Saga of Atlantis

Chapter 56 Burned

56  Burned

'How the heck did I not recognize her?' I wondered as I continued my walk through the bustling streets, the day drawing to a close with shops beginning to close up for the evening.

In the game, Zaira had distinctive silver eyes – a feature that set her apart and as she Valeria's only vulnerability Very few people knew about this unique trait, and it was something I should have recognized but here her eyes were blue,just like mine, which was completely different from what I remembered.

In this world, there were four heroes in total corresponding to the four game of the series, and the second hero hailed from the Darkoina continent as a commoner.

In the game's story, Valeria had worked as an undercover teacher at the academy located in the neutral zone between the empire and the kingdom of the Darkoina continent.

Her close relationship with the headmaster allowed her to move freely in plain sight, even if she was labeled as one of the most wanted criminals.

Zaira met the hero while exploring the grounds of that academy in the second game. Despite his hypocrisy and her inherent purity, they had grown close.

However, the hero's dog-shit luck came into play when he realized that Zaira was the daughter of the leader of the commoners' faction.

During a civil war between the imperial and noble factions, he took advantage of Zaira's trust and kidnapped her with the intention of using her as a bargaining chip.

Even though he was a commoner himself, his purpose was to keep the commoners' faction from exploiting the ongoing war.

His allegiance moved to the imperial faction as a result of his crush on the imperial princess.

However, when his threats became more hazardous and he began to endanger Zaira, the situation became out of control.

If you couldn't keep your end of the deal, Valeria unleashed her formidable power, killing everyone in the imperial family present there just to save her daughter, including the hero. This was the point at which she was dubbed "The Undefeated Villainess."

If you don't handle Valeria correctly, it's game over; every single person who opposes her dies, which is why dealing with her is one of the game's most difficult objectives.

I was on my way to the merchant guild, still thinking about Valeria and Zaira, when I sensed something was wrong. As I got closer to the guild, I noticed a line of people going in the opposite direction.

Their frightened faces were distorted by fear and panic, and their frantic footsteps resonated across the streets.

The tension in the air was apparent, and my heart started racing. I quickened my pace, wanting to know what had prompted such a chaotic exodus.

 People bumped into me, their hurried shouts barely audible over the growing din.

"What's happening?" I asked, grabbing the arm of a man who appeared to be in a state of disarray.

His eyes were wide with terror as he gasped, "Fire! The merchant guild is on fire! Run!"

The words poured a bucket of chilled water over me, and I felt a surge of adrenaline. I tore myself away from the bewildered man and sprinted toward the source of the commotion.

"Fire! Everyone, run!" a woman screamed, her voice trembling with fear. She was desperately trying to warn the passersby, but chaos reigned as people tried to flee the growing inferno.

I dodged and weaved through the panicked crowd, my heart pounding in my chest.

The acrid scent of smoke reached my nostrils as I neared the merchant guild.

 The flames raged, sending plumes of thick, black smoke billowing into the sky.

"Get back!" a voice yelled, and I turned to see a group of guards attempting to clear the area.

 They were doing their best to keep people away from the blaze while others were rushing toward the flames, likely to help extinguish the fire or rescue anyone trapped inside.

The fire raged, devouring the guild's structure like it was made of kindling.

The entire structure was on fire, and it was evident that this was no ordinary fire; it was a disaster.

"Hey, what happened to the people inside the building?" I asked, grabbing one of the guards in desperation.

"Don't mess with me, just go away!" He replied, attempting to brush me off. Frustrated, I seized him by the collar and forced his face inches from mine.

"Tell me, you fucker!" I growled in a cold, menacing tone that I rarely used. Nôv(el)B\\jnn

"N-no one... m-made it out of the building," he stammered, trembling with fear, desperately trying to stand his ground, throwing him away. I started running towards the fire.

"Back off!" A different guard barked as he spotted me darting towards the inferno.

"Flame manipulation," I whispered under my breath. Suddenly, an intense pain shot through my head, but I fought through it and continued running toward the rear of the building.

The fire, seemingly welcoming my presence, parted like a red carpet as I made my way toward the location where I had last seen Jessica and the others.

Arriving at the location where the carriages were usually parked, I was met with an eerie sight.

 The carriages sat empty, and the warehouse that had been filled with life during my last visit appeared desolate.

My clothes had been devoured by the fire, and I could feel the heat on my face. I removed my mask quickly, throwing it into the inventory, showing my face and my distinctive white hair.

My  Phoenicia's  Bloodline  was  saving  my  life  by  keeping  the  fire  from  scorching  my  skin.

 Its  unique  ability  to  manipulate  flames  made  navigating  the  raging  fire  simpler,  but  it  came  at  a  cost.

The  extreme  manipulation  gave  me  a  horrible  headache  that  throbbed  with  every  step  I  took.

Upon entering the warehouse, I was greeted by a gruesome scene. The space was littered with charred bodies, and my heart sank as I approached a burning bow. It belonged to Jessica.

I cautiously approached two lifeless bodies, their outstretched hands almost touching but forever kept apart. I noticed a small box nearby. Kneeling down, I picked up the burning box, my fingers searing slightly from the heat.

With trembling hands, I opened it and found the ring that Max had shown me just earlier that day.

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