Saga of The Night God

Chapter 15 God's Work

Erwin looked at her yellow eyes and said, "your eyes… They have unique wild charms to them, and that long scar shows your bravery, and determination to fight."

"how do you know it's something for bravery? It can be for my stupidity or something else," Agda asked.

"Because you wear it with pride and not try to cover it like cowards," Erwin answered.

'thanks to the books I read on seducing women, they are quite handy here. They were also handy before, but my face was just that ugly. But please don't ask another question like that again.'

Hearing it, Agda nodded and opened her mouth "then why do you like my muscles, don't men like feminine women?" and asked another question

This time Erwin was not annoyed, but looked at her with a dumbfounded face and closed his eyes for a moment.

When he opened them, there was a spark of truth in them, he looked at her with his fanatic eyes and opened his mouth, and said with the zeal he had for her muscle "The men who don't like muscles are not men, the muscles are the best clothes a human can wear. The muscles are the most beautiful things on the human body. And they look more attracting on women than men for me, making them muscle goddess. Agda, your goddess, a muscle goddess, your muscles are perfect, the best I have ever seen…"

'He liked them, but my husband…. He is disgusted by them. He doesn't show it but he doesn't even touch them when we make love, but he is comparing me to a goddess.' Agda was in deep thought.

"….. So can I lick them?" Erwin said with a straight face, pulling Agda from her deep thoughts.

"What?" Agda said with raised eyebrows.

"ahem…I said, can I touch them?" Erwin said.

'I have to be careful that muscles have mind-altering powers.'

'what? But why? They repulse my children to drink for my breasts, and my scar many men said My face sickens them, and my animal-like eyes scared them,'

Seeing Agda not saying anything Erwin, who was salivating, thought she doesn't want to let him touch her body and said "Just let me feels your abs"

'Why would he want that?'

"Okay" saying this Agda get up from where she was sitting and stood in front of Erwin, showing him her toned stomach.

Erwin slowly reached her sculpted muscles and creased them with a tickling touch, causing Agda to shiver slightly. "hmmmm"

'Outstanding, they are so fine, they are not like men's hard but little soft and flexible' Erwin explored her by inspecting them one by one from upper to lower near her womb. His hand moved on her body, felling every curve, memorising them in his slave folder.

Erwin grabbed from her waist and pulled her closer. "move a bit closer"

And caught ticklish Agda by surprise "ahh,"

"They are sooo…. What is the word that adults use se...Se… sexy.. Yes, they are so sexy," Erwin played dumb but Agda blushed.

"No, my prince, you can't say that to a lady," Agda said with blushed face.

"Why not if they are sexy?, like you" Erwin asked Innocently and moved his hand to her back while slowly sliding them toward her hip.

"Not even then" Agda said with raised bashful tone.

"Why not?" Erwin asked to distract her from his adventurous hand from exploring her bottom chest.

"well...Its embarrassing," Agda tone downed.

"What's so embarrassing about it?" Erwin said.

"Umm..." Agda tried to say something, but their carriage suddenly stopped cautioning Agda and releasing herself from Erwin's grasp.

"Prince, wait here. We are not supposed to stop for another half an hour," she said and asked the coachman, "why are we stoping?"

"Lady Agda, there are some people standing on path stoping our route," Coachman said.

'For fuck's sake, who is this people interrupting my holy study of god's work? This heretic dare to disturb god's work, they deserved to be punished.'

"Are they bandits?" Agda asked with little worry.

"No, My lady, they don't look like Bandits and there are only five people. One of our men is talking with them, wait he is coming back," coachman answered.

"My prince, lady Agda" the knight that talked with them came back and bowed to Agda and Erwin.

"Why are they blocking our path, and who are they?" Agda asked.

"My lady, they say they are nobles from the east, trying to reach mecium city," the knight said, surprising Agda.

"Did you ask them why?" Agda asked with some wary.

"yes , my lady, they said they are going to take part in Magna," the knight answers.

"Oh, so they are going there to take part in exploration of that thing," Agda's said with an amused expression.

"Then why are they blocking our path?" she inquired again.

"There carriages broke from because of being overused. They want us to take them to near come nearest town," the knight said.

"What's their surname name?" Agda asked.

"My lady, its baroness Orixia Xylith of house Xylith." knight answered.

