Saga of Atlantis

Chapter 52: City of Verdan 3

Chapter 52: City of Verdan 3

"What are you guys talking about?" .Lana joined our conversation, and her curious personality became clear as she approached.

She had one hand on her waist and the other on the reaper's handle, giving her the appearance of a warrior.

"Nothing important; anyway, dear, are we moving now?"Max answered her question faster than I could, and I simply kept silent.

Lana didn't press him any more, indicating that she was content with his explanation.

"Yeah, the city guards are directing us to the merchant guild's warehouse to unload the Traven,"

Lana stated as she returned her gaze to the carriages, which were now entering the city as the gate was opened.

"Why are the city guards involving themselves here?" I inquired, suspecting that something was amiss.

It was commonly accepted as an unwritten rule that city guards should not interfere with guild operations.

"They are adamant about it, claiming the ongoing civil war within the ruling family as justification.They believe that everything should be done under the watchful eyes of the guards," Lana remarked, her tone showing her doubt.

"They're just spouting random bullshit," I grumbled, my annoyance building with each new development. I was becoming increasingly concerned about the situation.

"Don't be such a downer, Neil. We're inside the city now, and nothing will happen," Max reassured me as he patted my shoulder.

Despite his attempts, I couldn't avoid the feeling that something wasn't quite right.

We walked through the city's bustling streets, which stood in stark contrast to the turmoil that was supposed to be engulfing the city as a result of the continuing civil war.

People appeared unaffected by the commotion as they went about their regular lives.

The common people clearly desired a ruler who treated them decently and justly. Their worries were focused on how the person in power governed, rather than who controlled the reins of power.

As a result, they were unmoved by the political fights going on around them, remaining concentrated on their own lives.

After a short stroll, we arrived at the merchant guild. While not as grand as the one at Marinthalis, it was nonetheless a substantial structure.

As we arrived, the adventurers and carriages made their way to the back of the guild building.A few workers had already arrived to help unload the carriages.

"Are we finally free?" As we all met in one spot after our expedition, I queried, directing my question to Jeremy, our group's leader.

"Not quite yet,"Jeremy replied.

" We'll have to wait till they finish unloading the carriages before our quest is officially over."

I nodded in agreement. Recognizing that our independence would have to wait a little longer.

Max added his voice, eagerly promoting the city. "Why don't you go exploring in the city, Neil?" We'll be right here, and I can guarantee you that it's a wonderful location."

I paused, feeling a sense of obligation. "Shouldn't I stay here as well?" I'm a part of the quest, and if it isn't finished, I should probably stay put."

"Don't worry, your part is finished," Jessica informed me with a sly grin.

"I'll see to it that you get your promotion, super rookie." She jokingly nudged me towards the main gate, but this bitch used so much strength on purpose that I nearly fell.

'Control yourself; she isn't worth it'.I thought to myself as I regained my balance, not wanting to bicker with her again.

"Head to the fountain in the city center, and there's a delightful cake shop on the left side," Lana said as I walked away. "You'll enjoy it."

"Alright," I said, grateful for the suggestion. I needed some alone time after all of my thinking and lingering gloomy sentiments.

My curiosity got the best of me as I went through the bustling city streets. I couldn't stop myself from taking in the bright sights and noises surrounding me.

There, I noticed a slew of housewives engaged in active haggling sessions at the fruit and vegetable stands.

These were not your ordinary earthly produce stands; they came in a variety of sizes and textures, and some of the fruits and vegetables appeared to be alive! I couldn't help but be amazed as they attempted to crawl out of their baskets, giving new meaning to the phrase "freshly produce."

Back at Sylvia's inn, I simply assisted her with cooking meat and baking bread in the oven.

I didn't know much about the vegetables, but after looking at them, I was curious about how they tasted.

As I walked closer to the magnificent fountain, my attention was pulled to a strange stand with a sign that brazenly read, "Dragon's Juice."

My curiosity got the best of me, and I couldn't stop myself from looking into it further. As I approached, I spotted a long line of eager customers waiting their turn.

I couldn't help but join the queue, and after a few minutes, my turn came.

"What can I get for you, customer" .A man in his thirties in plain clothes stood just behind the counter.

He inquired as he sharpened his knife.

'Why is he sharpening that?'I had a thought but didn't say anything because it wasn't my concern.

"Give me your best juice" .I responded while looking for a menu for reference, but there were none.

"That would be 50 coppers."The merchant responded, implying that it was not cheap, but I couldn't care less about money, so I simply nodded, signaling that he didn't need to worry about it.

"Right away" .He responded by placing his hand inside a basket beside him.

The shopkeeper extracted a strange, plant-like creature from the basket.

Their roots writhed like nimble fingers, as if seeking to escape their owner's grasp.

What drew my attention was its human-like face, which was distorted in what appeared to be a mix of disgust and annoyance?

The shop owner placed the creature casually on the counter, his demeanor unaffected by the event.

He flashed his shining knife and chopped the creature in half with a satisfying "srechhh" that resonated throughout the stall.

The little thing made an odd noise, but the shopkeeper ignored it.

He then started peeling the plant-like creature and flung it into a blender, combining it with different components that blended to form an orange-like tint.

"Here is your refreshment."He handed me the clay cup with the juice inside with a smile, which I took speechlessly while handing him the money.

As I approached the magnificent fountain, I was still debating whether or not to drink the juice, but after some consideration, I decided to take the chance.

I moved my mask slightly and brought the cup closer, drinking a small amount from it.

The flavor was nothing short of outstanding, much to my surprise. It was like someone had combined the flavors of a well-aged, rich wine with the exquisite essence of a ripe dragonfruit.


A faint, melancholy sound reached for my ear just as I was ready to take another luscious drink of the fascinating juice. It was a child's soft sobbing.

I followed the sound and eventually discovered its origin.

A little girl sat in the corner of the large fountain, her tears sparkling in the sunlight, dressed in gorgeous white-pink clothes with a perfect hat embroidered with flowers.

I couldn't help but cast a sidelong glance at the small girl, one hand carelessly tucked in my pocket and the other gently holding the juice cup.

However, she appeared to have a sixth sense of attention, for as soon as my look rested on her, her gaze immediately moved, and our eyes met in a moment of connection.

As I continued to look at her, I could clearly see the tiny girl's features. Her light brown hair cascaded down her back, framing an oval face graced with the endearing remnants of baby fat.

Her eyes were a mesmerizing shade of blue like mine, albeit with a tiny tint of red in them.

"Big brother, help!" Her voice had an enticing blend of urgency and delight.

The little girl ran toward me with an amazing burst of energy, a dazzling smile adorning her lips even as teardrops glistened in her eyes.

She put her arms around my waist in an instant, her hug filled with childhood innocence and a sudden sense of security.

'Do I know her?,she looks kinda famili-'.I couldn't properly think before she grabbed the cup from my grasp and drank the beverage in one gulp.


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