Saimin Regulation

Chapter 52: East-West-South-North Cultural Festival Introduction-Arc

Chapter 52: East-West-South-North Cultural Festival Introduction-Arc

Author Note:


It was a holiday that day.

Rousing my blurred consciousness in the apartment, I noticed that I was in my room as per usual.


Kokoro peered at my face, which had just opened its eyes.

After that, Kokoro was completely cured of her cold. Having sexual intercourse almost all the way through the night, I had her abstain from her cold medicine so that she could take contraceptive pills.

Even though she was forced to pass the sleepless night with extreme play, once she fell asleep, her fever had fallen and she was walking around energetically, so I was quite shocked.

Dont tell me its because she had an excess secretion of endorphins


Kokoro swayed her beautiful hair as she cocked her head. There was a faint, pleasant aroma. She probably just took a bath.

There was also gloss on her skin, amazingly overflowing with ordinance.

I did not get out of bed. I couldnt.


Are you ok, I have taken your temperature. Also, I will always be watching, so please be at ease.

This time it was me who had caught a cold.


I always have the intent of paying attention to my health, and thoroughly washed my hands and gargled so that I wouldnt catch Kokoros cold.

Master, you have the habit of keeping your belly out when you sleep. No matter who it is, I think that anyone would not get better when sleeping like that.

whats with that?

If its usual, then to the sleeping Master, Iyes

Placing her hands against both cheeks which had become hot, Kokoro became bashful. It was quite innocent how she was rubbing her body with a *fidget*.

-but, the current me doesnt have enough strength to have sex with Kokoro.


Yesby all means.

She doesnt appear to dislike it.

I probably woke up because I wanted to go to the toilet. It probably wanted to help Kokoro in waking me up.

Kokoro surprisingly removed my trousers, holding my exposed penis in her mouth and said by all means.

well, whatever.

Nngh!! Nghmhnkch!

Kokoro firmly suppressed my penis with her lips, trying to suck up all of the urine from my urethra.

A few seconds after I had finishing letting it all out, Kokoro raised her mouth, heading to the toilet so as to not let out bad breath.

Master, I will excuse myself temporarily.


I wonder if this is what being nursed is like?

I have no experience being nursed by my parents, so it might be something like this.

After feeling refreshed, the sleepiness came back, huh?

Demon! Youre here, arent you?

It was there that a profusely striking voice appeared on this day.

Sunou watched me, who was breathing heavily through the nose, with a smug grin.

Sunou-chan, lets keep quiet, ok?

Y-YesDemon, it appears that the time for you to pay your debt has come at last.

No, I wont die, after all.

Sunou was full of energy. She had become elated, with her brow primly raised.

Even though this one was closer to Kokoro, it was almost as though she didnt catch a cold. Laplaces ability was plainly useful at such times.

Youve become like this because of your normally bad conduct. Repent for your sins. Fufun!

This girl only opens her mouth to say the things she wants to say. I really want to punch her.

But since Im like this today, theres nothing that can be done about it.

Suuuuh, haaaah.

When she took a deep breath and stopped abusing me, Sunou simply sat at the side of the bed.

Well, I will forgive you with much for today. As expected, I dont want to become a person who will lash out against a sick person.

after all this?

Sunou-chan, please help me carry the drinks. Master, Sunou-chan brought them so dont fall asleep and lets drink together.

So she brought over some goods while paying a sick call, huh? Shes more thoughtful than I am, huh.

The apartments intercom rang.

Come to think of it, what time is it now? When I caught this cold, my sense of time became ambiguous.

Only Sunou returned to the room. Since she wordlessly handed me the drink, I got up and took it.

Ohits pretty tasty, huh.

This is a good one, so if youve learned your lesson from this then be a little kinder to me

Yahoshi! Book, you alive?

The door to my room opened and a new individual entered.

Hmyou seem alright.

Mai and Rein came. It would seem that they were the ones on the intercom earlier.

Both of them were still wearing casual clothes that resembled summer attire. Come to think of it, today was a school holiday, huh?

Coming even though there werent any suggestions, I wonder if theres a part of her thats strangely meddlesome?

Ooh, somehow you dont look that happy, even from here. Are you charmed?

he looks bothered.


Show your thanks a bit more!

Mai approached me with light steps and touched my forehead.

I felt startled. Even though we were always having sexual intercourse, having my partner do something like this to me was bad for my heart.

Its certainly hot, huh.

Both of you, thank you very much for visiting.

