Sadistic Player In A Fantasy Game World



"Huh? Why isn't it working?" wondered Gray, as he failed to steal the flame-throwing man's power for the third time.

[Skill 'He who pleasures death' is on cooldown. Time remaining: 6 days 23 hours 59 minutes.] replied the voice in Gray's head.

"Fuck, I forgot about the cool down, it seems I'll have to come back for it later." thought Gray as he was about to hide the body in a safe place so he could return to retrieve the power once his skill was off cooldown.

"What now?" wondered Gray as he noticed the government officials approaching him.

They had grim expressions on their faces as they looked at Gray, the image of his insanity still etched into their minds.

"A-are you sure we should be trying to recruit people like him ?" whispered one of the aides that walked beside the woman who looked to be part of the secret service.

"Shits hit the fan. The higher-ups have already become aware of the situation and have ordered the recruitment of talented individuals. And as mental as the kid may seem, he fits the bill,"

Gray tried walking away once he saw them whispering to each other.

"This can't be good," thought Gray as he realized how messed up the situation seemed. He, a 17-year-old kid, was covered in the blood of the man he had murdered. And what's more, is that a second ago he looked like he was enjoying it.

"P-please hold on," called out one of the aides.

"My name is Agent Ria, a captain of the Emergency Response Division. We noticed how well you took care of that criminal and would like to recruit you to join a new division that has recently been created by the government." said the woman dressed in black once Gray had stopped.

"Criminal huh? So that's how they're going to play it," thought Gray as he listened to what the woman had to say.

"Of course incentives for working for us will be provided. For now, I'll just need your assistance in gathering other individuals and getting back to HQ in one piece."

"Agent Ria. I don't mean to sound rude, but do you think that the government will survive this incident? I mean look at you already, trying to recruit a minor, to commit what should still be considered murder. Sure I killed this man, but it was just in self-defense," replied Gray, using the most innocent voice he could manage.

"However you look at it, the world as we know it has changed, you heard what the voice said. We have no ownership of land that was previously ours, doesn't that mean that the government now has no authority over this new country?" asked Gray, as if it were a question he was genuinely concerned with.

"W-well," stuttered Ria,

She had also realized this fact, however, she had a sense of duty towards her work. If the world governments didn't try to do something, then the world would be flung into chaos.

"The government is adapting to the situation. After all, the government is the people, not the land. So long as there are people, there will be a government to help those people,"

"Sigh, I suppose your right. However I can't join you," replied Gray once he realized that debating with agent Ria would not bear any fruit.

"Why? Don't you want to help the people? There are people who weren't as lucky as you in the power draw, don't you feel a sense of duty to protect those weaker than you?"

Gray nearly couldn't contain his laughter. "For an adult, she's rather naive isn't she," thought Gray, trying his hardest to prevent himself from bursting out in laughter.

"I'm just a kid. I'm not cut out for doing scary stuff like saving the weak. I'm still traumatized from having to kill this man, if anything I'm just lucky that my teacher told me about the femoral artery so I didn't have to stab him in the heart." replied Gray, still hiding under the guise of an innocent child.

"There's no way this kid is sane. We all saw him smiling as he killed that man. I say we take him out now before he becomes a nuisance later on," whispered one of the aides to agent RIa.

"We will not be killing a minor just because he killed a man to defend himself. Sane or not, we can't let ourselves fall victim to whatever is causing these changes," replied Ria before talking to Gray again.

"Look, I know that it might seem difficult, but if you ever change your mind just give me a call. If you're looking for a safe place for you and your family to stay, our doors will always be open," said Ria as she gave Gray a business card.

"T-thank you," replied Gray before putting the business card into his pockets.

"Your doors are always open huh? I wonder if this opportunity would be available to me if I didn't have these powers?" thought Gray sarcastically as he turned to go home.

"Are we really going to let that maniac roam free? You saw what he did to that man, didn't you? You saw the pleasure he had while doing it right?" asked one of the aides as Gray was leaving the hall.

"Better a maniac hiding behind a mask, then one baring their fangs in the open. Unlike the flame-throwing man, he didn't commit any mass murder. If he wanted to, he could've hunted down every single person here if he actually found pleasure in killing people that much,"

"I believe he's a necessary evil. It won't be long before he realizes he can't make it in this new world alone and come knocking on our doors. And we'll accept him with open arms, ofcourse he will have to work for us if he wants to keep his family safe," smiled Ria as she and her group left for their armored vehicles as well.

"Call HQ, tell them we'll be returning once we collect a few more talented individuals," said Ria as she entered a black Mercedes.

"Pfft. Protect my family?" laughed Gray once he had left the hall, throwing away the business card that Ria had given him as he did.

"Why ever would I want to do that?" smiled Gray as he walked towards his house, a dangerous thought running wild through his mind.

"I hope they have interesting powers as well. I wouldn't want them to become easy prey for the monsters, after all my heart would be broken if I had to watch them be devoured. Might as well spare them the trouble."

"Oh wait, I forgot to hide the body," remembered Gray as he turned around to finish the job.


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