Saga of Atlantis

Chapter 30: kobold’s den part 3

Chapter 30: kobold's den part 3

I stepped out of the bustling guild and set my sights on the northern outskirts of the city, where the gate to the highways heading into the town rested. Despite the fact that it is early in The morning The streets were alive with a rich tapestry of sights and noises, with each person heading to their own work to support their family or reach their goals.

As I approached the city's northern boundaries, a massive gate awaited me, nestled within high walls that were diligently watched by the city's alert guards. Their armored forms marched in precise rhythm along the fortifications, guarding this bustling city.

This gate signified the transition from urban sprawl to the vast hinterlands beyond. It was the artery through which common folk from towns in the far north flowed into the heart of Marinthalis. Despite its prominence as a center of commerce and civilization, the city was surrounded by a vast forest, a natural wonder that veiled a large chunk of the Darkoina continent.

This rich, broad forest accounted for about a third of the continent's total landmass, and it harbored countless mysteries and untamed beauty waiting to be explored within its depths.

"Emberleaf Weald," a sprawling forest that linked three strong kingdoms of the Darkoina continent These three kingdoms have their own alliance, which is to keep their area's forest in check so there won't be any dungeon outbreaks and to keep the population of the beast under control. This is where the adventure comes into play. They keep the population under control by hunting them and using their body parts to earn money, and nature's richness thrives within its greenish embrace, giving both risk and riches to those who move to traverse its verdant paths.

There are many different types of species living in the forest, which can be both harmful and useful to humans. Such beings in the outer area can be said to be "Taurigon", bull-like entities of immense power that lived at the beginning of this enchanted forest.

These magnificent creatures were adored for their delicious flesh, a delicacy that enticed most of the people of the city.

The pursuit of Taurigon became a rite of passage for the brave, as the task of this fearsome prey tested their mettle.

Even individuals who have not yet awakened can claim their position as hunters of the "Taurigon" with skill and cunning.

However, not all weald dwellers were so generous to humans. The mischievous kobolds, smart and resourceful in their own right, were scattered across the tangled forest.

They are anything but harmful to humans. These cunning creatures wandered in groups, always on the lookout for food, whether it was the meat of other beast or the hapless wanderers who ventured to infringe on their domain. Theirs was a precarious existence, plagued with perpetual tension as they competed for their position in the weald's intricate web of life.

Upon reaching the gate, I confidently presented my adventurer's card, a passport to the wilderness, and the guards waved me through without a second thought.

I entered an area where human civilization gave way to untamed nature after leaving the city's protective walls, and the transformation was nothing short of breathtaking.

The massive trees that bordered the road stood as enormous sentinels, their ancient branches reaching majestically for the sky.

Their massive size dwarfed the city walls I'd just left behind, transforming the road into a lush tunnel of leaves and sunlight.

The symphony of birdsong gave a musical backdrop to my journey, a dramatic contrast to the bustling city from which I had left.

After being mesmerized for quite a while by the forest, I started to move again, only to come to a standstill after traveling for a while.

"aah.. fuck".

I couldn't help but curse, and of course I couldn't stop myself from cursing. I fucking forgot to even ask for a map or anything. How the fuck am I supposed to travel inside the forest without any reference or guide?

. It was a rookie mistake of the highest order, a blunder that even the most inexperienced adventurer would scoff at.

"Hey Edda, a little help, please".

Not having any better options, I decided to ask my so-called assistant for help.

[Of course]

Edda answered in a joyful tone that contrasted with her typical demeanor. It didn't take long for me to figure out why I was getting such unusual cooperation.

"I fucking hate you, Edda."

I said under my breath, looking down at the map in my hands. It went into great depth about the Emberleaf Weald, which would surely be valuable. It did, however, cost me 300 XP, and I couldn't shake the feeling that I'd been scammed.

[This is business]

Edda said her tone was a little cocky, which I wasn't used to hearing from her.

"What exactly are you, an old merchant?" As I pushed farther into the jungle with my map in hand, I retorted, rolling my eyes.

The calm of the forest surrounded me as I proceeded on my route, occasionally interrupted by eerie cries from various beasts echoing in the distance. It was only natural, given the vastness of the forest.

"Hey, Edda, why don't people just cut down the closest forest to the city?"

I asked, my fingertips skimming over the surface of one of the big trees, out of boredom. It had a harsh, unyielding hardness that was remarkably smooth to the touch.

[Well, if they do, they will be at a loss, not the trees].

She replied, returning to her usual self, but her words peeked my interest.

"Why, though?"

I asked her the question that came to mind because she has a habit of keeping important information hidden from me, which I don't like.

[Let's start with the basics: the world where you are now is a parallel world, a world that has its own rules and laws, and just like your old world, this world also has the law of energy conversation, but it is a little different from what was in your world.]

She started to explain from the basics, and like an attentive student, I listened to her every word very carefully.

"You mean to say the law that states energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be changed from one form to another, right".

Having read my fair share of science literature in my previous world, I replied to her, confirming if we were on the same page.

[Exactly, but in this world, the primary energy source is mana. Mana also follows this law: when someone uses a spell, they convert mana into the element they need, whether it's fire, water, or any other element. The spell then releases the mana into the environment as polluted mana of that specific element. The trees, on the other hand, serve as purifiers. They separate the mana from its corresponding element, using the element as food and releasing the purified mana back into the environment.]

Her explanation provided valuable insights into the energy dynamics of this world, yet I decided to hold off on further inquiries for the moment because I have arrived at my destination for the first hunt.



I dropped with extreme caution, each step a conscious exercise in stealth. My gaze remained fixed on the horde of creatures ahead, their monstrous features highlighted by the forest's unearthly glow.

These creatures are small, humanoid beings, typically standing around three to four feet tall. They have scaly skin in shades of green, which offers them a degree of natural camouflage in their forested habitats.

They have sharp teeth and clawed fingers, which they use for digging and tunneling through the earth.

Their eyes often have an eerie, glowing quality, and they possess keen senses of smell and hearing, making them adept at tracking and ambushing prey.

They are social creatures, typically organized into tribal or clan structures. They may worship draconic beings or have a hierarchy led by a powerful chief or shaman.

I held my stance with my spear in hand, my senses on high alert, as I examined the group of kobolds ahead of me. Their scaly limbs moved, their keen teeth gleaming in the dappled forest light. I knew I had to be cautious, because striking them without knowing their numbers or backup may prove disastrous.


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