Saga of Atlantis

Chapter 2: Whispers of Tragedy Part -2

Chapter 2: Whispers of Tragedy Part -2

They both took a battle stance, one with a sword and the other with an arrow ready to shoot at any moment.



Low growling sounds of creatures could be heard from the forest, and the solitude of two separate creatures was gradually building within it.

They emerged from the forest's shadow after a few minutes.

On the left was a massive tiger standing on fours but still standing taller than three meters; he had razor-sharp nails and teeth; his canines had grown out of his mouth at a length of 10 inches, just like his ancestors; and he had large spikes growing out of his back that moved around like a living organism.

which was indeed a living parasite, the "deathworm".

On the right side stood a tall rhinoceros, as tall as a tiger; his body was all metallic black, and his horn on his face was razor sharp, powerful enough to destroy an entire bull. The parasites were likewise present on his body, but they entered and exited through numerous holes.

They appeared to be waiting for someone to arrive before attacking.

"How the fuck do they even communicate?"

As the young man assessed his opponent, his partner asked an out-of-the-box question.

"I don't know and don't care; concentrate here; I'll take on the tiger; you watch the rhinoceros; don't let them gang up on me".

As he approached the tiger, the young man began to issue orders.

"I've got it."

The girl replied, then walked quickly upward, climbing a nearby tree.

"Always keep in mind that if the host dies, so does the parasite."

The young man said this while glancing back at the girl, who had positioned herself so that she could see the entire battlefield.

When their gazes connected, the girl nodded, and the young guy turned his gaze to his adversary.

"Come on, you little bitch, I will kill you the same way I killed that wolf".

The young man shouted as he started to pick up the pace, covering the entire edge of the sword with a pink hue, "Parna." Upon noticing the arrival of the man, the tiger also bent down his knees and, with a swift movement, started to run towards the young man with his mouth wide open.

When the distance between them lessened considerably, he moved his sword, clashing with the outstretched palm of the tiger and meeting with the razor-sharp nails of the tiger, but due to the difference in strength, the young man was the one who took the step back.

Seeing an opportunity for an early victory, the tiger pressed harder as he moved forward, putting his mouth closer to the young man's neck, which the young guy dodged with his superb footwork, stepping back just enough to be in range for a counterattack.

He thrust his sword into the tiger's forelegs, causing a deep incision that made the creature immobilized. In a single second, the young guy drove his sword even deeper, meeting his objective, the tiger's neck.

The tiger tried to flee, sensing the impending danger, but it was too late.

As the once-mighty predator met its end, the blade sliced through flesh, muscle, and sinew, releasing a spray of crimson.

The young man paused for a moment, trying to collect his breath. Even though the combat lasted only a minute, it took its toll on his body. He was nearly depleted of all his energy after fighting nonstop for the last three days.

But the rhinoceros wasted no time in exploiting the moment. It seized the young man's attention, fixed on the fallen tiger, and took advantage of his blind spot for a surprise assault, but it was cut short when an arrow coated in "Parna" hit at the very center of his eye, making it halt its movement as it swung his face around trying to take out the arrow, but it did not move.

This gave the young man enough time to prepare for another battle as he took his battle stance and moved it to the vulnerable part of the rhinoceros' unguarded stomach. With a small sidestep, the young man thrust his sword, slicing the inner part of the rhinoceros.

The rhinoceros' guts and blood spilled into the ground, turning it scarlet.

As the two strongest creatures in the area died, the young man relaxed slightly as he leaned against the tree.

"Good job as always".

As the young man was trying to catch his breath, the voice of a girl sounded, making him look back at her.

"They were too easy to defeat".

The young man replied, perplexed by how easy the bosses were to defeat.

"Aren't you the one who is too strong".

The girl replied and looked at the now-mingled and broken hand of the young man. Guilt started to resurface on the girl's face.

"You could have taken them more easily if you had also had your spear."

The girl stated that her eyes had gotten slightly red, but they were now filled with resolve. She told herself that she would be more mature from now on; her obstinacy would have cost them both their lives. She told herself that she couldn't be a burden to the only person in this awful world that was there for her.

"No, something is still not adding up." Why would they pursue us when they can simply capture the wolf's territory and—"

Before the young man could finish his remark, he was blindsided by a powerful force from his left side. He coated his hand with "Parna" in a split second, shoving the girl out of the way of the collision, but he was unable to protect himself from the force. The impact hurled him several meters, smashing brutally with a nearby tree, and the tree he was leaning against was strangled into nothingness.

"Crack... crack...."

" argh....."

As pain rushed through his body, agonized cries filled the air, fractured bones a monument to the ferocity of the strike.

He caught a glimpse of the Python through his half-closed eyes, its tail dealing the fatal blow.

But his gaze was drawn to the girl, who had been knocked out by the force with which he had pushed her.

'When the fuck did it arrive here?'

The young man thought before noticing his condition, and he could tell he couldn't fight anymore.

He intended to face the imminent menace while still struggling to his feet and holding himself up with his beloved sword.

But before he could act, the Python curled around him with fatal purpose, attempting to suffocate him. As the relentless grip tightened, the horrific sound of bones snapping reverberated in his ears.

'Calm the fuck down. Calm the fuck down'.

He repeated the words in his mind, trying to keep himself calm so he could think of a solution.

As the Python swallowed him whole, his desperate attempt to steady his mind dissolved into the chaos of his battle.

After a few seconds of battle, his moments slowed considerably, and the Python, sensing this, reduced his guard as it shifted its eyes to the easier prey, the girl who was beginning to regain her composure.

However, the Python's confidence proved to be its demise.

A sharp tremor interrupted its concentration, followed by a searing agony in its gut.

It writhed in agony, desperately striving to free itself from the source of its agony.

The creature's convulsions stopped a few moments later, and it died.


The young man panted heavily as he emerged through the Python's carcass, his physique damaged but unbowed.


When the girl regained consciousness, she hurried towards him, seeing his condition. She quickly got down on her knees and began hugging him.

"Hey, NEIL, stay with me."

She anxiously tried to contact him, but he stayed silent. His body was becoming cold, but she was unable to intervene.

The young man remembered the things he treasured: the incomplete game, the person he cared about, and his mother's final wish.

Regrets mixed with thoughtfulness as the tapestry of his life unfolded in front of him.


He said his voice was as low as a whisper, but the girl was able to hear it.

" NEIL, don't leave me. Please don't leave me. I promise to be a good girl. I will pay close attention to anything you say. Please don't leave me."

Her eyes went fuzzy as she anxiously attempted to think of anything that could persuade him to stay. She attempted to draw him closer so that his body could warm up.

"I'll keep an eye on you. I wish you a happy life."

He claimed that as he gently closed his eyes, his barely beating heart stopped, indicating he was no longer alive.

The small girl continued to clutch his chilly body, unsure what to do in her condition of shock. She was unable to cry until


Someone approached her from behind and called her name.


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