Saga of The Night God

Chapter 142 Magic Lesson

Adelaide relaxed into her chair, finding comfort in its embrace as she glanced over at Erwin standing beside her. The room bore no trace of their earlier heated encounter, just a sense of tranquility that hung in the air. She met Erwin's gaze; her smile radiating satisfactions, while his determined expression hinted a confidence.

"You want to learn magic from me?" she inquired, her voice laced with curiosity. A smile played on Adelaide's lips as she added, "Actually, I was planning to teach you, regardless of whether you asked or not." However, a blush crept onto her face as she recalled their recent intimate encounter.

So, there she was, face to face with someone who had just given her a good time. They had shared a steamy session of pleasure, resulting in a satisfying climax. Afterward, he casually asked her to lend a hand with tidying up. Sadly, she couldn't squeeze in another round due to time constraints.

But Erwin, still yearning for more, expressed his desire for another round. However, Adelaide, aware of her fatigue and the impending tasks before the enchanting festival tonight, gently halted his advances.

She vividly recalled the intense tremors that coursed through her body after reaching orgasm, her mind consumed by the sensation of his dick. The memory of the mingling taste of her own fluids combined with his ejaculate remained imprinted in her mind.

Clearing her mind of any lingering thoughts, she continued the conversation, "So, do you have any knowledge about the different levels of mages and their abilities?"

Erwin nodded and replied, "Yeah, I've read about them in the library. The mages are divided into nine levels, ranging from the first circle to the ninth circle. The first circle has two sub-levels: Novice and Apprentice. The second circle consists of Adept and Journeyman. Unfortunately, there's no information available about the third circle in the library, so I'm not familiar with it either."

After pausing for a moment to recollect his thoughts, Erwin continued,  "As for their abilities, first circle mages have the capability to store mana within their bodies and utilize it to cast spells," Erwin explained. "Moving on to second circle mages, their control over mana increases, allowing them to cast spells almost instantaneously. When it comes to third-level mages, they possess the ability to manipulate the mana surrounding their bodies. They don't necessarily need to rely on the mana within their bodies for simple spells; instead, they can cast spells from a distance, albeit within a limited range of about 4 to 5 meters. However, by the fourth level, this range expands to 10 to 20 meters with further progress..."

Erwin's voice filled with awe as he continued, "And then there are the fifth circle mages, often regarded as demi-gods. They possess the extraordinary ability to manipulate time, space, and much more." His eyes gleamed with admiration as he spoke.

Adelaide, noticing Erwin's admiration, chuckled and responded, "Well, to be honest, the fifth circle mages may not be as impressive as people believe. It's just that most individuals don't have the opportunity to meet mages who are higher than the fifth circle. In our academy, the number of mages beyond the fifth circle is relatively limited, with approximately 300 of them, give or take. They rarely interact with others because they are usually occupied with their research and personal progress. On the other hand, fifth circle mages are more common because reaching that level is achievable through hard work. However, progressing beyond the fifth circle requires a combination of hard work and innate talent."

Erwin looked at her with surprise then asked. "Really?"

Adelaide nodded, a hint of amusement in her eyes. "Yes, it's true. The perception of the fifth circle mages being exceptionally powerful is largely due to the rarity of encounters with mages of higher levels. But rest assured, the true extent of a mage's power and abilities can vary greatly beyond the fifth circle. It's just that they tend to keep a low profile, focusing on their own pursuits and often delving into more complex and esoteric aspects of magic."

Erwin listened attentively, his surprise slowly transforming into curiosity. "I see," he continued, his voice filled with intrigue."In that case, what about six circled mages? what can they do?"

Adelaide's eyes gleamed with enthusiasm as she prepared to share her knowledge. "The sixth circle is often referred to as the Elemental Circle. At this level, mages are required to choose a specific element to focus their progression on, and that chosen element becomes their main specialization. Mages can opt to specialize in a single element, multiple elements, or even rare elements such as space, time, fate, and more. Some mages possess the ability to combine elements, creating entirely new elemental manifestations based on their control and mastery."

