Saga of The Night God

Chapter 44 Meceium City

"Finally we are here," Prince Erwin and his female guard, Agda, rode into the bustling city of Meceium after traveling for nine days. As they approached the city gates, the prince couldn't help but admire the grandeur of the city before him. The towering walls, made of white stone, were adorned with intricate carvings of mythical creatures and the city's coat of arms.

Agda nudged the prince, pulling him out of his trance, and pointed towards the banner hanging above the gate. It bore the crest of Duke Diagil, "Prince, Meceium city comes under Duke Diagil's territory. He is also the one who's organizing the event for your maid selection."

As they entered the city, the prince took in the sights and sounds of Meceium. The bustling marketplace was filled with vendors hawking their wares, the sweet smell of freshly baked bread and roasted meats wafted through the air, and the laughter of children echoed through the streets.

Erwin looked around, trying to see the vastness of the city. "Wow, this city is huge! It's so different from the small towns and villages we've passed through on our journey."

Agda smiled. Seeing Erwin was excited and said, "Yes, your Highness. Meceium is one of the largest cities in our kingdom. And look, there's the castle where Duke Maria is hosting the Event." Pointing at the grand castle that stood in the center of the city. It was a towering structure made of stone and steel, with grand towers and turrets that reached towards the sky. The castle walls were adorned with the crests of various low noble families, and the prince knew that many of them were likely to attend the event.

Erwin withdrawn his eyes from the magnificent castle and looked at a different type of shops."Look at all the shops and merchants! This city is so different from our kingdom. It's amazing."

Agda also looked at people coming out from shops holding weapons, food and etc. "Yes, Meceium is a hub for trade and commerce. It's no wonder that the Duke chose to host the event here."

Erwin looked excited, seeing some voluptuous women doing their routine work. "I can't wait to explore more of the city after the ball. I want to see everything."

Agda smiled and said, "I'm sure you will, your prince. But for now, let's focus on the maid's choosing. We must make a good impression on the all the candidates come here to take part in the event."

"Remember, they have the right to refuse your request, prince. If they want to, so if you want a good maid, don't do anything that will reduce your reputation." Agda said with serious face.

Erwin nodded and asked after a while. "But why didn't duke come here to welcome us? Even his servants are not here. Can't they see the royal insignia on the carriages?"

Agda explained."Because nobody knows we have reached meceium. I think duke Diagil also didn't get the information yet and about the royal insignia we have made it transparent not to be seen with normal eyes so nobody knows that a crown prince is traveling between them."

"What to do now, then?" Erwin asked.

Agda leaned in towards the prince and spoke softly. "We should find the inn where we'll be staying, my prince. We need to rest and prepare for the event tomorrow." The prince nodded, realizing that he had been so enraptured by the city that he had forgotten about their lodgings.

They made their way to a cozy inn on the outskirts of the city and settled in for the night. As the prince lay in bed, he thought about the event tomorrow. He was excited to choose new maids for his castle, but he knew that he had to be careful. The girls that he chose would become a part of his household, and he wanted to make sure that they were suitable for the job.

"Tell lady Orixia and lady Serlia to come into my bedroom." Erwin ordered the Agda, who was looking at Erwin with a desire that was now common in her when night came.

Agda face saddened a little but still she nodded and proceed to follow Erwin's order.


"Mother?" Serlia looked at her mother, who was settling in her room Erwin had arranged for her.

"Yes, dear?" Orixia said.

"Prince wants me to show him how I look wearing the clothes he gave me?" Serlia said, looked at mother for some answers.

"So?" Orixia keeps setting her thing not looking serious.

"Did he ask you too?" Serlia asked again.

"Yes, my dear, why do you ask?" Orixia said while finishing her work.

"Well, can we show them together, then?" Serlia said with an embarrassed face.

Orixia raised, "why?"

Serlia's face embarrassed more and said, "Because it's embarrassing. I never showed my body to other man then Roxth."

Orixia looked surprised seeing her daughter blushing with shame and laughed, "fufu he is child not a man. Serlia, you can show him your body. It's not embarrassing. Your most sensitive part will be covered in the clothes the prince had made, so don't fret. I will also make sure to accompany you."

"Really? Then….." Serlia beamed with a smile but was stopped by a voice outside the door.

"Lady Orixia and lady Serlia prince have summoned you to his quarters." said the knight outside.

Orixia looked at Serlia and said, "don't tell Roxth anything about it, okay?"

Serlia nodded with her slightly blushed face.

"Tell prince we are coming." Orixia said, but now there was a little nervousness in her eye.

Seeing her mother's worried face Serlia asked, "what happened mom? why are you nervous now?"

Seeing her daughter looking at her with a worried face, Orixia smiled and said, "nothing let's go."

'why I am feeling this unease in my crotch? Is something bad going to happen to us? is prince going to do something to me? No.... he is just a child. What can he do?'


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