Saga of Atlantis

Chapter 23: Teleportation Portal

Chapter 23: Teleportation Portal

[3rd person POV]

"May I have your attention? The portal for the Marinthalis city of the darkoina continent will be open in half an hour. Those who have special permission, please come to the main counter".

A lady in her late twenties was sitting on the counter as she announced the notice, and as she did, a few people started to head in her direction and slowly formed a line in front of her.

"How can I help you?"

She asked with a small smile, as the person in front of her was affected by it, and he replied with a small smile.

"I bear the Count's letter, a document that explicitly states my purpose for journeying to the Marinthalis city,"

he replied, producing a letter from his inner pocket. He handed it over to the poised lady, who accepted it gracefully.

With a deft motion, she passed the letter to her colleague stationed behind her. This meticulous process was a testament to the stringent security measures in place to ensure the integrity of each traveler's intentions.

"Your patience will be required for just a few brief moments,"

she informed the traveler, acknowledging his cooperation with a nod.

She continued to study each traveler's unique authorization with unflinching zeal.

Some displayed letters of authority conferred by nobles, while others held endorsements from well-known merchants attesting to their authenticity. These sponsors took on a significant duty by acting as guarantors for people traveling without the burden of identification.

If an unpleasant incidence occurs as a result of the conduct of these anonymous passengers, the sponsors will be held accountable.

This complex system had long been established as an integral component of the kingdom's activities, built to suit people who wanted anonymity and frequently engaged in illegal affairs ,who are mostly nobles.

Its legacy stretched many years, a monument to its success in maintaining secrecy in a world rife with intrigue and concealment.

As the lady finished checking one more special permission she was greeted with the sight of a person who covered his face with an elegant mask which was a common practice for those who arrive here, but his mask was different then other no matter how many time she tries to focus she wasn't able to make out of the outline of his face and he wear a white plane shirt and black trouser and over them me wear a clook covering his entire body he stood around 5'4 which was nearly enough for his shoulder to be above the counter.

"How can I assist you?" Her professional demeanor remained unaffected as she posed the question, her gaze fixed on the fascinating traveler.

The traveler took an insignia from beneath their cloak and presented it for inspection without saying anything.

An emblem—a wolf atop a mountain—was carved onto the insignia, a symbol that resonated authentic.

"Morton Duchy insignia," she observed quietly, her smile faltering briefly before quickly returning. Each emblem bore the weight of the Duke or royal family it represented, indicating that they were valued guests within their respective duchies or kingdoms.

These emblems were unequaled in their significance, representing the highest level of assistance and safety for the passenger within the teleportation portal system.

"May I verify it?" She enquired gingerly, carefully picking her words to prevent any potential harm, conscious of the sensitive nature of dealing with nobles.

Without saying anything, the traveler handed out the emblem. She took it with the same care, softly taking hold of it before delivering it to the attendant behind her.

As the emblem was put into a container, its magical characteristics ignited a delicate, iridescent purple glow, confirming its genuineness.

She returned the insignia to its bearer with a confident nod and a respectful bow.

The young aristocrat returned the nod and headed to the awaiting teleportation portal, leaving a trail of mystery in his wake.


[Eden's POV]

'Quite the smooth escape,'

I thought, gazing at the insignia in my hand. This small gift had been given to me when I was ten years old, to be passed on to those thought worthy of the Morton dukedom's hospitality.

However, I had never met someone who fulfilled the requirements throughout the years. like a result, it remained with me like a quiet companion throughout my voyage.

Today, though, I had finally put it to use, a perfect method to slip away from the Dukedom without raising suspicion.

Although its usage could raise a few eyebrows, the resulting uproar would be minor.

After all, there were at least a hundred more with the same insignia flying back and forth with considerable regularity.

I hid it beneath my cloak, making sure it was securely tucked away before transferring it back into the system's inventory.

As I stood in front of the massive archway, a stream of energy flowed through me.

'Again, whenever I am near a space distortion, I can feel the star energy within me slowly increasing'.

I thought this as I looked at the teleportation gate in front of me.

Before me stood the Teleportation Gate, an extraordinary marvel of magical engineering. This portal was no ordinary doorway; it was a towering monolith of obsidian, adorned with intricate and radiant patterns that seemed to pulse with mystical power. Its protective runes traced the boundaries, casting an aura of security.

Unlike the one we had just used to travel to the capital, this gate was intended for commoners and higher officials of the kingdom, as the Noble's required a much more complex system for traveling between two continents, for obvious security reasons, as no one would want a noble of a different kingdom or continent to die in their lands due to their negligence.

'No matter how many times I looked at it, it looks beautiful. The Elves did a pretty good job making this'.

I thought ,The elves had outdone themselves in its craftsmanship, creating a portal that was not only functional but a work of art in its own right.

As I looked around, I saw a mass of passengers buzzing with excitement and apprehension, their faces painted with a combination of enthusiasm and anxiety.

After a while, the countdown to the portal's opening began. I was the first to step through the portal, crossing the continent for the first time to an entirely other city.


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