Saimin Regulation

Chapter 80: Minami Mai Confession-Arc

Chapter 80: Minami Mai Confession-Arc

The Christmas Eve of yesterday had already passed, and the Christmas of today was also ending.

It was probably the richest December of my life.



Right now, I was preparing to return home at my part-time jobs restaurant.

After overcoming these two busiest days, a year-end party was held amongst those working at this part-time job.

It seems that this place would be closed for three days of the new year. This closure also served as a temporary rest, so the employees were in fairly high spirits.

Say, Book, I thought you dont come to these sorts of things.

Suddenly Mai called out to me. Because Mais type of people usually have the image of remaining at parties until late, she probably wont go home yet.

Although the year-end party itself was open, there were many people who want the lingering memory of such a gathering.

If its troublesome, then I wont go. This place is still my part-time job, after all, so I can just eat as I please.

Ill head home immediately after I finish eating. Kokoro will end up worrying if Im too late, and I dont have much interest in making idle chatter. I also want to slowly soak in a freshly drawn bath.

However, I was restrained by Mai and brought to a stand still.

Yanagi-san was interesting, right? I also laughed a little.

Yeah, I didnt expect him to be such a person.

I stepped forward.

In doing so, Mai, for some reason, spread her legs and stood before me.

Its not like I couldnt pass if I did it by force, but going that far would be awkward. It was an exquisite step. Its only this sort of technique that I respect from Mai.

Um, say.


Why dont we go back together? Is that no good?

Mai suggested to me while nervously looking downwards.

Ah, I see.

This girl also wants to leave early for some reason. If she goes together with me, she can use that as an excuse

Sure, I dont mind.

Eh, really? Then Ill get ready, so just wait!! Youre not allowed to go home first!

I got it.

I guess my times gonna be extended again, huh?

It cant be helped, once in a while. The one who introduced me to this part-time job was her.

Ive only worked here for about half a month, but even so Im thankful to her for providing me with a decent place.

Thats why I really want her to get ready quickly.

While leanning against the wall in front of the entrance, I began to grow concerned about the time.

Mai and I were walking through the town whose lights had yet to disappear.

She was awfully late in arriving. Im really troubled.

Um, say.


Todays Mais mouth was throwing in an awful lot of unnecessary remarks. She was constantly rubbing her hands, perhaps because they were cold, and her conversations were often interrupted.

As expected, the passing of other people was sparse at this time of day. The restaurant was right in front of the station, so there was no way we would pause along the way. But-

Say, just for a little bit, shall we take a detour?

none of the stores are doing business, right?

Thats not what I meant

Taking my phone out from my pocket, I checked the time. It would almost be 11 oclock.

Since its come to this point, then I guess it doesnt matter whether we go back now or later.

Where do you want to go?

E-Erm, huhI wonder whereah! The park, lets go to the park in front of the station!

Mai pointed to a park located right next to the station.

It was something set up in order to improve the scenery in this area, and, upon the nearing of Christmas, it had been decorated with a token degree of illumination.

However, it doesnt have that much of an appeal so people only pass by it.

Then I guess Ill buy something from the vending machine. What do you want?

Erm, whatever.

I bought two warm coffees. I dont like it black, so it was the sweet kind with lots of sugar.

Upon receivined the canned coffee, Mai held it so as to warm up her small hands. she looked like a hamster holding sunflower seeds.

The both of us had become silent.

Its annoying. In the end, this girl likely wanted to be immersed in the lingering memory of the banquet. Despite being bothered by it, she felt some lingering affection towards it and so brought me here.

What a selfish fellow. Lets go home after drinking.

Say, Book. Whatre you gonna do next year?

Who knows?

While peering into my expression, Mai talked about nothing but silly trifles.

She really was doing something pointless in trying to keep me here.

I started to get impatient. I can go home now, right? Whats the point of the two of us being in this kind of place together?

Upon realising it, the straggling passerbys could pretty much no longer be seen anymore. This was a good chance.

Lets go home.


Its already late, right?

Hey, look, just wait a bit. I have something to say-

You can just text it to me tomorrow, right?

Mais gaze unusually wandered. Its probably been a long time since shes been in such a flurry.

If shes not calm, then that further adds to the point that this should be done later.

I stood up. In doing so, Mai grabbed my sleeve, her eyes watering almost like an abandoned kittens.

Even though its not like Im throwing her away.

Mai, you-

I love you!

Suddenly, Mai screamed as though to spit out all of her feeling up until now.

For a moment, I couldnt understand what had happened.

[Over there is fun].

I reflexively ended up reciting the Hypnotic Key words.

Mai fell into a hypnotic trance, her tearing eyes fluctuating as they became hollow.

What did this girl say? That she likes me


In that moment, I understood. I inadvertedly leaked a sigh.

who told you to do it?

