Saga of The Night God

Chapter 132 The Spectacle Of Violence

"What the hell are these assholes doing here? They're gonna get me killed!" Erwin exclaimed, his voice filled with a mixture of anger and fear as he observed the two bullies approaching him.

"Hey, you low life! Come down here!" Aston bellowed, his words dripping with contempt as he closed in on Erwin.

Erwin's heart pounded in his chest, his eyes darting nervously between the two figures a giant predator and a blonde boy. He shook his head vigorously, his voice trembling as he pleaded, "Please, don't come any closer."

The words escaped Erwin's lips in a slow, desperate manner, but Aston failed to comprehend their meaning. Perplexed, he turned to his sidekick and inquired,  "What's this kid blabbering about?"

"I think he's scared of you and doesn't want to come down," Dreves responded, catching up with Aston.

Aston halted in his tracks, his brows furrowing in confusion as he regarded Erwin with a mix of uncertainty and irritation. He contemplated the situation for a moment before formulating a new plan. "Climb up that boulder and bring him down to me," he commanded, his tone revealing a twisted desire to assert his dominance.

Dreves hesitated, a glimmer of empathy flickering in his eyes. He sensed the genuine fear in Erwin's voice and questioned Aston's motives silently. However, his fear of crossing Aston overpowered his wavering conscience, and he reluctantly prepared to carry out the order.

Erwin watched as Dreves approached, his heart pounding with a mix of anxiety and determination. He pressed his finger to his lips, gesturing for Dreves to remain quiet, and muttered something under his breath that Dreves couldn't quite catch. Frustrated, Dreves asked, "What did you say? Speak up!"

"For the love of all things quiet, don't shout," Erwin whispered, his eyes darting towards the slumbering Embermaw nearby. He repeated his plea, this time emphasizing the need for silence. "We need to keep it quiet."

This time, Dreves caught Erwin's words and replied with a puzzled expression, "Why? What's the deal with the silence?" He gazed up at Erwin on the towering boulder, frustration tugging at his voice. "If you have something to say, just come down here. I can hear you loud and clear."

Erwin's trembling intensified, a mixture of fear and frustration coursing through his veins. He tried to steady himself, realizing that Dreves had misunderstood his intentions. "No, no! I don't want to shout because of him," Erwin whispered, pointing discreetly in Aston's direction. "I'm not afraid of him. It's something else."

Dreves paused, the confusion on his face gradually giving way to understanding. He looked up at Erwin, his voice softening as he reassured him, "Hey, don't be scared. Aston might just give you a beating, nothing more. You don't have to resort to extreme measures."

As Dreves spoke, his gaze locked onto Erwin, who was now trembling from head to toe. Confusion mingled with concern as Dreves realized the gravity of the situation. "Hey, I didn't mean to frighten you even more," Dreves said, his tone laced with empathy. "I was just trying to offer some reassurance. You don't have to face this alone."

"Dreves, look out!" Aston's voice pierced through the air, filled with urgency. Annoyed by the interruption, Dreves turned his attention towards Aston, his irritation evident. "What does this guy want now?" he grumbled to himself, preparing to face Aston's annoying expression once again.

But as Dreves turned around, he was met with a startling sight. Aston's face was obscured by billowing flames and menacing shadows. A roar reverberated through the jungle, sending a shiver down Dreves' spine.


The sound echoed, resonating with an undeniable ferocity that chilled Dreves to the core.  Dreves could feel the raw power vibrating in the air, causing his heart to race and his muscles to tense with apprehension.

Before him stood Embermaw, the colossal creature Erwin had been dreading. Its towering form emanated a menacing presence, flames dancing along its scaled body as shadows cloaked its fearsome figure.

'so he was afraid of him.' Fear replaced annoyance as Dreves realized the true danger that loomed before them. Erwin's earlier trepidation suddenly made perfect sense. 

As Embermaw unleashed its terrifying roar, Erwin saw an opportunity amidst the chaos. His eyes darted to the nearby tree, laden with succulent fruits that Embermaw had been guarding. A mischievous grin spread across Erwin's face, blending determination with a touch of humor.

While Aston and Dreves were momentarily distracted by the fearsome creature, Erwin swiftly leaped from the boulder, his nimble movements resembling those of a cunning monkey. With agility and speed, he navigated through the dense foliage, making his way towards the coveted fruits.

Erwin couldn't help but chuckle to himself. "Well, if Aston and Dreves want to deal with Embermaw, I might as well enjoy the fruits of their distraction," he thought mischievously.

As he approached the tree, Erwin's heart raced with a mix of excitement and trepidation. He knew he had to act quickly. With a swift motion, he extended his arm and plucked a juicy fruit from its perch. The vibrant colors and tantalizing aroma overwhelmed his senses, fueling his determination to grab as many as he could.

