Sadistic Player In A Fantasy Game World



"L-look, one of them is coming out!"

"It's just another student. Please keep calm, the police are on their way."

Gray's heart stopped racing, and his ragged breathing went back to normal as he saw the faces of some of his fellow schoolmates waiting outside.

As he stared at the only survivors of this horrific event shiver in fear, Gray felt the excitement leave his body, the mundaneness of life returning like a cold during winter.

"Maybe I should go back in," contemplated Gray. He was tired of seeing the world in black and white. Although he had only been face to face with death but a minute ago, he missed the feeling of uncertainty, of not knowing whether you would make it out alive or not.

But what's more, he missed hearing the cries and screams of his fellow classmates, the look of pure despair on their faces as they were met with something unexpected. Gray knew there was something wrong with him, but he was long past the point of actually caring.

His thoughts were disturbed by the sound of sirens.

"Look it's the police."

"We're saved."

A wave of relief passed among all the survivors, all of them except for Gray.

"Sorry we took so long to respond. We've received several reports from areas all over town. It seems that this wasn't the only place to experience an attack. Please describe to me what happened." said one of the police officers to the only teacher amongst the survivors.

He seemed to have the highest rank among the police officers that arrived. The other police officers got into a formation and began approaching the building, moving past Gray as they did.

"They might have hostages, so please proceed with caution." said the police officer who was talking to the teacher as the other police officers opened the door.


The goblin that had been defiling the girl seemed to have gotten its fill and was waiting at the door for more prey.

"What is that?" asked one of the police officers before getting stabbed in the stomach with a spear.


"Fire!" shouted another police officer,due to fear the police officers fired off more rounds then necessary.

"This wasn't mentioned during training." said a police officer as the dust settled and the lifeless green body of the goblin lay on the ground, filled with bullet holes.

"Be careful" said a police officer as his comrade bent over to inspect the body.

*fwii* An arrow came flying from inside the building and shot the police officer right in the head, spraying blood on the colleague who had warned him to be careful.

"What's going on?" asked one of the surviving police officers, clear confusion and dread on his face.

He was answered by the sound of nearly 50 goblins laughing simultaneously, heading for the exit.

"Open fire, don't let them escape!" shouted a police officer as they opened fire on the goblins.

The students who heard what was going on, still traumatized from what they had scene began running for their lives. If the police couldn't deal with them, then they weren't safe even if they stayed.

"Please remain calm students. The police are trying their best." shouted the teacher, however she soon realized that they were right to run away.

The swarm of goblins seemed endless. Although at first they seemed to be 50 at most, their numbers kept increasing, and sadly bullets weren't infinite.

The police officers soon ran out of bullets and became easy prey for the goblins. Ofcourse many tried running when they realized they couldn't fight against a swarm of creatures, but the goblins quickly caught up to them and dragged them back.

Dancing and playing on top of their corpses once they were killed.

Gray was watching the scene from behind a nearby tree. The rush of blood returning as he saw the police officers struggle to survive.

"They're supposed to protect us?" laughed Gray as a police officer cried for help.

By then all the students had already run away, and the remaining police officers had retreated in their police cars.

"Huh? What's that?" wondered Gray as he saw a humanoid creature on the school rooftop, looking down on the scene as well.

The creature seemed like a goblin as well, but it was more humanoid, with more proportional features, and a bigger stature.

"A goblin king?"

As Gray was staring up at the goblin king he heard an announcement on the public address systems.

"All surviving residents please make your way to the town hall. Military assistance will be provided. I repeat, all surv...."

"So it's gotten so serious that they called in the military? Well might as well go there anyway, it's not like there's anything fun left to do here."

As Gray walked along the abandoned streets, he heard the occasional cry for help or screams of pain.

Several buildings seemed to have been infested, and as enticing as it all looked, Gray began to speed up, afraid that he would meet his end before enjoying himself even more.

As Gray approached the town hall he was stopped by a few guards dressed in military attire. After confirming he was entirely human they let him in.

The scene looked straight out of an apocalypse film. Everyone looked scared, people were either crying, comforting their colleagues, or talking to themselves in hysteria.

Gray went to lean against a nearby wall at the back of the hall, he made sure to note all the exits and windows as he walked there.

"Attention please. As I'm sure you're all aware, there have been strange creatures attacking the town." began a woman dressed in a black suit, she looked like she was part of the secret service.

"We want answers!"

"What's going to happen to us!"

Several survivors raised their complaints, finally having someone to blame in front of them.

"We will get to that. First  I want you to know that the government is trying its best to accommodate all the survivors. However, due to the unexpectedness of this crisis, food supplies will take a while to reach here-"

"Reach here? Do you mean we have to stay in this hell hole?" shouted another survivor, causing a wave of whispers and shouts amongst the other survivors.

"You have to understand that this town isn't the only one that's suffered attacks. Attacks have been reported around the globe. I'm sorry, but even if we had the resources to evacuate all of you, there's nowhere to evacuate to."


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