"So they are from Xylith house? but why isn't lord xylith is with them?, call them forward," Agda ordered.

"Agda, do you know them?" Erwin asked when knight leaved.

"Well, I have met lord Xylith once, not this Orixia. But I have heard of her," Agda answered with an amused smile.

"What have you heard about her?" Erwin asked curiously.

"I heard she is asleep with many men outside of her marriage." Agda said with excitement. Then she realised had she said something wrong.

'Well, fantastic, then she will spread her legs easily. But why she is so excited about it, is she like badmouthing other women, like my mom and aunties did when they get together'

"Whats wrong with sleeping with many man Agda?" Erwin said puzzled look not breaking his child persona.

'What I am telling this innocent kid, how does he know about adult matters?'

"Prince, when a woman is married, she can only sleep with that man. If she sleeps with man other than the man she married is considered as sin and the world despises her," Agda explained.

"But I sleep with mother and grandma. Is it also sin?" Erwin asked innocently.

'Being a prince doesn't make you well versed in affairs of the world,' Agda thought

"No prince, it's not because your queen's son and grand queen's grandson and you are a child, so it's not considered sin or looked down upon," Agda again explained.

'Fish is in trap, and this fish has quite muscled mass he hehe'

"Then, Agda, I can sleep with you. Will it be sin?" Erwin said while staring at her with his big moon eyes.

"yes but no you can't…." Agda tried to refuse, but Erwin stopped her. "Why can't I? You are my maid and I am a child, so it's not wrong?"

"No prince, I can't sleep with you or the queen will punish me," Agda refuses.

"Sigh fine," Erwin said.

'She is tough seal to crack but my crowbar can open it forcefully'

"They are here my lady." knight voice sounded in carriage.

And five-person group came with him, the group consist of 3 women, one young, handsome man seem to be in his mid-twenties. One in the middle stood a mature and most curvaceous woman with brown hair and motherly hips. Left to her stood the woman who was carrying the black-haired child. She was an exact copy of the lady stood in middle but less curvaceous and young. Stood beside her was a black-haired, handsome looking man, who was staring at Agda with strange way light in his eyes same strange light that came in Erwin's eyes when he look at Agda's desirable body. They looked at each other and both recognised they were of the same breed. And both eyes shined with rivalry. The last member of the family was a young woman. She had the same hair as a young man, black. But her eyes were red looking at women who were carrying the child with jealousy.

Looking at the three women Erwin grinned. 'well I can continue God's work with their body.'

"My Lord, lady Agda," they all greeted them and bowed.

They all were wearing decent looking clothes but seemed tired from the forced smile on their face.

"So you're from Xylith family?" Agda asked with a little smile.

"Yes, my lady, I am Orixia Xylith this my daughter Serlia Xylith, this my son-in-law Roxth delmed" the middle woman Introduced but when she introduced the young men, there was little teasing and lust in her eyes.

And she continued "this is child here is my daughter and Roxth's son Ark Delmed, and this young lady is Roxth's sister Erin delmed," and introduced left members of the group.

"Where is your husband, lord Xylith?" Agda said, looking around them.

Hearing the question, both Orixia and his daughter's face sadly downed and Orixia replied, "My lady, he died last year when demons attacked east."

"My condolence, for your loss, lady Orixia," this time Erwin said.

"Thanks lord…." Orixia said and looked toward Agda.

"This is crown prince of kingdom Achlys, second child of queen Jiona, Prince Erwin." Agda gave the introduction of Erwin, shocking the five of them.

Hearing it, everyone got in their eyes and said, "apologies crown prince. We didn't know who are we stoping"

'Do you have eyes or what? Can't you see the royal insignia of the Nightrage family, you blind women'

"Don't mind it lady, Orixia, it's just a small matter. Get up, everyone," Erwin said with an easygoing smile. While trying to peek at Orixia's deep cleavage that came into view when she bowed.

'Fucking bow again'

"Here our knight said your were travelling to mecium city and your carriages broke downed, right? We are also going there. If you want to, you can come with us," Erwin offered, making their face bloomed with genuine smile.

"Really prince we will be very grateful thanks for taking us there," the black-haired young man Roxth said with excitement.

"Its nothing, now board on please," Erwin said, but continued with grin. "but only females and child will board this carriage"

Vanishing the colour from Roxth's handsome face.


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