She took a moment to let her words sink in before continuing. "The sixth circle is considered the nemesis of mages. It poses a significant challenge to advance from a sixth circle mage to a seventh circle mage. While there are relatively easier paths, such as specializing in common elements like fire, wind, water, or earth, mages who choose these elements for progression often find themselves at a disadvantage in terms of overall strength."

Adelaide's voice carried a hint of solemnity as she spoke, understanding the weight of the decision that lay before aspiring mages.

Erwin listened intently, his brows furrowing in contemplation. After a moment, he scratched his head and let out a chuckle. "So, you're telling me that sixth circle mages have to choose an element and become specialists, but if they go for the basic elements like fire or wind, they end up being the weakest among the bunch? That's like picking the plain vanilla ice cream when there are all these exciting flavors available!"

Adelaide couldn't help but join in the laughter. "Exactly, Erwin! It's like settling for a plain slice of bread when you could have a whole buffet of flavors and delicacies. But hey, sometimes even the basics can surprise you. It all depends on how creatively and skillfully a mage wields their chosen element."

Erwin nodded and muttered to himself. "I suppose it's all about the mage's ability to spice things up, quite literally. Who knows, maybe a sixth circle mage specializing in toast manipulation could revolutionize breakfasts forever!" with enthusiastic face he continued. "What about the seventh circle?" 

Adelaide smiled once more, delighted by Erwin's enthusiastic face. She playfully squeezed his cheeks and said, "Ah, such eagerness! But fear not, my dear Erwin, the time for seventh circle mages will come. For now, let's focus on the present and assess your talents."

Releasing his cheeks, put her hand on his chest and said while closing her eyes, "Alright, let's see what you've got."

With a serene expression, she closed her eyes, tapping into her intuition to sense the magical energy flowing within him.

Erwin's heart skipped a beat at the close proximity, his own anticipation growing. He took a deep breath, allowing the magic inside him to stir and respond to Adelaide's guidance.

In the quiet moment, a faint shimmer of energy started to radiate from Erwin, like tiny sparks dancing within his chest.

With a sense of anticipation, Adelaide opened her eyes, her gaze fixed on Erwin. As the radiant glow surrounding his body gradually faded, a smile played on her lips. "Erwin, you possess remarkable talent. Your mana pool is quite extensive, surpassing the average level here at Vasmorth Academy. However, there's something truly extraordinary about your mana circle. It's unlike anything I've ever witnessed before. It emanates an ancient essence, as if it carries the whispers of long-forgotten powers." And after a brief pause, Adelaide persisted, her curiosity urging her to uncover the mystery. "Can you remember anything at all about how you broke through to become a first circle mage?"

Erwin let out a sigh, his brows furrowing in frustration. "Professor, I wish I had an answer for you, but the truth is, I have no recollection of how I became a first circle mage. As I've mentioned before, it was as if I went to sleep one day as a normal child, and when I woke up, I found myself as a first circle mage."

After a moment of contemplation, Adelaide posed another question. "Erwin, by any chance, do you happen to possess a grimoire?"

At the mention of the grimoire, Erwin's thoughts wandered, and he couldn't help but recall the black grimoire his mother had given him. He remembered the night he lost consciousness and the grimoire securely tucked away in his space ring. The realization struck him that there might be a connection between his mysterious mana circle and the grimoire. In his mind, he contemplated, 'Could this mana circle be linked to that grimoire? Who might possess it now?'

Erwin's mind raced as he pondered Adelaide's question. "No, I haven't. I've never had the opportunity to encounter a grimoire in real life, let alone use one. It's all new to me. But at the topic of grimoire, do I need one to breakthrough."

"No, you don't necessarily need one, but having a grimoire can certainly be helpful," Adelaide explained. She looked at Erwin intently and asked, "Do you happen to know what a grimoire is?"

Erwin shook his head, his curiosity piqued. "I'm don't know much, but I know they are somehow related to magic, but I don't have a clear understanding of what exactly a grimoire is."

"Then allow me to share with you the process of how the very first grimoire came to be," Adelaide said, a gentle smile gracing her lips. She settled into her chair, capturing Erwin's attention as she began to narrate the tale.


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