Its this girl were talking about. She probably ended up having to undergo a punishment game or something.

I look like an idiot for being surprised so suddenly. The fact that possibility didnt immediately surface in my mind meant that I was also vulnerable to being swindled, huh?

In the face of Mais desperate cry, I ended up forgetting to question it for a moment.

no. No onetold me, to say it.

? Then, are you recording this on your phone or something?


Is someone else watching from the shadows?


So youre not going to flaunt this to others and make a report later?


Whats going on?

Even though its a punishment game, it should be meaningless unless you show it to somebody.

Then, why did she confess to me? No, maybe she said something different?

What did you say earlier?

I loveyou.

Give me more detail.

Iaminlove, withyou.

Even while in a hypnotic trance, Mai confessed with an inarticulate voice. Her cheeks were red even though it was winter, and one could tell that she was nervous despite being unconscious.

Did she really confess to me?


Looking up at the sky, I thought about the reason as to how this girl had come to this confession.

Its likely because today is Christmas.

Being swallowed up by the atmosphere from the many surrounding couples, she thought that she wanted someone for herself. And so, making a compromise with me, who was close by, she suddenly made a confession.


Reaching such an answer, I frowned.

The fact that this girl reached such a hasty conclusion was disappointing.

Either way, such a confession would simply end when she regains sanity the next day and rejects me with a As expected, its impossible through the phone or something.

Really, youre making fun of me.


Holding my head, I felt disgust at the field of flowers that my own head was filled with. Even for a moment, I misunderstood that I was loved.

Mai continued to wait for me while making a vacant expression. She experienced time literally stopping for her as she waited for the longest time for a reply to her confession.

Well, whatever. If you want to confess, then Ill prepare a suitable place for it.

For the sake of retaliation, my head devised a plan.

Ill give Mai the present of the best and worst confession.

Walking with Mai, who was still in her hypnotic trance, we arrived at a certain location.

It was Mais home. As I heard earlier, both of her parents were absent until the end of the year, so it was just perfect.

Upon entering the house and closing the door to Mais room with a thud, her hypnosis was released.



Like that, I ruminated over the confession that had been mentioned earlier.

From that, Mai accepted the current situation up until now.

Right now, she had returned back to the moment when she had just given her confession.


With me, you say?

Theres no one else here, right?

Mai directed a shy smile towards me, taking her distance perhaps as though to hide her embarrassment.

I purposefully averted my gaze and displayed a dubious expression.

Mai, what are you doing?

Because I confessed, its only natural that I have to do this.

Mai placed her waist on top of her bed, closing her knees as she placed her hands inside her skirt.

After removing her panties, she fidgeted and rubbed her thighs for a while before slowly spreading them open.

Its embarrassing being seen so much.

Aah, I see. Ive heard about this before. Before giving a reply-

Have sex with me and check our compatibility with each other. Book, youre too ignorant!

It was fortunate that Mai wore a skirt despite her winter clothes being heavily layered. The gap of seeing a thickly covered girls genitalia was wonderful.

While fixedly peering into the flaunted insides of Mais skirt, I ended up smiling.

Say, Book. That sort of thing doesnt fit the ambiance.

Hm, aah, my bad. What should I do?

Hm, oh, geez. This sort of compatibility is something where you strive to act according to the situation at that place. Ill obey Books instructions.

Mai was awfully enthusiastic. Or rather, she probably wanted a good reply from me after having even better sex.

Even though it was impulsive, the figure of her working so hard for my sake was unspeakably adorable.

Then, lets get right to it.

Wait a sec!


Ermsee. I, I like you, Book.

I see, since this also served as a confession, she arrived at the answer to confess while having sex, huh?

While feeling happy at such a surprise, I also tried to put out a token amount of atmosphere.

I approached, bringing our faces close to each other that I could see myself reflected in Mais pupils.


Hm~, I wonder? I havent thought that deeply about it.

Gradually our lower bodies came into close contact, and I removed my pants.

Inserting my penis inside of her skirt, I stroked Mais crotch with its tip.

Hyah, somehow it kinda tickles

Then you love me for no reason?

Hm~m, what do you want me to say? Then, first would be this, then.

While showing a shy smile with an ehehe, she stroked my cheek with her finger.

Like that, the tip of my peniss glans held in my left hand got caught against Mais vagina in a good way.

Nnghyou see, Book, when you smile in front of people. You instantly try to hide it. When you do, your cheeks twitch like that.


But, you see, you dont hide it that much when in front of me.

Mai looked at me with an upward glance, as though she were peering into the depths of my heart.

Well, there were several times that I had let down my guard, huh? Its just that I didnt really intend on hiding my smile, though.