Book, also show your appreciation~

Perhaps in my stead, Kokoro conveyed words of gratitude.

Mai showed me the bag that she was holding since earlier.

Upon looking, it was a fruit basket. What should I say, its not like Ive even been admitted to the hospital.

Because they took over being a slave for the sick Kokoros sake when she was sick, that in itself had become their sick visit, but do these guys usually do something like this?

Ive never done a sick visit before, so I didnt know any better.

I shall slice them up for the time being.

Ah, Ill lso help out, Kokoron. Youre still getting over your cold, so its not good to strain yourself, just in case.

I-I will too!

With noisy steps, the trio of Kokoro, Mai, and Sunou left the room. Coming in and going it, they were like a pump.

Rein tentatively remained here, continuing to stare fixedly at me.

Ill leave this here.

Timing it when everyone had left, Rein placed her sick call gift that she brought in the corner of the room.

What Rei brought was flowers. I was really being treated as though I had been hospitalised, huh?

So you came for a sick visit, huh?

Of course. Is there a reason not to?

Thats, well-

Rein probably hates me. Even now, she was looking at me with a dubious expression.

Its probably that. She likely thought shed be in trouble because there wouldnt be anyone to do something about her sickness when Im gone. Shes panicking too much for a mere cold.

Its that part of you that I hate.

Hahah, what part..oops.

I stared at the flowers I got. Of course, theres no way I knew what type they were.

Perhaps because she thought I was gonna give my impression of them, Rein fixedly stared at me.

Of course, theres no way it would be like that.

Flowers, huh

What, is that bad?

Nope, it seems Rein-like so isnt it fine?

Rein had a side more fragile than she thought. Even though she showed such a powerful vitality, shes brittle when she breaks.

What does that mean?

Take it.

I handed the flowers placed on the floor to Rein and gazed at it together.

There, its become a picture.

It probably wont be conveyed even if I tried to speak tediously, so lets just praise her suitably.

If Kokoro doesnt manage them, then the flowers will quickly go bad. When my cold gets better, I should place them in the living room.

Rein kept silent for a while, but upon moving she slowly returned the flowers to their original position.

I thought youd say they wouldnt suit me.

I did say that its very Rein-like, right?

Rein has many delicate sides. Receiving those subtleties, drawing out her strong side, and skilfully hypnotising her was fun.

I want to hypnotise and fuck someone.

Even though I could have enjoyed myself if it werent for this cold.

Book, weve finished slicing them! Its tasty!

So you ate them first, huh?

Mai entered the middle of the room while chewing her mouth. Just from that of all things, the quiet space noisily transformed.

Sunou and Kokoro also came in after her, so it felt like everyone had gathered together for a food sampling.

Master, please say aahn.

Stop it.

I dont mind asking for it myself, but having it done to me when Im weak is humiliating.

However, upon seeing Kokoro who was joyously bringing fruit this way, I ended up opening my mouth.

Seeing this pathetic appearance of mine, Rein gently smiled.

Just because this sort of thing cant be recognised as anything but skin ship, thats not something to laugh at.

I guess Ill also give it a go, huh?


Having a cold was so unbearably distressing.

When school started the day after I recovered from my cold, I was filled with an indescribable feeling of loss.

I was killing time whilst staying in the Counselling Room that Kokoro was in.

There were no classes today.

Master, this is a new snack.

I see.

Are the preparations for the Cultural Festival satisfactory?

As the Cultural Festival approached, students had been exempted from most classes as they spent all their time preparing for it.

This school was no exception. Especially this year, which was filled with students who were under the suggestion to enjoy the academy life with full force so as to relieve stress as much as possible.

In other words, for me to be the exception who was living comfortably wasnt good.

Perhaps because joy was connected with her being together with me, Kokoro did not place much force into her voice.

Showing hospitality by bring out tea cakes was the proof that she could not go against her slave instincts.

Its fine, Im not studying, and Im supposed to do another activity so there arent any students who will complain even though Ive slipped out. In the first place, Ive been regarded as more of a customer.

Is that so?

Lets go around together on the actual day.

Yes! With pleasure!

I appropriately avoided the topic.

Kokoro essentially could not escape from being a goody two-shoes. Even so, if I just word it so that wed be together, her body would shake and rub against this way.

Even if its biting a little, she is faithful and adorable.

Did you come to this schools cultural festival last year?

