Saga of The Night God

Chapter 72 The Following Eyes

Agda and Erwin raced through the dimly lit castle corridors, their hearts pounding with fear and adrenaline as they desperately searched for a way out. Every path they tried seemed to lead to a dead end or was blocked by guards. Suddenly, the sound of heavy footsteps echoed behind them, causing them to turn around and see an armored knight approaching.

"Shit, we've been spotted," Erwin muttered under his breath as he saw the knight's menacing expression.

The knight drew his sword and yelled, "You there! Stop where you are! I'll gut you like pig little shit and fuck that slut like bitch!"

Agda turned back and slashed her sword. A golden arc of energy shot forth from Agda's blade, hurtling towards the knight with great force. The knight tried to dodge the attack, but it was too fast and too powerful. The golden arc hit him square in the chest, sending him flying backwards with a thunderous crash.

"What was that?" Erwin stared in awe at Agda's incredible display of skill and bravery. He knew he was lucky to have her by his side. Together, they continued on their path to freedom, navigating through the maze-like castle with renewed confidence. Erwin turned to Agda with a look of admiration in his eyes. "That was incredible, Agda! I had no idea you could that."

Agda flashed a small smile in response. "There are a lot of things I can do that you don't know about yet, Prince."

As they rounded another corner, they saw a group of guards up ahead, blocking their path. Erwin's heart sank as he realized they were outnumbered and outmatched.

Agda quickly assessed the situation and knew that they needed a plan if they were going to get out of the castle alive. She turned to Erwin and said, "Listen to me, Prince," she said firmly. "Quick, hide in that room over there. After that, you have to leave and you have to go alone."

Erwin looked at her in confusion. "What are you talking about? We have to stick together."

Agda shook her head. "No, you don't understand. They know who you are. They'll be looking for you, and they won't stop until they find you. But they don't know me. I can use that to my advantage and create a diversion. It will give you a chance to escape."

Erwin hesitated for a moment, but he could see the determination in Agda's eyes. He knew that she was right. "Alright," he said reluctantly. "But promise me you'll meet me outside."

Agda nodded. "I promise. Now go and be careful."

Erwin nodded and turned to run down the corridor into the room. As he disappeared from sight, Agda took a deep breath and prepared to face whatever lay ahead. She knew that the odds were against her, but she also knew that she couldn't let Erwin down. She readied her sword and charged forward, ready to take on whatever lay ahead.

Erwin looked around, hoping to find something he could use to defend himself. But the only thing he saw were thick stone walls and empty corridors. He knew he was trapped.

Erwin ran as fast as he could, his heart pounding with fear and adrenaline. He had no idea where he was going, but he knew that he had to get as far away from the castle as possible. After what felt like hours of running, he finally saw a faint light in the distance. It was the first sign of hope he had seen since he escaped.

As he got closer, he realized that the light was coming from a small opening in the castle wall. It was just big enough for him to squeeze through. He took a deep breath and darted towards the opening, squeezing through just as he heard footsteps approaching.

He emerged on the other side of the wall, panting heavily. As he looked around, he saw that he was in a dense jungle, surrounded by thick foliage and towering trees. He had no idea where to go from here, but he knew that he couldn't stay in one place for too long.

Erwin felt his heart pounding with fear and desperation as he darted down the castle corridors, searching for a way out. He tried every path he could find, but each one seemed to lead to a dead end or was blocked by guards.

Frustration and hopelessness began to set in as Erwin realized that he was trapped. "What am I going to do?" he muttered to himself. "I can't stay here forever."

As he turned a corner and saw another group of guards ahead, he felt his anxiety rise to new heights. "I need to find a way out of here," he thought frantically. "I can't let them catch me."

He started scanning the walls, looking for any sign of a hidden door or passage. The fear of being caught and the desperation to escape weighed heavily on him. But then, he saw it - a small crack in the wall, barely visible in the dim light.

A glimmer of hope sparked in Erwin's chest. "Maybe this is it," he thought, feeling a sense of cautious optimism.

