagina.

Although I was just watching, she really helped mw by conveniently making it easier for me to insert myself into her.

Even though I tried to not fight with my friends so that they wouldnt leave me, just why did I have to fight with Book of all people?

I removed my pants and took out my penis.

Mais breathing also became rougher, and she became completely limp in her relaxed state.

Pulling that delicate Mais body closer, I applied the tip of my penis against her.

Thats right, Mai fundamentally doesnt get into fights with others.

Uuuh~ Really, what should I do? If its like this, then itll become even worse tomorrow.

For you, who are really good at living your life, this was a blunder very much unlike you, huh?

This girl basically doesnt let out her raw, unfiltered emotions. Thats why her current situation was one that Mai was the absolute worst at dealing with.

While a timid expression was still on her face, I had Mai straddle me.

Cramming the tip of my penis with a *jerk*, the head of my penis had already been buried inside of her.

Normally, wouldnt things end if you just give an earnest apology?

Even though I want to say Im sorry. I really want to say it. Mmaaah!

In other words, this girl also wants to make concessions with me to a certain extent. Her reasons for which, I have no clue.

I pushed my penis deep into Mai just like that, our compatible genitals which rubbed against each other.

And then, after saying that Im not angry anymore, we can put an end to all of thishyah!

Even when I continued to pump her, Mai didnt notice me.

Its just that her timid feelings subsided due to the hypnosis, her feverish body warmly wrapping aroud my penis.

Rejoicing in Mais soft, jelly-like texture, I came up with something.

I immediately took out my phone and called Mai.

its Book.

Oh, so she picked it up, huh?

Due to the hypnosis, she couldnt recognise my presence within this house.

However, calling her over the phone was an exception to this. Because Mai thinks Im calling her from somewhere outside.

After placing the phone next to her bed against her ear, Mais expression became a little severe and-


-ended up letting loose slightly thorny words. Seeing how her face teared up immediately after she spoke as though to say she screwed up was quite interesting.

I wonder why this girl feels like she hates losing to me? Well, whatever.

So you havent slept yet, huh?

Theres no way Im sleeping. Im gonna hang up.

Wait a sec.


Every time I talked, I pushed my penis deep inside of Mai as though to scoop out her uterus.

Mai groaned and gasped as though being pressed by my words.

Thinking about the future, Id like it if she forgives me for at least this much teasing.


I already said Im gonna hang

Sorry. I was in the wrong.

Mais expression hardened. Both of her eyes, which didnt blink, expressed surprise.

In the next instant, her expression softened as she stifled a laugh.

As though betraying such a Mai, I continued to pump her several times.

I could feel the insides of her vagina slightly closing.


Mais expression immediately turned confused, flustered as though wondering what to say back to me.

You were simulating it a little while ago, right? Return back to not being angry.

Convenience store snacks!


The crepe ones! Ill go pick you up tomorrow morning, so-kyah, aaaaaahh!!

Werent you gonna forgive me, damn it!?

With my frustrations still boiling, I made my pumps more intense.

I moved Mais entire body back and forth, drowning her in pleasure which she was unable to be aware of.

For some reason, the insides of her vagina tightened more than usual, showing that the compatibility of our genitals was even better than usual.

I-If you dooh, zhen Aill fohgith you, shoo!! I-its decided, got it!?

I got it!

Igh, aaagghaaaah!!

My penis and lower body boiled to the limit.

The insides of Mais vagina also strongly tightened and trembled. Unconsciously wrapping her legs around me as though to not allow my genital to escape, accepting my penis that entered deep inside of her.

In the next moment, I ejaculated from the pleasure that felt so good that it would make my head tingle.


Mais body succumbed to pleasure, climaxing as she turned a limpy smile towards me.

As expectedwithout me, Book is uselessarent you!?

I see, then I guess Ill see you tomorrow.


Since intercourse had ended, I hung up the call.

Holding the phone in her chest after the call finished, she let out a sigh in satisfaction.

Im useless without Book. Geez, I hate himehehe.

So you hate me, huh? I really dont get how this girl thinks sometimes.

Mai became slovenly as though her earlier melancholy was a lie, energetically rolling around in bed.


And then, upon noticing the drenched state of her bed, Mai ended up shouting.

Since I didnt feel like cleaning things up, I immediately left the place to get back at her.


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