Erwin's nimble fingers danced among the branches, snatching one fruit after another. Each successful harvest brought him a step closer to a victory that was both satisfying and humorous.

Meanwhile, Aston and Dreves slowly regained their composure, their attention refocusing on Erwin. Aston's eyes widened in disbelief as he witnessed Erwin skillfully pilfering the fruits that had been out of his reach. Anger seeped back into his expression, mingling with frustration at being bested by the very person he intended to bully.

"Dreves! Don't just stand there! Run!" Aston yelled, his voice filled with indignation.

Before Derves could even process the impending danger, the grotesque monster lunged ferociously, its massive form colliding with his body. The force of the impact sent blood spraying in all directions. Derves's screams were abruptly silenced as the monster's enormous jaws closed around his head, ripping it from his neck in a shower of arterial spray.

A gruesome geyser of crimson cascaded from the severed stump, staining the ground beneath. With a gruesome display of its insatiable appetite, the monstrous creature's ravenous hunger intensified. It tore into Derves's chest cavity, rending flesh, and cracking bones as it greedily consumed his innards. The metallic scent of blood permeated the air, mingling with the macabre sight of organs being devoured and torn apart.

The monstrous creature, its appetite unsated, glanced back at Aston while gnawing on the severed head of its hapless lackey. Aston's gaze locked with the creature's bloodshot eyes, witnessing an unsettling sight. Blood oozed from the monster's charred flesh as the scorching flames engulfed its face, creating a grotesque spectacle of evaporating crimson.

Meanwhile, the remnants of Derves' mangled body stood precariously, defying gravity for a brief moment. Like a macabre fountain, blood gushed from the severed torso, painting the surroundings with a chilling scarlet hue. The ghastly display persisted until Derves' lifeless half finally succumbed to the inevitable, collapsing heavily on the ground.

"How dare you?" Aston's voice thundered, dripping with anger and defiance. In an instant, ethereal circles of shimmering white mana, tinged with hints of azure, materialized upon both of his outstretched hands. From these mystic symbols, sharp ice sickles materialized, gleaming with a cold and unforgiving presence.

With a resounding "roar" of agony, the monstrous Embermaw was assailed by the onslaught of the ice projectiles. Contrary to expectation, the sickles pierced through the searing flames surrounding the creature without succumbing to their heat. They tore through the monster's toughened skin, eliciting a sanguinary response. Lava-like blood gushed forth, cascading onto the earth below, instantly transforming into crystalline formations due to the intense heat.

Erwin's ears caught the thunderous roar echoing through the air, a signal of the impending clash between Aston and the fearsome embermaw. Sensing the urgency of the moment, he swiftly plucked the very last Virellanths fruit, his hands moving with haste. Seeking a vantage point, Erwin hurriedly sought refuge behind a nearby tree, strategically positioning himself to witness the unfolding battle.

From his concealed position, Erwin peered out, ensuring a clear line of sight. His eyes widened as he took in the spectacle before him, absorbing every detail of the confrontation between Aston and the monstrous embermaw.

Erwin couldn't help but let out a nervous chuckle as he witnessed the bizarre scene unfolding. "Who knew that a blonde bully and a ferocious monster would create such a captivating performance?" he mused to himself, thoroughly entertained by the unexpected turn of events.

"Well, whoever wins this damn fight, it's none of my concern. Aston's death or whatever happens to him doesn't matter to me. I need to focus on getting the hell out of here while I still can," Erwin muttered under his breath, his voice devoid of sympathy or attachment. His survival instincts kicked in, overriding any emotions that might have tied him to Aston's fate.

With a detached demeanor, Erwin observed the embermaw relentlessly attacking Aston, its scythe-like claws slashing at him with deadly precision. But Erwin remained indifferent, his sole concern centered around his own escape.

Aston, casting a mana shield to defend himself, managed to halt the onslaught of the creature's claws. Erwin watched as Aston conjured another mana circle, channeling his magic into a larger, more formidable ice sickle. The frigid projectile pierced through the embermaw's chest, eliciting a pained cry from the monstrous creature.

The embermaw, driven by its agony, unleashed a relentless onslaught upon Aston, its fury mounting with each strike against his mana shield. As Erwin's eyes gleamed with a twisted excitement, he silently cheered them on within the recesses of his mind. "Yes, kill each other," he thought, relishing in the chaos that unfolded before him.

With a savage swipe, the monster's claw tore through Aston's once pristine academy uniform, rending it apart and leaving a deep, gaping wound in its wake. Blood gushed forth from the laceration, staining the fabric with a vivid hue of crimson. The sight of the violence, like a macabre tableau, fueled Erwin's dark fascination with the brutality of the moment.


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