Saga of Atlantis

Chapter 26: Phoenix Perch

Chapter 26: Phoenix Perch

What makes a game genuinely unique? Every gamer out there has an answer to that question. Some games captivate us with carefully crafted world settings , while others captivate us with epic, mind-bending plots. Then there are the games that give us remarkable characters, each with their own colorful soul.

The game "Saga of Atlantis," was a four-part video game gem that take us on an unforgettable adventure.

Unfortunately, I could only play the first three parts before my previous world hit the fan, leaving the fourth part unrealised.

To truly appreciate the whole story, you'd need 3000 hours - and that's assuming you're one of those legendary individuals who have the back bone to spent this much time on it.

Its characters, world-building, diversified race, and battle sequence were its strong aspects.

But what I liked best were the Easter eggs scattered around the game's map, and here I am at the location of the first Easter egg of the second game, which didn't have any significance at first but played a vital part later.

When I arrived at the 16th Street junction, I came across a giant phoenix sign in front of the three-story building. I approach the building with careful steps around a bustling area.

The inside of the inn was quiet and warm; there weren't many people on the lower floor because it was working hour for most of the males in the city when I arrived.

A massive chandelier was suspended at intervals from the ceiling, and large wooden beams were stretched to support the structure.

A artwork of a phoenix flying in a mild crimson tone adorned the walls.

The hall is outfitted with plush, cushioned chairs and benches upholstered in textiles that reflect the phoenix's blazing flames.

Low tables are strategically placed throughout the space, enabling guests to unwind with a drink, a book, or spirited conversation.

'She's not even trying to conceal her identity,'

I couldn't help but grumble about the innkeeper; she's clearly making an effort to prove that she's related to Phoenix.

After another look around the hall, I began to make my way towards the empty counter. I pressed a small bell that was located in the corner of the table.

Looking around the hall one more time, I started to move towards the empty counter. There was a small bell placed at the corner of the table, which I pressed.



The voice of a lady from the inside of the inn came with the end of the ring sound, and a lady approached at the counter with a quick step.

She was a lady who appeared to be an ordinary lady, plain and simple, yet the way she held herself made her appear to be a confident lady with power and authority.

Her face was unassuming, but her figure was jaw-dropping.

Her raven-black hair fell to her shoulders, highlighting her gorgeous emerald-blue eyes, which sparkled with intelligence and kindness.

She was one of my favorite side character - lady

Sylvia Rosalind.

"How can I help you?"

She inquired, a pleasant smile on her face.

'She looks significantly different from her original look that I remembered'.

Despite her hair and eye color being the same as I remembered from the game, I believe her face had been altered by some kind of illusion magic.

"I would like to book a room here for a month."

I responded, which led her to raise an eyebrow.

"New adventure?"

She inquired, her gaze filled with curiosity, and I simply nodded.

"Very well, from looning and eating, it will be three and a half sliver coins a day, for a total of 105 sliver coins for a month; rounding it off will be one gold coin; is that okay with you?"

She asked me the question after giving me a quick explanation because new adventurers don't carry or produce this much money to rent this type of place, to which I simply nodded again.

"Fine by me."

I responded by reaching into my inner pocket and pulling out a gold coin from the inventory.

"Welcome to Phoenix Perch."

She responded with a lovely smile on her face.

"Can you please get me something to eat?"

I asked her again because I hadn't eaten anything since the morning and had been in the city for several hours.

"Of course, give me a moment."

She inquired before returning from where she had come—perhaps the kitchen?

Arriving at a seat in the corner of the room, I sat down immediately, relaxing my body.

[Will you tell me something? What do you plan to do in the future from here on?]

As I was lazing around on the chair, the lady in my head asked a question.

'I'm glad you asked; I've been getting sick of my inner monologue for quite some time'.

I replied to her as I sat down straight on the chair.

'But first, are you really not going to tell me anything about what happened yesterday?'

Before answering her question, I asked her one of my own.

[Haah...., fine, I will tell you everything that I can or everything that your current self can handle, but first answer my question.]

She replied with a sigh.

'Very well then, I am here to become the disciple of the inn owner, a.k.a. Lady Sylvia Rosalind.'

I replied to her, telling her the exact reason I had arrived at this inn.

[But why her? I know she is strong and all, but don't forget she is a ruthless person who is responsible for a genocide.]

Edda replied, reminding me of the thing that I am also worried about, but I will work it out somehow.

'I also know the risk of approaching her, but if I were given a chance to choose between an old man whose one foot is in his grave and a busty milf to choose as my master, I would choose the busty milf every single time.'

I replied to her before looking at the counter where Sylvia had brought my food with a smile on her face.


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