Saga of The Night God

Chapter 150 The Lesbian Couple

"Let's see what you got here," Esmeralda purred as her hand skillfully unbuttoned Erwin's pants.

Erwin tried to resist her advances by gripping her hands, but Esmeralda effortlessly overpowered him. "Hey, Auntie, let's have a little chat first... We don't have to rush straight to third base, Auntie," he anxiously exclaimed, his words hurried and filled with concern.

But Esmeralda's eyes gleamed with insatiable hunger, her dilated pupils fixed on Erwin, as her twisted grin revealed a mouth filled with rows of razor-sharp teeth. The air grew heavy with anticipation as she leaned in closer, her breath hot against his skin, and just as she was about to utter a word...


The room erupted in a blinding flash of light and a deafening explosion, causing Erwin's senses to be momentarily overwhelmed. In an instant, his face was drenched in warm liquid, the sticky remnants dripping down his cheeks and neck, mingling with the soft, fleshy fragments that scattered across the room.

The sudden blast jolted Erwin's memory, vividly resurrecting a haunting incident from a few days prior. The recollection played like a vivid movie in his mind, each detail etched with unnerving clarity. "Fuck, not again..." Erwin's thoughts raced, his wide eyes fluttering open, only to be confronted by the gruesome sight before him.

Esmeralda's head was conspicuously absent, leaving behind a grotesque spectacle. Her naked body remained seated upon him, its flesh pale and marred with gory streaks. A viscous, tar-like substance oozed relentlessly from the gaping cavity where her neck once was, pooling around her decapitated torso, creating a morbid contrast against her lifeless skin.

"Fucking shit." he cursed and acting on instinct, he forcefully shoved Esmeralda's lifeless body away, its weight and texture an unsettling reminder of the horrors he had just witnessed. Scrambling out of the blood-soaked bed, he fought to regain his composure in the face of this macabre nightmare.

"Burn her body!" a voice echoed from the shadows, resonating through the narrow confines of the shop. Erwin's gaze darted towards the entrance, catching sight of two figures cloaked in darkness as they stealthily made their way into the room. Without hesitation, driven by instinct, Erwin conjured a fiery magic ball and launched it directly at Esmeralda's lifeless, gray body.

The sphere of magical flames erupted upon impact, engulfing Esmeralda's remains in a brilliant conflagration. As the intense heat consumed her, the tar-like substance that had been pooling around her neck began to coalesce, gradually taking on the eerie shape of a head. The sight was both mesmerizing and unsettling, as if the darkness itself was sculpting a macabre visage out of the remnants.

The flames danced and crackled, devouring the body and casting flickering shadows across the room. The air became thick with the acrid scent of burning flesh, mingling with the pungent aroma of charred tar. The heat intensified, transforming the once-living form into a grotesque display of destruction and transformation.

Erwin's eyes lingered on the gruesome spectacle of the burning body, a mix of fascination and repulsion swirling within him. He shifted his gaze back towards the two curvaceous figures clad in black garments, their presence exuding an air of sinister intent. Stepping back cautiously, he issued a firm warning, his voice laced with a tremor of apprehension. "Stay right there! Don't you dare come any closer!"

As he spoke, a shimmering magic circle materialized on his trembling hands, its intricate patterns pulsating with latent power. The realization dawned on Erwin, his thoughts racing in a panic. 'Fuck, how could I have forgotten? I possess the ability to wield magic. Erwin, you should have unleashed your powers before that vile woman attempted to violate you.'

His mind whirled with regret and self-censure. Despite being a first-circle mage with formidable magical abilities, Erwin often found himself succumbing to panic in crucial moments. With the exception of his mind he would resort to any desperate measure, even utilizing his dick to escape dire situations.

"Erwin, don't..." one of the black figures urgently called out, her voice laced with urgency. Startling Erwin, she unveiled her face, revealing a striking visage marked by deep concern. "Liela?" he gasped, caught off guard by the unexpected discovery.

Erwin's guard began to lower as he questioned her. "Where did you disappear to? I went to your house, but you weren't there."

Meanwhile, the second figure, still masked and displaying surprise, inquired of Liela, "Do you know him?"

"We will talk later," she said to her companion, dismissing them with a wave of her hand. Stepping closer to Erwin, she delicately wiped away the brain matter from his face. Erwin gazed at her, observing the worry etched in her eyes, intermingled with a hint of regret.

"Hey, don't be like that. Allow me to introduce myself to your little friend," Marees playfully interjected, revealing her face and gliding towards Erwin with an enchanting grace. Her complexion boasted a flawless, milky white texture, reminiscent of moonlight caressing the skin. Framing her captivating visage were soft waves of chestnut brown hair, cascading gently around her face, accentuating her features with a touch of natural elegance.

