Run A Medical Clinic In The Abyssal World

Chapter 268:Is this not good?

Chapter 268:Is this not good?

The study of the abnormal behavior of Warcraft on the night of the red moon is currently a very important research direction for Charlotte.

Considering that the Warcraft tide is too fierce, he currently only plans to take the opportunity of the red moon to capture one or two weak Warcraft for observation and dissection.

However, the seemingly harmless girl in front of him is a hunter who roams the wilderness on the night of the red moon, collecting the undead of Warcraft.

"What is special about your curse?" Charlotte asked.

"Maybe my eyes will turn red too." Marsha looked up at Charlotte, and her golden eyes gradually turned red, emitting a strange light.

Charlotte suppressed the impulse to draw his sword. Indeed, the eyes of the Warcraft on the night of the red moon were like this, but Marsha was not losing control.

"The first time on the night of the red moon, I almost lost control too, but later I accidentally found a way to control it, so I became the only clear-minded person among the Warcraft," Marsha said.

"What way of control?" Charlotte asked.

"The first time I went crazy, I fell into a valley. The valley was full of a kind of thorny grass, and I was pricked all over. I accidentally ate a few leaves, which caused me unbearable pain, but the madness gradually subsided." Marsha still had a lingering fear on her face.

"Later, I picked some leaves and carried them with me. I would swallow two leaves on the night of the red moon, and it could suppress the blood's frenzy. After eating a few times, I could control it and no longer needed to eat them."

Charlotte looked at Marsha, his eyes full of excitement. If what she said was true, it would be a huge breakthrough in understanding the madness of Warcraft on the night of the red moon!

Although he hadn't started studying how the red moon affected Warcraft yet, he might accidentally discover a way to suppress the frenzy of Warcraft from Marsha.

Marsha felt that Charlotte's gaze was a bit too intense, and she couldn't help but think of some rumors about him being a pervert. She reminded him, "Boss, we are just an employer-employee relationship now, so let's not get too close."

Charlotte grabbed Marsha's hand.

"It's too dangerous outside. You shouldn't go out. If you can't sleep, come to my room and play. I also can't sleep."

"Well...isn't that inappropriate?" Marsha resisted, wondering if Charlotte was exposing his true self after Vivian and Kasha fell asleep.

Charlotte realized that he might have scared the little girl and quickly let go of her hand, explaining, "Don't get me wrong. I'm just interested in the thorny grass you mentioned. I want to discuss it with you in detail. My study is in the room, where there are many books. Maybe we can find out what kind of grass it is."

Marsha looked at him and whispered, "Do you also go wild on the night of the red moon?"

"No, I'm just researching this area. Why did the Warcraft go crazy on the night of the red moon and launch attacks on the city," Charlotte shook his head.

Marsha immediately looked up to him with respect, then asked in confusion, "But aren't you a doctor?"

"Well, I have another hidden occupation," Charlotte said seriously.

"What occupation?" Marsha looked curious.

"Moon Researcher."

"What is that?"

"An amateur scientist."

"What is that?"

"Anyway, it's someone who does big things. Your experience may be a key discovery for the study of the red moon, so please cooperate with my work," Charlotte looked at her and said earnestly.

"Okay..." Marsha finally understood that she probably couldn't leave tonight.

Charlotte took Marsha upstairs into his room and casually locked the door.

"Oh, this..." Marsha felt a little uneasy.

"Come over here." Charlotte pulled Marsha to sit at the desk and took out the encyclopedia of medicinal materials he got from the system from the bookshelf, asking Marsha to describe the thorny grass in detail, trying to find the answer in the book.

"I don't want to play anymore. I want to sleep." Marsha tried to keep her eyes open, but she couldn't hold on and fell asleep in the middle of the night.

It's not that she was not professional at staying up late, but wandering in the wilderness and sitting in front of a desk with a pile of books were completely different experiences. The latter was just too hypnotic.

"If you enter the wilderness, can you find that grass?" Charlotte asked.

Marsha nodded, "I can find it, but the valley where it grows is more than 200 kilometers away from the abyss, not counting the outer area. I haven't seen the same grass anywhere else, only there."

"Tomorrow morning, the two of us will venture into the wilderness and dig up some grass. I plan to plant it. In addition, I need your help to capture some common but easily corrupted Warcraft on the night of the red moon," Charlotte said.

