Sadistic Player In A Fantasy Game World

Dungeon Clearer

Dungeon Clearer

Gray rushed through the hole within the village walls, slaughtering any goblins that dared retaliate. The goblin's numbers meant nothing against the strength and speed that Gray's bloodlust mode offered him.

Although the blood price for staying in his bloodlust form kept increasing, he easily paid for it using the blood of all the goblins that he was killing.

Gray's body was slowly changing form, his iris was now completely red and his hair became paler with every kill. A red aura surrounded him, and his mark kept glowing brighter and brighter.

*Argha gahara*(AN: Goblins shouting to their comrades)

[Mighty Sword blood replica has leveled up.] said the voice in Gray's head, however, it fell on deaf ears. Gray was fixated on only one thing, soaking his clothes in the blood of the goblins in front of him.

Pretty soon the blood price was becoming too steep, and they were only a few goblins left. Gray began feeling withdrawal symptoms, and when the last goblin had been killed he turned to Tesse.

The stench of blood filled the air, and the blood that soaked Gray's clothes seemed to be moving towards the glowing mark on his hand.

"M-master?" asked Tesse, as she stared at Gray in awe.

'W-what kind of power is this? It's almost as if it isn't really him,' thought Tesse as Gray approached her.

"Master? Do you need me to heal you?" asked Tesse, before running towards Gray and healing him. She felt an eery presence overcome her body as she healed him, a primal urge to feed attacked her brain before causing her to double over in pain.

Gray's eyes went back to normal, and his hair returned to its former jet black color. The gruesome aura that once surrounded him disappeared, and the mark on his right hand stopped glowing.

Gray stood there motionless, with a smile on his face as he looked to the sky. The Might Sword changed from its greatsword form back to its original form before turning into blood and retreating back to the mark on Gray's hand.

Gray's laugh echoed throughout the underground cave as if someone had told him the funniest joke in the world.

"Fun wasn't it? Who would've thought that I would find such interesting toys within this dungeon?" laughed Gray as he turned to look at Tesse lying on the floor in confusion.

'Master is rather queer. I wonder if the demon that answered my prayer was actually him,' thought Tesse as she stared back at Gray.

[Congratulation on completing the dungeon. Rewards equivalent to the difficulty of this dungeon will be rewarded.]

[Dungeon difficulty: F-]

[Rewards: Goblin Trinket] said an autonomous voice as a blue portal opened in front of Gray.

"F- difficulty? So you're telling me that this dungeon was a small fry?" laughed Gray as he looked at the goblin corpses that littered the ground.

"Well, whatever. It was worth the trouble anyway," said Gray as he walked towards the portal.

"Did you get any rewards as well?"

"Yes, I got a goblin trinket," replied Tesse, as she held out a weird-looking pendant.

"Bring it here,"

[Goblin trinket. Causes confusion in goblins for a small amount of time.] said the voice on Gray's head.

"Well what did I expect from an F- dungeon. Anyways let's get you some clothes. I don't have time for weirdos to start attacking us because they can't keep their dicks in the trousers" said Gray as he passed through the portal.

"Yes master," replied Tesse as she followed him through the portal.

Gray walked to his house and took a shower, Tesse following close behind him.

"What are you still doing naked? Didn't I say that you should get dressed?" asked Gray as he came out of the shower and found Tesse on his bed naked.

"Forgive me master. I don't know where to find clothes,"

"You're like a puppy I swear. And what's with all this master nonsense? Didn't I say there was no need for names?"

There was clearly something mentally wrong with Tesse. It was as if her mind had reset, like she was an empty shell of what she once was.

"I have no way to refer to master. And simply referring to master as you is inadequate."

'I didn't think she would take this whole servitude thing seriously.'

"Anyway, look in the closet and pick out some clothes. You have a rather large bust, but I'm sure you can fit in some of my clothes once they stretch out"

"I should wear master's clothes?"

"I hope that isn't a question, because if it is then I'll have to take it that you're questioning my orders," said Gray as he walked past Tesse to his closet, picking out a fresh pair of clothes and dressing right in front of Tesse.

Tesse followed and picked out a pair of clothes for herself as well.

"Anyways I hope you know how to cook because I'm rather hungry."

"Yes, I do,"

"Very well then, go prepare something, and get some rest after. We're going to head out soon," said Gray as he lay on his bed and closed his eyes.

'Even though she healed me I still feel weak. It seems that the strain from using that mode is rather burdensome. However I have to admit, I've never had more fun in my life,' thought Gray before dozing off.

Tesse went to the kitchen and found it a mess.

'It will be rather hard to cook for master in this place. Maybe I should go to another house and prepare some food for him there,' thought Tesse as she left the house and went to one of the neighboring houses, taking the blood sword that Gray had given her with.

She found the door wide open and went in. There was an eery silence, however, Tesse paid no mind to it. She had one mission and that was to prepare something for Gray.

She went to the kitchen and began picking out ingredients to cook with. As she was boiling water to prepare some pasta she heard something growling behind her.

She picked up the blood sword that she had placed on the counter and turned around, a small wolf-like beast with gleaming red eyes was stalking towards her.


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