Saga of Atlantis

Chapter 33: Sylvia Rosalind part :1

Chapter 33: Sylvia Rosalind part :1

A powerful Count family on Eve's continent once made a terrible mistake. They had no idea that their greed and desire would put in motion a chain of events that would irrevocably alter the path of their lives and ultimately lead to their demise. It all started with a simple act of greed.

A modest man faithfully served the Bloodthorn family within the towering walls of their castle. His daughter, unbeknownst to him, held an incredible gift—she awakened the highest tier a person can have, with an affinity for both the wind and fire elements. Her potential was unrivaled, a natural power yearning to be unleashed.

The Bloodthorn family recognized a chance to increase their authority after learning about it and being motivated by ravenous ambition.

They devised a terrible plot to kidnap the man's daughter and put her under a binding seal, a wicked spell that would bond her to servitude for the rest of her life, making her their eternal slave.

Their plan was put into action, but as fate would have it, the Bloodthorn family's heir developed an unnerving interest in the girl due to her beauty, visualizing exploiting her amazing powers for his own gain by asking her to be his concubine.

The girl's father, a man of unflinching love and strength, learned of the dark plot. He couldn't face the thought of his daughter suffering at the hands of the Bloodthorn family. He spirited her out under the guise of night, cutting the links that linked them to that terrible castle in a bold act of rebellion.

The Bloodthorn family, on the other hand, would not let such an offense go unpunished. Enraged by the theft of their prized asset, they turned on the man and his family. Before her untimely death, his beloved wife was exposed to unspeakable torture and humiliation.

The man's old mother, in a courageous but failed attempt to protect her kin, also experienced a horrible destiny at the hands of the Bloodthorn family's wrath, but the man received the worse fate as he was publicly executed for rejecting their commands.

The girl, their light of hope and defiance, witnessed her family's horrible demise. The weight of their sacrifices crushed her, leaving her with nothing but a burning thirst for vengeance. Her unrelenting determination was inspired by her father's final wish—the legacy of his love.

The girl ran into the infinite expanse of the frightening Forest of Shadows in the darkest hour of her life as the world closed in around her. It was a place where death lurked in every shadow and despair filled the air. The girl's voyage was difficult, and she experienced numerous trials that brought her to the brink of death.

But fate had different intentions. A chance encounter with a mystery girl changed the direction of her fate just as it appeared like death's chilly grip would seize her. This girl was the renowned daughter of the Phoenix Clan, a formidable and secretive group living deep within the heart of the Elysium Continent.

She was known as "Celestia Blandina Lysandra." Commonly known as "Phoenix Princess".

The Phoenix Clan took the girl under their wing and adopted her into their fold. She was transformed into a being of both fire and wind, a hybrid of human and phoenix, as a result of their ancient rituals and tremendous magic.

Years passed, and the girl emerged as a force to be reckoned with from the furnace of her experiences. She'd ditched her previous identity and adopted a new one: Sylvia Rosalind, also known as "The Devil's Phoenix," a title that instilled fear in the hearts of all who heard it.

Sylvia Rosalind returned to the place that had previously been her captivity, armed with increased strength and the unflinching support of her Phoenix clan. She set out on a never-ending journey for vengeance, tracking down every member of the cursed Bloodthorn family, leaving no stone unturned and no trace of their bloodline unaffected. She murdered every single person who was responsible for her family's demise.

The legend of Sylvia Rosalind, the Devil's Phoenix, would live on as a tale of retribution and perseverance. In the end, it was the phoenix that erupted from the ashes of her history that triumphed over the Bloodthorn family.



As I swallowed a dense plume of smoke rising from the kitchen, I began coughing. My culinary endeavors appeared to have taken a fairly terrible turn. What had once been a promising supper has devolved into a burnt, unappealing monster. The meat, which had once been luscious and inviting, had taken on the unattractive shade of charcoal, and any pretense of flavor had been surrendered to the flames.

"You have a long way to go, don't you?"

A figure of simple grace met me as she emerged from outside the kitchen. Her face was framed by a cascade of raven-black hair, and her piercing blue eyes gleamed with a mix of laughter and pity. Her outfit adhered to her figure, leaving little to the imagination and exposing her enormous curves in all their splendor, as she wore a sleek black dress complemented by a functional apron.

[You know, the final part wasn't essential].

I gazed at the lady, ignoring Edda's jab.

"I apologize, Miss Sylvia. It appears I still need more time before I can cook up a decent meal," I said, a little disappointed.

"Don't be concerned; you're doing fine. At least you didn't blow up the food like the last time," Sylvia responded with a grin. With a tinge of humiliation, I averted my attention. I considered myself a decent cook in my previous world, but in this world, where every monster had mana in their bodies that affected the cooking process, I found it much more difficult.

"How are your adventures going, Mr. Super Rookie?" she questioned, a grin on her face, effortlessly wiping away the debris of my latest culinary blunder.

"Don't call me that," I grumbled when my nickname was mentioned. I'd dispatched over 150 kobolds in the previous two weeks, wiping out a total of ten dens. My achievements had earned me several nicknames among the members of the adventurer's guild. The names "Kobolds Nightmare" and "Kobolds Slayer" were floated, but "Super Rookie" seems to stay. It wasn't a bad title, but I couldn't help but cringe every time I heard it.

"Why? Do you not like it?" Sylvia inquired as she continued to tidy up the kitchen.

"Nah, it doesn't sit well with me."

I said, walking to the sink to wash my hands.

"Help me with the bakery, kid; it's getting late," she asked, motioning to a large tray in the kitchen corner.


I said, picking up the tray and heading to the oven. I'd requested Sylvia to teach me how to cook last week for two reasons: first, practicality: I wanted to learn to prepare my own meals for times when I'd be deep in the forest or away from fresh food sources for days, if not weeks.

Second, it was an opportunity to grow closer to her. She had initially resisted the proposal, but after promising to help her with her morning responsibilities, she eventually agreed. Given the great difference in our powers, we both knew I presented no threat to her, and her guard had eased slightly when I was around.

This is a good sign for me, she does makes me do all the hard work,But it's all worthwhile when I wake up every morning and see her sexy figure.


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