Yes, for a bit-

Ive also come here for the exam which also served as a preliminary inspection. I thought that there werent many interesting things here, but it turns out that wasnt the case. If I had to say, the Computer Simulation Club or something produced a miniature of a plastic model space station, see. That was a wonderful model. Even though it was a rendering, it properly possessed the perspective of the work it was based on. Im looking forward to that again this year. I also passed them an additional budget.

Ah, I also saw it. Then lets go see it together this year!

I wonder if she really understands how wonderful that thing is?

Well, Ive diverted the topic for the time being, so I opened my book so as to kill time again.

Ah, Demon! Why are you here!?

When I did so, Sunou came into the room without even knocking. Come to think of it, I forgot to lock the door.

How about you, why are you here?

I-Im not that good at preparing for the Cultural Festival, so I was hoping to stay with Kokoro-nee-san.

Hah, its unsightly how you havent become accustomed to your class yet.

Then what reason does the Demon have for being here?

Im preparing an original attraction in the Counselling Room-

Doubt! Doubt! Thats a lie!

Sunou gave a smile of satisfaction as she pointed at me. It was taboo to lie to this girl, wasnt it?

Kokoro laughed a little while looking at me. What a rude fellow to laugh at her master.

In order to scold such a rude slave, I placed my hands inside of Kokoros jacket in front of Sunou.

MMasterSunou-chan is watching-


Since I heard the voice of a complete stranger, I hurriedly pulled back my hands.

Upon looking, I saw that it was a girl one year lower than me. Although it wasnt refined yet, that expression was full of energy, her eyes shining as they gazed upon Sunou.

Hyah, Aikawa-san!?

Sunou-chan is the key to this times play! Now, now! Come, come!

W-Wait, you see, Im helping out with this Counselling Rooms original attraction-

Its fine. Well be able to make do by ourselves somehow, so please have Sunou-san help out with you all.

From the series of conversations, I was able to perceive the general flow.

Thats why I became Sunous enemy.

Losing her place to escape to, Sunou became unable to escape from Aikawa or whoevers hand.


Making an expression as though she were just about to swallow a mouthful of bitter food, Sunou disappeared from the Counselling Room.

It seems that Sunou-chans class is putting on a play. I am not aware of the details, but Sunou-chan appears to have an important role among them.

Is it really alright to push such an important role onto the truant?

Sunou-chan is beautiful, after all.

I wonder if shes seen as something like an important doll to the class?

Since Im not involved in that area, I do not understand it at all. Theres a need for Kokoro to speak occasionally, so she probably understands it, though.

Well, I dont have to worry with regards to her.

Is that so?

Somehow or another, that girl isnt the type who makes a bad decision. Its not like she has no idea what to do. Shell be able to make friends naturally as long as she interacts with them.



Knock knoock! Scusie!

When I turned away, Mai appeared from the door that was just opened.

Slightly poking her face out from the door, Mai waved at me who was nearby.

I returned an annoyed face. Kokoro stretched her beautiful fingers and waved her hand back at her.

Book, you really were here!

Im busy. Even Mai has the classs thing to attend to, right?

Isnt that why I came? Say, Book, its naive to think that you wont be bothered just because were not doing anything together.

Even though she wasnt given permission to enter, Mai invaded the Counselling Room with a skip.

[Mai, disregard me here].

Because I got pissed off, I activated the suggestion that I had left sometime ago. When activated, she wouldnt be able to notice me no matter what I do, with the exception of my words.

I fliped over the Mais skirt, who approached defencelessly. Pink panties, huh?

Muh, captured!

Instead it was Mai who unreservedly held my body tightly. My waist that was sitting on the sofa rose.

Now, were returning to the classroom, kay!


Were taking a group photo. Everyones gathering, so I came to get Book.

You can take a picture even without me, right?

Thats why I got you. If I dont do this, then Book wont participate in anything, right?

Stop it, itll leave behind evidence.

Whats with that?

With a *jerk*, Mai continued to pull as taking me along with her.

I resisted, but it was almost as if she wasnt going to give up.

I see, because she doesnt notice what I do, shes also not aware of my resistance, huh?

Hey, wait, I-!

Master has too much time on his hands right now.

Then isnt it fi~ne?

Just like the principle of a lever, Mai used her dextrous bodily sense to lift me up and tried to take me away just like that.

While making a lonely face, Kokoro waved and sent me off with a smile.

Now, les go! Kyah!

As payback for the energetically meddlesome Mai, I groped her breasts over her uniform.

In any case, itll be fine if I escape mid-way. More importantly, I need to teach this cheeky girl a lesson.

Running away can come after that.


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