Erwin's gaze was immediately drawn to her eyes, their light green hue captivating his attention. Like emerald gems, they shimmered with a hint of mystery and allure, capturing the essence of a verdant forest bathed in sunlight. As she approached, her lips curved into a bewitching, masquerading smile, revealing a set of pearly white teeth that seemed to radiate warmth and charm.

With a graceful gesture, she extended her hand towards Erwin, adorned with delicate fingers that spoke of both grace and strength. Her touch carried a subtle energy, as if she held secrets of ancient enchantments within her very being. Amusement danced within her mesmerizing gaze, promising thrilling adventures and playful encounters yet to come.

"I am Marees, the girlfriend of your friend Liela," she stated, her voice laced with a gentle warmth. Her eyes briefly darted towards Liela, a hint of affectionate expression gracing her features, before returning her gaze to Erwin. "And if I'm not mistaken, you must be Erwin, correct?" she inquired, her tone filled with curiosity.

"Yeah..." Erwin replied, still reeling from the unexpected turn of events. Nevertheless, he extended his hand to shake Marees' as a gesture of introduction. Collecting himself, he inquired, "So, you two are friends?"

Marees's smile widened mischievously at his question, her hand nonchalantly finding its way to Liela's buttocks, giving it a playful squeeze. "No, we're more than friends. Didn't I mention she's my girlfriend?" she declared, planting a tender kiss on Liela's cheek. Liela, however, attempted to halt the affectionate display, her eyes darting towards Erwin's shocked expression.

Marees's gaze momentarily shifted, her eyes clouded with a tinge of sadness at Erwin's bewildered state. Yet, to her astonishment, Erwin's initial shock transformed into an ear-to-ear grin. "So, you two are lovers?" he exclaimed, his excitement palpable.

Marees was taken aback by Erwin's unexpected reaction, her gaze shifting from surprise to amusement. "Yes, we are lovers... You're quite an observant young man," she remarked, a hint of admiration in her voice. With a swift motion, she conjured a magic circle above Erwin's head, causing a stream of water to flow down and gently cleanse the blood from his face. Remarkably, the water defied gravity, swirling back up into the circle, leaving no trace behind.

As if in response to the magical display, a gentle breeze wafted through the room, tousling Erwin's hair and rustling his clothing. In an instant, his hair and garments were dry once more, as if the wind itself carried the power of rapid drying. The room seemed to come alive with a touch of enchantment, reminding Erwin of the limitless possibilities that magic could bring.

Marees playfully ruffled Erwin's now-dry hair and posed a question. "Aren't you surprised that two ladies can be lovers?" she inquired, her voice tinged with curiosity.

Erwin nodded, acknowledging his surprise. "Yeah, I am. I didn't know two ladies could be in a romantic relationship," he admitted, choosing to feign ignorance.

"Well, you know now," Marees responded, squatting down near Erwin as she continued the conversation. "Now that you know two ladies can be lovers, do you think it's not right?"

"Marees, why are you asking such a question to a child? How could he possibly know what is right or wrong?" Liela interjected, her voice tinged with annoyance and anger.

Marees turned towards her girlfriend, intending to respond, but Erwin interjected, cutting over her words. "Why would it be wrong? You can love whoever you want. What's wrong with it?" he countered, his voice filled with genuine curiosity and a sense of fairness.

"Don't you find it disgusting when two people of the same gender kiss?" Marees pressed on with her question.

Erwin's mind briefly entertained a salacious thought, but he quickly dismissed it, opting for a more innocent response. With an innocent expression on his face, he replied, "I don't know, I've never actually seen two women kissing each other."

"Then let's us be the ones to..." Marees began to say with a mischievous smile, but she was abruptly interrupted once again, this time by Liela. Clearly angered by Marees' line of questioning, Liela gently moved Erwin away from her and spoke with a stern voice. "No more questions like this. He's just a kid. Don't fill his mind with these things."

Marees attempted to defend herself, saying, "I wasn't— I was just asking..."

But Liela didn't allow her to continue, cutting her off firmly. "What were you asking? Can't you see the situation he was just in? You're asking him these inappropriate questions," Liela admonished, her frustration evident in her tone.

Marees attempted to interject once more, seeking to explain herself, but Liela shot her an angry glance, effectively silencing her. Liela turned her attention back to Erwin, her eyes filled with concern and a hint of frustration. "What were you doing here with her? And why was she naked and sitting on you?" she demanded, her voice tinged with a mix of worry and exasperation.

Erwin took a deep breath, realizing the gravity of the situation and the need for honesty. He hesitated for a moment, contemplating his response filled with deception. After mustering up his courage, he pointed towards the still-burning body of Esmerlda and spoke with a somber tone. "She... Aunt Esmerlda....


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