Saga of Atlantis

Chapter 12: Awakening Part-1: Saintess Olivia

Chapter 12: Awakening Part-1: Saintess Olivia

[3rd person POV]

In a lavishly adorned room, a middle-aged man sat behind his desk with a quill in his hand, meticulously jotting down affairs concerning the dukedom.

The room established a balance between luxury and simplicity, soaking up the morning light that came in through the window and creating a welcoming environment for work.

Aldric Morton was dressed simply in a black shirt and blue slacks. His purple beard and hair, decorated with white streaks, radiated authority and power.

He had an evident air of dominance as the leader of the Morton dukedom and Eden's father.


The peace of the room was disrupted as the door was flung open with force.

"Knock before you enter."

Aldric's remarks came out softly, his gaze fixated on his task.

He knew exactly who had barged in without hesitation.

"I am not in the mood for mannerisms,"

The intruder reacted, claiming the chair opposite Aldric's desk defiantly.

The woman exuded a regal aura while dressed in a long, exquisite white gown embellished with intricate ornaments.

She wore a tiara and carried a staff made of the strongest wood in the world, encrusted with white jewels.

Her golden hair cascaded down her back, framing an oval face with fluttering eyelashes and beautiful white skin.

The very essence of innocence seemed to emanate from her—she was Olivia Sunhaven, the saintess of the Sun God Church.

"Care to explain why you are two days late from the scheduled time?"

Aldric inquired, unfazed, as he continued his work.

"I can't help it; those old foggies were truly testing my patience. I came here personally, and they made me endure two extra days of work,"

Olivia responded with a hint of annoyance, her displeasure palpable.

"You didn't have to come by yourself, you know," Aldric countered, his focus still on his documents.

"Of course I will come. It's Eden's awakening we are discussing, and we must exercise utmost caution,"

Olivia retorted firmly, reminding Aldric of the importance of the impending event.

"You're right; we must be careful,"

Aldric agreed.

"How is Eden doing these days?"

With curiosity getting the better of her, Olivia inquired about Eden's well-being.

"He's been keeping his distance from me and his siblings, spending his time either in training or engrossed in books about world maps and travel guides," Aldric said.

"Do you think he's considering running away?" Olivia inquired, her tone worn out.

"I believe so, and he doesn't appear to be hiding his feelings.He assumes I wouldn't entertain the possibility of him fleeing," Aldric acknowledged.

"Well, he's not entirely wrong. Who in their right mind would consider fleeing one of the best places to strengthen themselves? So the question is, will you stop him?"

Olivia replied with a knowing grin.

"No, he needs to travel the world.I'll delegate someone to ensure his safety in possibly dangerous situations."

Aldric responded with deliberation.

"He takes after Stephanie when it comes to running away from family,"

Olivia wondered, her mind wandering to her best friend.

"He does have a penchant for freedom, just like her," Aldric acknowledged as he remembered his wife.

"Are there any updates on the holy water? Did the elves respond to the request?"

Olivia then questioned about the latest news regarding the holy water.

"They've declined, stating that they used it a decade ago for the elven princesses,"

Aldric provided information.

"Those pointy ass bastards really get on the nerves,"

Olivia groaned, her annoyance palpable.

"They are a prideful bunch,"

Aldric admitted the fact.

"What about her relatives?" They should have some influence because they are one of the ancient houses."

Olivia pushed harder.

"Father-in-law did pay Stephanie a visit a few months ago.They need more time to persuade the other family elders to make the request for holy water from the elves," he said.

"They and their complex family tree,"

Olivia responded with a sigh.

"They have found the hero of this era."

Olivia was taken aback by Aldric's declaration.

"All of them?"

She inquired, well aware that every era had more than one hero.

"No, just one. He comes from a village under the jurisdiction of a barony under the Nightshade Dukedom."

Aldric responded with an extended explanation.

"Did Leo do something about this?"

Olivia inquired, referring to the kingdom's current ruler, Leopold D. Merovingian.

"No, he said he will let things go with the flow as his involvement can disturb many things, and he is more focused on forming a connection with the Drakonia continent."

Aldric responded, providing insight into the king's position and objectives.

" He's still not sure what kind of power-hungry bastard he's welcoming here. And how the hell is he attempting to form a connection?"

"We've all cautioned him, but he insists on looking at the bigger picture. And as for how he intends to link, he intends to marry the first princess to their crown prince."

Aldric elaborated.

"So that's why he was so adamant about breaking her engagement to Eden. After all Eden had done for her, that little bitch still granted her permission."

Olivia murmured, evidently dissatisfied with the situation.

" Angelina has no recollection of her memories from that time. Eden was the one who requested that her memories be sealed. He didn't want her to feel guilty about what happened."

Aldric responded.

"True, he was a sweet but naive boy."

Olivia responded, but Aldric remained mute.

"We have five hours before we begin the awakening process.Do you have any plans for the remaining time?"

Aldric inquired.

"I'll spend my time with Stephanie and Eden.I don't have much free time these days to go visit them."

Olivia responded by rising from her seat.

"Also, pay a visit to the twins." They miss you as well."

Aldric chimed in.

"I know, I will."

Olivia responded. She returned her gaze to Aldric as she opened the door.

"You do know that Leo will try to play some trick on Eden's awakening ceremony to undermine him and justify his engagement annulment with the princess."

Olivia stated.

"I do,"

Aldric confirmed.

"You've already put enough pressure on him. Don't add more; he might not withstand it. Try to counter whatever Leo tries to pull."

Olivia advised before leaving the room.

"I wish I could."

Aldric sighed under his breath, feeling the weight of the situation, before resuming his work.


[Eden's POV]

" Haah..."

Taking a deep breath, I lay down on the ground after finishing my training. It's been nine days since I arrived in this world, and most of my time is spent either training or reading.

Due to the intense training, I've found myself sleeping quite a lot these past few days,and my plans for running away had become volas to perfect.

[You sure are confident that your father won't catch onto your plan.]

Edda's monotonous voice couldn't hide her sarcasm.

' I know I was naive to think that. After some consideration, I can see that he'd probably figure out my plan by now . But he won't actively stop me from getting away. '

I replied with unwavering confidence. In the game, he allowed Marine to travel, and I'm essentially doing the same, though my journey is longer. Plus, I have multiple ways to elude anyone he sends to protect me.

[Is that so?]

Edda's response was cryptic.

' Edda, show me my status. '

I requested it, hoping to shift the conversation.


[Name: Eden Morton]

Age: 13 y/o

Mage Path: Locked

Knight Path: Locked

Strength: 9

Agility: 8

Defense: 6

Endurance: 7 ]

[Hidden Status:

Luck: 9

Charm: 16

Charisma: 6 (locked)

Bloodline: partially locked

[Affinities: fire, water, wind, earth, space-time]


My name has changed to Eden Morton when I merged with Eden.

My basic status have improved marginally as a result of consistent training.

Rather of hurrying things, I'm concentrating on laying a solid foundation.

I'm working hard to improve my endurance, knowing how important it will be in longer battles.

Oh, and my charm level rose by one point. I'm getting more attractive.


'Be quiet.'

While checking my status and getting back on my feet, I felt a very soft substance brush my face once more.

Unlike before, it was so delicate that I was afraid my face might melt into it.

"Remember me, Eden."

'This is the second time in a week.'

I thought to myself, already knowing who she was.

[Lust +1]

'Shut up.'


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