As he pushed on the crack, the wall began to shift, revealing a narrow passage behind it. Erwin felt a surge of excitement mixed with apprehension. "This could be my chance," he whispered to himself.

He squeezed through the narrow passage, his heart racing with anticipation. He didn't know where it would lead him, but he knew that he had to try.

In those moments, Erwin was filled with a mix of emotions - fear, desperation, frustration, hopelessness, anxiety, and finally, a glimmer of hope. He knew that his only chance of escape lay in finding a hidden passage, and the discovery of the crack in the wall gave him a glimmer of hope in the darkness.

Erwin emerged on the other side of the wall, panting heavily. He felt a sense of relief and triumph wash over him. He had finally made it out of the castle, and he was filled with a mix of gratitude for the small crack in the wall that led him to freedom.

Looking around at his new surroundings, Erwin realized that he was in a dense jungle, surrounded by towering trees and thick foliage. The air was thick with the scent of tropical plants and the sounds of exotic birds.

Erwin took a moment to catch his breath and soak in his surroundings.  He knew that he still had a long way to go before he was truly safe, but for now, he was just grateful to be alive and free.

In his elation, he couldn't help but laugh in joy. "Yes, yes, yes, hahaahahahh I am outside, I am outside….. You wait you fucking dinosaur, I am gonna cuck old you someday, you old fogey." and he let out a string of curses, each one more venomous than the last.

​ But even as he swore, a part of him knew that he needed to let go of his anger and focus on his next steps. He took a deep breath, trying to center himself, and looked out into the jungle that lay ahead of him.


As the sun began to set over the towering castle walls, a child emerged from the walls, seemingly unaware of the four pairs of eyes that were fixed upon him. With each step he took, the eyes followed, unblinking and unrelenting.

The first pair of eyes were filled with hunger, an insatiable desire for something that could not be satisfied by mere mortal means. They belonged to a creature that had long since lost its humanity, driven mad by an unquenchable thirst for blood. As the figure passed through the castle gates and into the dense jungle beyond, the creature slunk silently in pursuit, biding its time, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

The second pair of eyes were filled with lust, a fiery passion that burned bright and hot within their depths. They belonged to a woman whose beauty was matched only by her desire for the figure that now walked before her. She followed him with a grace and sensuality that left no doubt as to her intentions, and as the jungle closed in around them, she closed the gap between them; her gaze never wavering from his form.

The third pair of eyes were filled with obsession, a fierce determination that drove their owner forward with a single-minded purpose. They belonged to a man whose heart was consumed with a burning desire to create something beautiful. He followed the stranger with a sense of urgency that bordered on obsession, his mind racing with possibilities and his heart beating with a fierce intensity.

And then there was the fourth pair of eyes, watching from the shadows with a quiet curiosity. They belonged to a creature that was unlike any of the others.

As the night deepened and the jungle grew darker, the four pairs of eyes continued to follow the figure, each with their own unique motivation and purpose. They moved as one, weaving through the underbrush and the twisted trees, their steps guided by a force that was beyond their understanding. And in that moment, as the darkness closed in around them, they all knew that their lives would never be the same again.


As the purple-haired woman soared through the air, her eyes shone like sparkling gems, and her lips were painted a vibrant shade of red. Her crystal nose glittered in the sunlight, but despite her striking appearance, her beautiful face was etched with worry. After, some time a city appeared in her view, making her heart a little happy.

As she flew closer to the city, her heart raced with anticipation and fear. The closer she got, the more her anxiety grew.

Finally, she saw it: the city of Meceium, sprawling below her like a vast tapestry of stone and steel. "Meceium, Don't worry baby, your mama is here to save you." Tears welled up in her eyes as she realized the enormity of her task. Meceium was enormous, and her son could be anywhere within its boundaries.

Despite her fear, the purple-haired woman steeled herself and dove towards the city. She flew straight to the grand castle in the heart of the city, knowing that every passing moment decreased her chances of finding him.


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