"Okay," Marsha yawned and moved towards the bed, still half-asleep, looking at him, "Where do I sleep tonight? It's probably not good to disturb Vivian at this hour, right?"

"Then just sleep here. I still haven't..." Charlotte hadn't finished his sentence when Marsha had already taken off her cloak, kicked off her shoes, and lay down on the bed, falling asleep within seconds.

Charlotte: "..."

Charlotte walked to the bed, and pulled the blanket over her, observing the small face of the girl, smaller than his palm, with delicate and cute features. Unfortunately, she snored in her sleep, ruining some of the beauty.

With the slight snoring of the girl, Charlotte returned to the desk and started writing his research plan.

Marsha's appearance brought him some new ideas.

First, whether the thorny grass can effectively interrupt the frenzy state of Warcraft is worth further research.

Second, having a helper who can freely traverse the wilderness at night can help him with tasks that would otherwise require him to enter the wilderness himself.

For example, on the night of the red moon, he needs to capture several Warcraft for research, and this task can be delegated to her.

Looking at the quiet group chat on the black stone, rarely do the members of the Red Moon organization chat casually.

Thinking about the true identity of the recluse, Charlotte can understand that it would be strange for such a big shot to chat casually.

But there are two unread messages from the witches.

[Witch: How is my fellow clan member who was affected by the Curse Mist?]

[Witch: I have made some discoveries about the Curse Mist, perhaps it can be a reference for you.]

Charlotte thought for a moment and replied:

[Miracle: I have found a potion that allows her to continue living on land. It uses the blood of Warcraft on the night of the red moon as one of the potion materials. However, we still haven't solved the problem of her being allergic to seawater. Tell me about your discoveries.]

[Witch: Impressive! You truly deserve the title of the potion master. To have developed a corresponding potion so quickly! My clansman is lucky to have met you.]

Under the deep sea, at the edge of a black mist, the witch's finger quickly tapped on the black stone, her face unable to hide her surprise.

Since receiving the distress message from Miracle, she started researching the Curse Mist. The more she researched, the more headaches she got, and she couldn't even understand how a sea tribe member could survive in the Curse Mist.

Unexpectedly, a miracle happened. He developed a potion that allowed her to continue living on land.

[Witch: Through my research, the Curse Mist should be related to the undead sea creatures that die on the night of the red moon. When a large number of recently dead sea creatures gather together, the Curse Mist is formed. Furthermore, the Curse Mist would devour and merge, becoming even more massive.]

Charlotte looked at the message and subconsciously glanced at Marsha sleeping on the bed. The Curse Moon was related to the undead, and Marsha had immunity to the red moon due to the curse and thorny grass.

Could there be some connection between the two?

[Miracle: So, to lift the curse from her, we have to start from the red moon?]

[Witch: That's right, the red moon is the root of everything, and the undead curse is one direction. You can consider it as a reference. I will continue researching the Curse Mist in the next period and notify you if I make any discoveries.]

[Miracle: Okay, if I have discoveries, I will inform you immediately.]

Putting away the black stone, Charlotte fell into deep thought.

The next red moon was in three days, and he needed to prepare the potion for Kasha according to Leo's formula.

That potion could only alleviate her pain while living on land, but it couldn't cure her completely.

If he added the thorny grass that allowed Marsha to be free from the influence of the red moon to the potion, would it have other effects?

It was worth a try when Marsha brought back the grass.

Opening the encyclopedia of medicinal materials on the table, he made some improved formulas for several potions, but whether he could create a potion with better effects remained to be seen.

Unconsciously, a hint of dawn appeared outside the window.

Charlotte went into the bathroom, freshened up, changed his clothes, and went out.

Marsha was still sleeping soundly in bed. It would be more appropriate to wake her up when it was time for lunch, considering her night owl habits.

"Boss, Marsha is missing." Vivian walked into the kitchen.

"She slept in my room last night." Charlotte picked up the noodles from the pot and put a golden fried egg in each bowl, calmly saying.

Vivian looked at him with shock, "What?! You sneaked her into your room while we were asleep and then..."

Kasha also looked at Charlotte with surprise, feeling a sense of sadness for no reason. After all, she was there first.

"Stop your strange imagination. We just had a very serious exchange and learning session last night because it was too late, so she slept in my room." Charlotte handed the bowl of noodles to Vivian, "And I haven't slept all night."

"Are you sure?" Vivian looked disbelieving.


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