My penis entered inside of Mais opened vagina. With a squelch, it invaded deeper into Mai, as though penetrating her muddy insides.

How should I say thisnngheven right now, hyahI dont really know what it means to be in love.

You dont know?

Aah! Thats, right. Other girls talk about who they like in the surroundings, but I didnt find it that fun. I mean, when together with boys, Im excessively cautious and I need to protect myself

Protect yourself, is it?

While shaking my hips, I pumped my penis back and forth. While my glans stirred her vaginas insides as though scooping them out, I confirmed Mais condition.

Originally our compatibility was good. Even so, I forcibly scooped her out, making sure that she still felt good.

Thats whyy, I only talked about it, to the extent that I wouldnt be disliked, aah!! Sometimes I was misunderstood, but with that I was able to maneuver around itbut, you see, Book is somehow different.


Hyahn! Its not like I dont have to be cautious, but, how should I say this? Its like theres no need to do it. And even if I do, its like theres no point in it.

Mai really is good at interpersonal relations, huh? Even though she couldnt understand it, she was somehow able to discern that I was able to use some kind of power.

With regards to our current progress, Mai continued to be fucked by me while unable to resist. Certainly, its foolish for her to simply be cautious.

But, you see, upon thinking that, it became quite comfortable to be together with Book. Thinking this, it started showing a little bit during the summer.

As though giving up upon knowing that she was unable to match me, the rationale that it couldnt be helped conversely caused me to be reflected as a person who she could get along at ease with.

It was a method of forming human relations that was quite like Mai. This girl, who was smiling with blushing cheeks, was followed by her original, stoic true nature.

Then, see, I thought that itd be okay to be together with you. Even though its unusual for a man, seenngh, aaaah!!

Whatever the case, it was basically a process of elimination, huh?

I wasnt shocked that I had been chosen in such a manner. Rather, being tied to a physical relationship in this fashion would become a contrivance that spiced things up.

Although it seemed that Mai sloppily and falteringly picked her words, I more or less understood what she was saying.

Deciding to fuck her until she becomes messed up, I pulled my hips back

Though saying it myself is kinda weirdI think that this sort of person will only appear at this moment in my entire life.

Thats why, please go out with meah


I pierced my penis into Mais depths.

The horny suggestion was administered even stronger, chipping away at Mais reason.

Mais eyes opened wide, and her expression which displayed that she still had allowances collapsed.

Ahgahhyaaaaaaaaaaahhh!! Aah ah!!

Then what, are you saying Im your fated person or something?

Maybe!! aAAAH!! Somehow, thats kinda embarrassi-kyaaAAAH!!!

She really did well to arrange her words that far.

She probably thought of such a reason yesterday or today, though.

However, I wanted to break such a Mais sentiments, and so continued to fuck her as though staining a beautiful painting with black.

Mais body, perhaps having felt some sort of connection with me somewhere despite that, strongly tightened her vagina, her folds entertwining as though to stroke my penis.

The entrance of Mais uterus, which had been pierced countless times, received the tip of my penis as though accepting me.

It was strange. I could tell there was a difference in the vaginas sensation just from a simple change in ones feelings.

Thats nice, our compatibility might be pretty good!

Hyaaaaaaaaahh, agah, AAaAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!! Hahih, hiah!

Disregarding that service, I continued to ravage her as though I was trying to crush her.

I intended to break the vagina, which was moving as though to receive the onesided rape.

With her mouth still open, Mai repeatedly climaxed several times. The horny suggestion continued to overlap countlessly, thinking that it should bestow upon her the best pleasure she was ever had up until now to the extent that we wouldnt be able to tell our compatibility at all.

This was appropriate for the current her.

Such sense of conquest and some sort of emotions seemed like it would explode, and so I gathered such impulses into my penis.

Hey, properly confirm it!

Kyah, idd, feelzzz sho, guuddkyaaaaaah!! Agaghaggh-

Mais scream broke off halfway. With her drool-spilling mouth still open, her neck ended up losing strength.

Apparently she fainted.

The next moment after realising that reality, semen gushed out from my penis.


So she came while fainted, huh?

While raising a moan, Mais entire body convulsed with a twitch while in her fainted state.

The bed squeaked, and the pungent smell of man permeated into the place where she normally slept.

How troublesome. If its like this, then you wont hear my response even if I give it.

I intentionally shrugged, taking my penis out of her vagina.

Mai lost all support and fell on top of her bed. Because of having sex, Mais body, that was lured by her lower body that spilled over her bed, dragged onto the floor.

It was almost akin to a carelessly treated toy falling from a shelf, an appearance that infered powerlessness.

Now then, what shall I do next?

The confession ended in the manner that I desired.

Next, as I intend on using Mai with the aim of enjoying myself, I should probably give her my reply.


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